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Everything posted by N15class

  1. yippee lunch with my wife today

  2. Why not use your RSU as you have one, it will do 99% of all your soldering tasks. I use mine for adding white metal to etched kits too. I always used to have 2 or 3 irons running on the bench most of the time now I only get one out to connect the wires.
  3. Well done very nice diarama
  4. Very interesting I have often thought about etching, it could possibly be even more relevant now I am in Brazil. Looking forward to seeing more.
  5. The Guy williams book is insperational nomater what scale you work in. I lost track of how many times I have read.
  6. I always 1x1 or smaller longitudinally this stops most of the flexing and gives you somewhere to screw through witout putting more blocks in.
  7. I am very impressedwith the locos and stock. Seeing the layout makes me want one even more.
  8. Welcome to the challenge, it looks like a nice coach. I am sure you will do well, most of scratch building is designing the parts so that you can build. Just takes a little longer than kit building. What scale you working to? Hopefully some one can furnish you with a drawing, and I look forward to seeing your progress. Do not worry you will get lots of help and encouragement on this site.
  9. Going by how wellyou have done with this kit, why not do it again? You will of learnt a lot, and in general it becomes easier as you do more. Any one would be happy with a model finished to this quality running on their layout. Well done again. Peter
  10. This will give me something to work to when I start buildong my layout. The colours and textures are great.
  11. Another golf lesson tomorrow, and then a round. The way I was striking the driver last week l week I cant wait.

    1. Horsetan


      Speaking of striking drivers, I wonder what Crowbar's next move will be....

    2. pirouets


      You will find chasing a small ball around will eat in to your modelling time. It does for me. Roll on 12 tomorrow.

    3. N15class


      Pirouets I try not doing any modeling at the weekend. It is nice to spend the time with my wife. We tee off at 7:00 other wise it gets too hot by the time we finish.

  12. All well and good having digital cleaners but I make anologue models!!!! I must sort my self out with one in the future
  13. Thanks for that Jon. I will have to look into it they look easier to fit than relays.
  14. Pizza ordered and eaten, no gym feeling good. Least I walked down to flightsof stairs to get it.

  15. The wire you use for opperating the cranks on the platform seems very fine, what do you use? Another question can the servos be used with DC aswell with DCC? I know nothing about them.
  16. Being a clockmaker by trade we used these cleaners, they all had heaters for warming the solution, but we never used it, as by the end of the day it was too hot to put your hand in. We used to use a soap and ammonia solution, and later a chemical I cannot remember the name of. Both of which got brass clean enough for plating. If I had the chance I would use one.
  17. Agenoria kit are a delight to do. I have manage to make 3 all without any problems.
  18. It is looking really good now. I often find the detailing often takes longer than the main construction.
  19. 2 days no modelling. 2MT not progressing. Too many meetings.

  20. Good luck with your build I am sure you will get all the help you need from the members here. Plus it is always nice to see another Southern loco being built.
  21. I have often made models from those West Country interlopers. The good thing about it is every one I make buys me something for my own railway. Good luck with your build I will look forward to watching your build progress.
  22. Watching your posts here make me think I ought to invest in the 7mm version of the Z class. Carry on the excellent work.
  23. I always liked the J class. Nice model,
  24. It is very interesting it gets the old grey cells working. I will be honest I willbepleased to get it out of my cupboard.
  25. I looks the part, I cant wait for the next section to be started.
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