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ben pez

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Everything posted by ben pez

  1. Great photos & plenty going on,makes it very enjoyable to look at the pics. I can honestly say mike the photos you put on of your layout give me the motivation/inspiration for my own layout. Cheers Ben
  2. Heres my guess mike......SNOW!!??.... Very random i know! Cheers Ben
  3. This photo is stunning.one of the best steam shots ive seen Cheers Ben
  4. Many thanks for the reply & info Cheers Ben
  5. Some great tips & information. Im thinking about buying some powders & having a go as some of the out of the box locos on my layout desperately need weathering. Just wondering have you weathered any steam locos in that really dirty grey condition like the wd pictured? As this is the sort of finish im after and wondered hows the best way to go about it with powders? Thanks Ben
  6. Will look even better when youve painted it jeff. Like most structures on the S&C line,theyve had about 150 years of weathering! Cheers Ben
  7. Cracking bit of modelling jeff,and the build date stone will finish it off nicely Cheers Ben
  8. Apart from the backscene,which ive got to go back over to the real location and take some better quality photos,rather than just use my phone!..another 6 foot of the layout is pretty much complete. Should hopefully look a bit better when i get the backscene sorted of the real location Cheers Ben
  9. Hi alan I spoke to john the owner of art printers who makes the backscenes. It's actually marsden in west yorkshire where the photograph is taken,so not that far away from the S&C really. Cheers Ben
  10. Cheers chris,much appreciated Yeah youre right it was nicknamed hangmans bridge as legend has it someone once hung themselves of it years ago. Cheers Ben
  11. Impressive pics of an impressive layout mike as always! As for the new detail to the layout..... Is it the little white box things that are on the station wall? Not sure what they are or will be? Are they lamps? Apologies if im way off and ive got it wrong! Cheers Ben
  12. Ahh...now theres an idea! Its not a cover,but i'll just swap it over with a cheap plastic one. Great idea,thanks pal Cheers Ben
  13. The photos are still on my cameras memory card,to be honest,it was that dull with fading light & rain on the camera lense,i wont bother showing them! Cheers
  14. Cheers william I'll have to give powders a go and see how i get on with them. All the best Ben
  15. Lovely layout and the weathering looks great on the 4f What make of powders do you use? Do you seal them after with clear varnish? Only asking as i really need to start weathering some stuff and ive never used powders before. Cheers Ben
  16. Was up at the real location today to see the scotsman,after seeing it at scout green on the wcml. As usual,typical settle & carlisle weather! Cold,windy,dull & wet! Soaked to the bone as scotsman was 30 minutes late as it got to ais gill. Cheers
  17. Ahhh all has become clear jeff! Youve done a great job with that,very tidy work. Cheers Ben
  18. Was good to see it at scout green & ais gill today,even though i was soaked to the bone at ais gill! Glad this loco is back out running on the network
  19. Realtime trains has it as running on the settle & carlisle line. Ive seen a post on a facebook group saying that the line at appleby will re open at 6am for single line working in that area
  20. Looking good jeff Whats your plans at the end of the hillside where you can see the insulation board underneath? Are you going to slope it back down to track level,or just blank it with plywood cut to suit? Cheers Ben
  21. That 3rd pic jeff...very impressive!
  22. Looking forward to the build of the tunnel portal jeff and seeing it in place The south end of blea moor tunnel in the rock cutting is one of many S&C stunning locations. Cheers Ben
  23. Ha ha cheers jeff! I really hate the stuff as necessary as it is! I wear latex gloves when applying it but still seem to touch everything I shouldn't and get that white horrible plaster water all over me! Suppose i shouldn't complain as its not on the same scale as your layout,maybe its because the bits of modroc i cut from the roll are a lot smaller is why i hate the job?! Cheers Ben
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