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ben pez

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Everything posted by ben pez

  1. Just noticed in the last photo,the light switch! Cant do nothing about that apart from cut the backscene around it when the time comes!
  2. Small bit of progress today The base colour on the embankment. Hard to see in the photos but ive made a small indent towards the ends of the rear embankment so the stone walling will run along the side of the embankment rather than just along the top of it. Cheers Ben
  3. Fantastic set of weekly shots mike The SM house looks absolutely spot on,scale,colours,the way it sits in the ground. Love the pic with the prefect & anglia,very 1960s Cheers Ben
  4. What a difference a bit of base colour makes,really coming along now! You wont know what to do with yourself when its finished! Ha! Although i know a layout is never really 100% finished Cheers Ben
  5. Spent a couple of hours up in the loft today Cutting out the embankment around hangmans bridge out of insulation board,then covered in mod rock & a skim of filler. A messy job I absolutely loathe! Cheers Ben
  6. Going to be a stunning layout when finished jeff! Proper scale fell! Cheers Ben
  7. Fantastic work jeff,just that small part of base coat really starts to bring it to life! Cheers Ben
  8. Great work and really starting to look the part. Who makes the driver with the oily rag? Is it a monty figure? Very nicely painted by the way. Cheers Ben
  9. Cracking pics mike! The last one of the br standard on the bridge is superb. Cheers Ben
  10. Coming along great jeff,it'll soon be green! Cheers Ben
  11. Hi alan Thanks for the kind comments The backscene is an id backscene called "old mill town" Ive chopped off part of the photograph that has the mill & and few houses as obviously it doesnt fit into the location. Theres probably a bit too many trees on the backscene to be exactly like the area around ais gill,but it is sort of similar! Ive no idea where the original place of the photo is? The other part of the layout where the stone road bridge is,im planning on having a backscene made up from photos ive taken of wild boar fell,as its such a unique background. Cheers Ben
  12. Done a bit more today Added another 5 foot of backscene to one corner of the layout... Not a lot of progress,but it is progress! Cheers Ben
  13. Hi jock Just read your post in the other thread,really sorry to hear about the health problems pal. Keep your chin up! All the best Ben
  14. Thanks for the kind comments lads Cheers Ben
  15. Fantastic modelling and that ground signal looks spot on! Cheers Ben
  16. Thanks But after a failed attempt faffing about with bits of cotton i really havent got the patience or even skill!
  17. As always great photos dave! Really is a wide fantastic selection of photos that youve taken over the years. Dont suppose you ever visited billingham in teesside did you to take photos? Only asking because its my home town. Cheers Ben
  18. Cracking bit of modelling and really finishes off that corner of the road nicely,as in the real place! Dent has got to be one of my favourite layouts on here as ive been to the real location a couple of times. Plus your layout makes for some great photos Cheers Ben
  19. As jeff has said jock Really no need to apologise pal Good luck with it all and hope you feel better soon! My father in law went through all that chimo so i know how hard it can be. All the best to you Ben
  20. Having reached the summit its now coasting downhill towards kirkby stephen hence no exhaust!! Cheers Ben
  21. Just managed to look over the wall a get a shot of an a3 on the waverley!
  22. Had a spare few hours today for once! And actually done something on the layout!.. Fitted 15 foot of backscene.. Couple of close up photos Couple of pics showing whats left to do. The workbench mess is slowly moving around!.. Other side of the loft,im planning to have a backscene here of wild boar fell. Must take some photos of it next time im up there. Cheers Ben
  23. The fascias really finish it off jeff & make it so much tidier. Really coming along Cheers Ben
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