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Everything posted by N15class

  1. Going back to paint problems, you may remember the K3 roof was white, well I masked up the centre section, sprayed the eaves brown. Peeled the tape off and a few spots of white paint. So when dry I sanded these down, they did become quite large but not enough to worry me. I masked up the brown, a light dust of etching primer. Bingo the white crazed in one place. So sanded that back, and the primer on the naked brass next to it peeled right off. Sanded it down again, used some non etching primer, every thing crackled. Right I thought I'll cure this, out with the thinners, the old white and new primer came off with ease. Would the brown which is over the same white, come off no. 1 hour wasted picking and scratching at it, so what made the paint here so resistant to thinners? Well this is where we are now. Paint off, sanded all over washed with detergent. When dry will wash with thinners, and spray with primer again.
  2. As I said before the interior was only going to be basic. I also added the window bars. There are some white metal packers with slots in, to line everything up. So me being me I got some 0.8 wire cut up all I needed, only to find they didn't fit. So got some 0.7, cut one, still didn't fit. 0.5 yippee cut all and used gel, super glue. Having a few extra spare minutes I painted the vacuum pipes.
  3. Having to remake so much of the kit. There was room for errors. I did a bit of filling, then paint the buffer planks, which are still drying. But as you can see from the photo, you need to pay attention to which way you put parts together, when using scraps of etch frets. I thought when I did it I could fill it and be done with it. Which is fine not realising at the time I'd be doing it more than once.
  4. It is Humbrol, I perplexed as I bought a box of six, the last one I used was fine. It was however a satin red, I would of used #19 gloss red, which I remember having trouble with as a teenager, which I put down to not stirring enough, due to teenage impatience.
  5. Chas. I have all sorts of problems. I sometimes can't get etching primer to stick, even on nickel silver. I think that is the humidity here. You can image that being next to the rain forest we get a drop or two of rain, just this afternoon we had about 2 inches in about an hour. I do find some enamels especially matt colours dry off far to quickly. I rarely use acrylics unless I shut up shop and put the Aircon on. Which is what I often do when lining. But today, I've painted the buffer beams on the 2P, satin red enamel, and now 10 hours later it's just as tacky as this morning. I'll get the hair dryer on it tomorrow, but not likely to be able to do the black this week. I also had a problem with condensation on the outside of my air brush with my old model size compressor. Not so now with the big one. The temperature range is not great as a general rule 24° at night and about 35° during the day. Very occasionally it goes down to 20, and we all shiver. Once or twice it's hit 40.
  6. It looks like the river car park side of caernarfon castle.
  7. What I forgot after coming home yesterday, I'd coated the the 2P with some primer. I'm hoping that tomorrow Tuesday, I can get the holes filled, and a coat of red on the buffer beams.
  8. I know what you mean about mojo, I hadn't done anything since last June until recently. Lost all motivation due to some family issues
  9. You'll of soon made more than Bulleid had done.
  10. It is, it's closest sea beach to us, about 4 hours in the car. Although it's not to brackish, due to all the rivers locally including the Amazon, just about 1 degree north of where we are.
  11. No but it looks like a good project to do with the boy.
  12. Both models look very nice. Not that it matters much but the red on the guards partition should only go down to the top of the cut out. The lower portion should be brown.
  13. Easter here starts Thursday end on Sunday. So from now until Monday no model making. Not sure why we came here, not a railway or locomotive to be seen, from the hotel balcony, just ocean, and coconut groves. O
  14. Looking very nice. You are braver than me doing such a lovely livery.
  15. I know, but I was hoping to put transfers on tomorrow, but it will be primer instead. So won't be finished before Easter, as we are going to the coast for a few days.
  16. I vaguely remember seeing a part built model of one of these tank engines somewhere, wish my memory was better then I would recall where.......
  17. You may remember I was Finishing the LMS 2P. Well not having any BR early emblems. For the lined one is was doing. I found on a different forum that 40700 ran with the later emblems which I have got. Now having been lined I rubbed down the lining as best I could. Well, I went to paint the 2P, but before starting I decided to sort out the loose step. Doing which I managed to drop it onto the buffer beam, only about 6 inches but enough to need straightening. Having got it all fixed. I needed to get more ready for painting. I think I went a little to far. At least now I know I'm going to get a better finish than I was probably would patch painting.
  18. Just followed your thread looks to be lots to read, but, that will be for another time, my son keeps looking, I don't think he thinks I'm paying enough attention to his judo.
  19. Thanks Chas, I don't loiter here as much as I used to. There is some nice things going on, but WT, and 7mm society I feel are much more doing oriented.
  20. Do the bogies come kit. They look rather nice.
  21. This post brings us up to date. We start off with a couple of pictures of most of the parts after separation and cleaning. First are the body parts and the second are the frame parts. Doing this lets me see where I am and what else I need to do. I made a couple of discs that fit onto the firebox sides in the frame cut outs. Work then progressed onto the cab. The front spectacle plate had the vent holes drilled just under the roof line. I almost did to many, fortunately I checked the photos. Cab rear had the same holes drilled, I need to check if I need to add the handrail under these. Then drill it's holes if needed. I also formed the shelf on this part. The front bunker plate was cut to height next, all the detail on this is surface mounted. Bunker rear was formed and cut to length. Although cut out sometime ago I made up them up mainly to check the length. Hopefully I'll be doing some more soon. But I'm busy painting and finishing models to bring to the UK.
  22. I really like your ideas around this. Looks and feels wonderful.
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