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Status Replies posted by DonB

  1. 1st October is drawing nearer and no-one's guessed yet (apart from those I've needed to tell).

  2. Another birthday in the bag and another year that's flown by... where do they all go? Daft thing is, I can remeber things from nearly forty years ago quite vividly, but forget what I had for tea last Thursday...

  3. Note to self. Fingers and soldering irons don't mix and when molten solder fall on leg it hurts.... silly me.

  4. Is it October 1st yet ?

  5. Is it October 1st yet ?

  6. Until delighted squeals, told us eels - in honour of priates day

  7. has discovered he likes ballasting....

  8. Crisis at Arsenal ?Try being a Cov fan for 40+ years.

  9. Stuck in Staffs

  10. Haha TWMBO came up with the idea of building a 10 foot x 8 foot shed for me.. blimey am I hearing things right?! Southern Region branch line anyone?

  11. Haha TWMBO came up with the idea of building a 10 foot x 8 foot shed for me.. blimey am I hearing things right?! Southern Region branch line anyone?

  12. A tenement, a dirty street / Walked and worn by shoeless feet / Inside it's long and so complete / Watched by a shivering sun / Old eyes in a small child's face / Watching as the shadows race / Through walls and cracks and leave no trace / And daylight's brightness shuns

  13. DIY all day in the Utility - hope enough brownie points earned for a trip to Railex tomorrow ;)

  14. She's as headstrong as an allegory on the banks of Nile!

  15. is stressed because i cant find a track plan i want, the ones i like are too big and cant make them smaller. Where to get ideas from??? :(

  16. Write. Read. Re-read. Post. Edit. Re-check. Edit. Re-check. Edit. And so on... Sound familier to anyone? Or is it only me that has to edit their blog entries several times before they're happy?

  17. Cup of Earl Grey Tea before bed, wonderful!

  18. has been clearing out surplus tableware and now needs a coffee break...

  19. Just how much rubbish do I have?

  20. I am currently unable to move because a dog is using my knee as a pillow.

  21. has officially decided that he hates travelling to uni by bus. At least train drivers can't get lost!!!

  22. Toaster expired this morning, so emergency trip into town to buy a new one - just can't survive without a toaster!

  23. two week blockade of the OWW starting Friday night...

  24. has started thinking about a photo plank, but can't decide between a narrow gauge or standard to start with!

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