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Status Replies posted by DonB

  1. Watching the Buxton weather forecast for Sat

  2. Where oh! where? - and more importantly, Why?

  3. Mr Gary has just said “pass me my cauldron please” there’s no hope

  4. Thompson and Reid are on me mind....

  5. Fed up with my mobile - considering going retro and getting a 5210.

  6. First time I've been able to get on here today.

  7. GROAN, surpose I have to go have sunday lunch to celebrate my birthday agian.

  8. SWMBO has a cold and has lost her voice. Should I celebrate or not?

  9. Carrot and coriander soup.

  10. Time wounds all heels

  11. What's nicr than real Cheddar cheese and Branston Pickle 3,000 miles from England?

  12. that's it, profile updated, I hope it doesn't upset too many of the odd ones here..

  13. I do not like thee, Doctor Fell, The reason why I cannot tell; But this I know, and know full well, I do not like thee, Doctor Fell.

  14. knows nothing.

  15. I'm happy to say that the Special Limited Edition of the Cotswolds book will now happen, as we have achieved the 'magic number' for minimum orders. There is still time to order one and thus also make a contribution to the charity I am supporting (Alzheimers Society) - click here: http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/44507-new-book-on-the-cotswold-line-–-’past-and-present’/page__pid__506392&do=findComment&comment=506392

  16. Please don't kill me because I model ships!

  17. Noticed today that the field with 32+ grounded wagon bodies has another next to it with yet more !

  18. where does the time go? I want it back!

  19. I am thinking of changing my work bench to floor level as that's where most of the bits I am working on end up.

  20. Where did this site go as it fell into the internet black hole for 1/2 hour.

  21. Chimneys in perspective - Grrrrrrrrrrr !

  22. 1st October is drawing nearer and no-one's guessed yet (apart from those I've needed to tell).

  23. 1st October is drawing nearer and no-one's guessed yet (apart from those I've needed to tell).

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