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Phil Copleston

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Status Replies posted by Phil Copleston

  1. Sunny and 12 degrees in Mancunia. Good day for some woodwork out in the garage :-)

  2. Who makes the best sausages? - discuss

  3. Who makes the best sausages? - discuss

  4. Gardening - the prospect is usually worse than the reality...

  5. Reading 'Britain's New Railway' (1966). You can tell it is 1966 because Mr.Nock refers to problems and not challenges ;-)

  6. "Are you using Lenz DCC?" "No, I bought my own."

  7. Nicht hinauslehnen!

  8. E pericoloso sporgersi

  9. Re-reading 'British Rail after Beeching' after ?? years. Contemporary (1966) history.

  10. Aargh! Why does the last handrail take umpteen attempts to get right when the previous eleven didn't?

  11. Manchester living down to its reputation as the rain capital of the UK. When will it ever stop?

  12. Out and about in the Duchy today

  13. Low-flying pheasant vs. car windscreen. Not good!

  14. Mrs L calls them 'lycra cyclists'. She means as distinct from normal cyclists . . .

  15. Expo EM North this Weekend

  16. Imaginary modelling, much underrated...

  17. Some of my most ambitious and interesting modelling sessions occur on long train or car journeys...

  18. I just got a crazy idea...

  19. I'm trying to find a forum for British outline Railway modellers in the USA

  20. I used to have one MGB, now I have two

  21. Staring at railway photos from the 1900s and wishing I could enter them. Just for a while though, until dinner time ;-)

  22. Fruit cake is always best when free...

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