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Everything posted by N15class

  1. Thanks, I am quite pleased with it. You just can't imagine how bade it was when I got it. I have been messing with it for a couple of years on and off. More off than on.
  2. The station buildings look like Corfe. But I am afraid the rest looks nothing like the place. would of been better with another name. The modelling is excellent. I would love to see some of the trains ect.
  3. I am curious to where all the thatched rooves come from, there are a couple in corfe. But the roof of choice is stone as it is more local than reed. Maybe that is how the Miss Trust want us to see ttheir impression of the rural idal.
  4. New compressor works a treat. Tinlet of black paint gone.

  5. When it cam out the cupboard it was a mixture of brass black and tarnish not much brass at all. I am actually looking forward to getting this painted.
  6. Yippee I've done some priming.

    1. Mikkel


      Sounds good!

    2. SHMD


      Don't let it get under your coat!


  7. I reckon it was the porter. A set of whiskers like he has to hide behind. Plus porters tend to be everywhere but never where they should be!!!!
  8. The new filler clamp looks 100% better than the plastic one.
  9. Paint sticks to solder better than brass, Long as there are no lumpy bits you will be fine.
  10. I like the railings, I was going to ask where they came from until I read all your post. I need some for my 2012 project. It looks the part now. Well done.
  11. Now that is very tipical, not thinking beyond the usual. Made my wife and I laugh.
  12. Are the planks scribed or are the individually put on. I like your method for the roof.
  13. I like your signature about an expert. In the building firm I used to work for our deffinition was slightly different and is as follows An ex is a has been and a spert is a drip under pressure.
  14. Thanks Mikkel, I tried to make sure I had the bits for all the locos I had before I came. I have a few bits to get still for a few locos. but as long as the cost is not great you seem to get it through customs with out charge.
  15. Thanks Snitzi and Rob. I am trying my best. I don't think it was actually the kit that was bad, but the original construction.
  16. It is an excellent model. Your weathering skills put mine to shame. I like the way you get the the changes in the scenery so seemlessly.
  17. Well it seems that my airbrush compressor will be arriving from North America tonight. So I may well have to change track tomorrow and get on with some painting tomorrow. It will be interesting as I have not spayed using an airbrush for a while now. Mind you if the weather is anything like today I don't think I will get anywere near to paint. Today we had the reason here is called a rain forest must of been close to 5 inches of rain and 90% humidity. The roads out side the apartment this morning were flowing like rivers. At one point I saw cars upto the centre of the wheels in water. I would hope that there is no more water left in the sky. But, I have the feeling I will be carrying on with the Ivatt. That may not be such a bad thing really, as I only have a little more todo on the chassis, and it is ready fore painting. Then on with final assembly of the valve gear. I will add a photo of the wee beasty when it arrives Iam hoping it will be OK. I would of like a bigger one, but then you get into frieght delivery and that is silly money here. Well I had better get back to learning the nmes of house and roof parts in Brazilian Portugese. No fun at all. I was useless at languages at school, 35 years later it is even harder.
  18. Looking better everytime I see it well done.
  19. yippee lunch with my wife today

  20. Why not use your RSU as you have one, it will do 99% of all your soldering tasks. I use mine for adding white metal to etched kits too. I always used to have 2 or 3 irons running on the bench most of the time now I only get one out to connect the wires.
  21. Well done very nice diarama
  22. Very interesting I have often thought about etching, it could possibly be even more relevant now I am in Brazil. Looking forward to seeing more.
  23. The Guy williams book is insperational nomater what scale you work in. I lost track of how many times I have read.
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