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Everything posted by Mythocentric

  1. I don't think you're going to get many Andy! Artist or not, I doubt if I could achieve the high modelling standards you and georgeT seem to find so easy. So I'm going to stay here behind the settee and watch in awe! Bill Hello Jeff!
  2. The long and winding road leads me back to your door...
  3. Shiny happy people holding hands...
  4. That sir, like your station building, is a superb piece of modelling. I look forward to Andy's (hopefully) step-by-step painting of them. Regards Bill
  5. With one hand in my pocket and the other one givin' a high-five...
  6. The year is old, the wind blows cold, the trees whisper together...
  7. Jeff said: Heaven help us Jim if we go above 5 or 6000! Andy Y will evict us off the site for "crimes against railway modelling"!! I should think 5-6000 posts would be a little on the conservative side given the sheer breadth of expertise, knowledge and skills it's contributors bring not to mention the fun and occasional crazyness which makes it such an event. Closest thing to an online model railway club going in fact! I imagine Andy Y would be quite pleased; indeed I expect at some point he will be inducted (induced) into the Lunesters merry band of reprobates. As for the grass? I hope Andy P (aka: Sir Andrew, aka: The TrebuDoctor) is warming his Grassmaster up as we speak (type?) in readiness. After all spring isn't all that far off. Over to you your Sirness! Bill
  8. I dropped the last of my daughters and mini-munchkin off at Manchester Airport in the early hours of this morning for their flight back to Toronto. It's very, very quite around here now. Time for some serious modelling!!!!!

  9. I dropped the last of my daughters and mini-munchkin off at Manchester Airport in the early hours of this morning for their flight back to Toronto. It's very, very quite around here. Too quiet! Time for some serious modelling!!!!!

  10. After a very noisy Christmas I dropped the last of my daughters and mini-munchkin off at Manchester Airport in the early hours of this morning for their flight back to Toronto. It's very, very quite around here. Too quiet! Time for some serious modelling!!!!!

  11. After a very noisy Christmas I dropped the last of my daughters and mini-munchkin off at Manchester Airport in the early hours of this morning for their flight back to Toronto. It's very, very quite around here. Too quiet! Time for some serious modelling!!!!!

  12. After a very noisy Christmas I dropped the last of my daughters and mini-munchkin off at Manchester Airport in the early hours of this morning for their flight back to Toronto. It's very, very quite around here. Too quiet! Time for some serious modelling!!!!!

  13. I'm walkin' on sunshine and don't it feel good!
  14. ....they're coming to take me away ha ha!....
  15. If you give this man a ride sweet family will die....
  16. She's just a touch, a touch too much...
  17. Hi Andy (and george T) Just a quick visit to wish you all the Very Best for 2013 mate! The TrebuDoctor logo is in the works and coming soon! Regards Bill
  18. Now that is a proper shunter our lad! Gorgeous!!! Have a great time in spain (you lucky so-and-so!) Regards Bill
  19. Hi Jason As you may have read over on KL I've been threatening, ah! I mean promising to come up with a Jason's CocoNutters logo for the thread. So after a quiet night in front of the PC, here it is.....I hope it meets with your approval sir! Regards Bill
  20. What is it about Jeff's post that made me think of bare ladies? Time for an early night (and NO SUPPER) for me, methinks! Hi Jason I called Richard earlier and the Class 27 was built as it came using photo's of 52523 which he described as pretty straightforward. The only extra work he did was 'under the bonnet' to make it easier to chip after it's been run in. May I also clarify my earlier post somewhat. Both Adobe Photoshop and Coral Paint Shop Pro are massive programs. I use Photoshop for post-production on my 3D work (www.mythocentric.deviantart.com) and, as I said, I've never used more than 25% of it's capabilities. However Coral Paint Shop Pro PHOTO, the one I recommended is a dedicated photo-editing suite and very highly regarded. As Beast 66606 rightly points out there are different version of both programs and Photoshop Elements is one of the best, although it does still contain quite a lot of features you'll never use, though the video editing is a real bonus. Paint Shop Pro Photo can be had for around £40. Not free, but it does come with regular free upgrades, it's easy to use and it does exactly what it says on the tin! The new b/w photo's are brilliant. In fact I'm beginning to feel quite homesick. This is exactly the sort of environment I grew up in and Bacup brings the memories flooding back, although I hope you won't be including Mr. Tarbut, our ex-junior school headmaster in the population. (Known locally as The Beast and with a cane permanently attached to his right hand). Best wishes for 2013 Bill
  21. Hee Hee Hee! Nice work Jeff and congrats on your 2,500th post. I'm sure I could come up with some suitable rosettes. Perhaps Andy P could spare some of his 6 inch nails to pin then on! Who knows? RMWeb today....tomorrow the World! (Que evil laughter!) Let the show go on Bill
  22. I think I'm going to have to do a special edition for Jeff with BOSS in big gold letters. Meanwhile I'm having thoughts in the direction of The TrebuDoctor and a CocoNutters logo for Jason. See! This is what happens when you stay up all night! Thanks for the coach info gents. It's not really my strongpoint either so I usually stick to Stanier and Mk.1 stock. The Dapol kits can be much improved by replacing that uber-thick glazing with flush-glaze but do any of you have any info about the Brake roof which I understand is incorrect for this vehicle? Regards Bill
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