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ben pez

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Everything posted by ben pez

  1. Certainly not boring jeff Like mike had said other things get in the way. For me personally its work a wife & and a 16 month old toddler. So i dont get the time at the moment to spent up in the loft working on the layout or even looking on here sometimes! KL2 is coming on great though. Cheers Ben
  2. Not done really anything interesting to the layout recently. But ive tried to to put a bit of life into an old Hornby midland compound by adding some detail/crew,screw link coupling and headboard from that 1980s S&C rail tour. It will never be as good as the Bachmann model,its just something ive had for years sitting in its box. Cheers
  3. ben pez


    Those latest photos of the Hornby model do look very nicely detailed. Thats me parting with cash next summer then!
  4. Mammoth fell jeff! Makes my "fell" on ais gill look like a mole hill!! Great work,will really look the part when it eventually turns a green colour. Cheers Ben
  5. Great progress jeff You must have shares in modrock! Ha ha Cheers Ben
  6. Nice to see some scenery starting jeff And what big scenery it is!! I don't envy you with all that modrock,thats a job i hate doing as i seem to make a mess everywhere with the stuff! Looking good and really coming along now Cheers Ben
  7. Nice pics as always dave That first photo in the Lincolnshire batch of the 142 looks very model like with a nice painted grey sky backscene! Cheers Ben
  8. Apologies,i thought the layout was based in west yorkshire. Cheers
  9. Just been looking through some of the past photos on your thread. Wow! Its one of the best layouts ive seen! My late grandparents lived in bradford,so when i was visiting every fortnight id notice parts of walls/buildings etc still had that old sooty grot,which youve achieved on bacup. Really is a stunning representation of west yorkshire. Cheers Ben
  10. The walls are bought items,they come in two inch sections but i cut them up to suit the contours of the land. Cheers Ben
  11. Hiya jeff Thanks for that. The ballast ive used on the layout is woodland scenic grey fine stuff. Although ive just been up in the loft to look at the exact name of it,and must have thrown the cardboard bit thats stapled to the bag away! Cant remember the exact name for it,its got little black bits already mixed in with it. I used this thinking it would give a bit of contrast in the ballast,still got to get round to weathering the ballast on the layout. One of many things to do! Sorry i cant be of more help regarding exactly which ballast it is jeff,next time im in peters spares i'll have to have a look. Cheers Ben
  12. Very nice weekly photos as always mike It certainly gives the like of myself who is sort of about half way building an S&C layout some really good inspiration So many thanks for that! Cheers Ben
  13. Fantastic photos! Natural light really is the best and most realistic lighting! Top class modelling Cheers Ben
  14. Agreed theres more important priority things in life than model railways. Cheers Ben
  15. Couldnt agree with you more jeff! Someone has always been there done that. Yer cant buy experience!! Cheers
  16. Ive only just come across this thread,wow! Its looks superb,some fantastic modelling Cheers Ben
  17. Youve done a very nice job of those cab windows. It's something ive thought about doing with an old Hornby or lima class 40,rather than buy a nice detailed expensive Bachmann one,i might have a go myself. Is the cab glazing three separate windows? Or just one piece? What did you use for the glazing? Ive seen the shawplan kit but i dont think ive got the skills to fit it and make it look good! Cheers Ben
  18. All the scenery here was built using the recticel. Of course if your planning on using it for baseboards,ignore this!
  19. I peeled the foil off BOTH sides of the stuff i used and it doesnt twist or warp,it does if you were just to peel one side off though,as the foil pushes against it.
  20. Depends on what youre using the extruded polysterene for? If its for baseboards,like previously been said,dont use the jewsons recticel stuff. If its for scenery? Then youre laughing,its good stuff. Cheers Ben
  21. After your break jeff you'll be itching to chop up all that new recticel when its delivered! Cheers Ben
  22. A single sheet 1200 x 600 cost me about 4 1/2 quid. Hope this helps you
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