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Everything posted by coastalview

  1. https://www.railwaygazette.com/uk/revolution-very-light-rail-demonstrator-vehicle-prepared-for-testing/57867.article
  2. That sounds a remarkably good plan. From what I read here you could have a queue at the back door looking for samples
  3. What a great set of photos @Karl. I particularly like the night shots. The whole layout looks just right. Chris
  4. Most impressive organisation, hope all goes well. Chris
  5. I try to be very strict with my bidding limits as it is so easy to get carried away. This frequently means that I miss things. I would agree with you about the prices some things go for it is eye watering. I was really pleased with the wagons as they are in excellent condition.
  6. Really rather pleased with a mixed bag of 11 OO gauge Bachmann wagons for £31.02 including postage. The plan is to use them to practice my weathering skills and at less than £3 a wagon not a lot to lose.
  7. Road Pricing as a concept has been around for a very long while. I worked on it in 1974-5 whilst working for the Greater London Council and did my degree thesis on it.....
  8. That should go flying of the "shelf"
  9. I rember staying at a guest house in Cliftonville as a young child where they used a gong to summon you to dinner
  10. That looks great, I was wondering what you use for weathering on the buildings as that is an art I am yet to master.
  11. This is making me quite peckish. I have liked ginger cake since I was a small child.
  12. Could not disagree with that for one moment
  13. This is really coming together now @TechnicArrow Giving me all sorts of ideas
  14. Watching our first live music for a few months tonight all being well. A live stream of a Manran gig from Barrowlands in Glasgow.
  15. Are you totally sure you did enough quality control
  16. That was me a couple of weeks ago. It was worth the grief as I now have great lighting in the railway room.
  17. My OH is so chuffed with te result (as am I TBH) it would be a braver soul than I who stopped her talking about it
  18. It seems to arrive earlier every year. 60 pages of stuff to fill your house with "good cheer" Including something no home should be without A 2.5m LED Tinsel Santa Train for £112.15 plus VAT.
  19. We recently installed some of the led battens and the difference in light quality over the old fluorescent tubes is amazing.
  20. It certainly works well and the way you have incorporated it makes it look bespoke
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