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Everything posted by Mythocentric

  1. Hi Jeff! Just a quickie to wish you and the other people on here a VERY HAPPY CHRISTMAS! Hope you and fathr have a great time! Regards to all Bill
  2. Merry Christmas Jason. Hope you and your lady have a good one!
  3. Hello! Anyone there? Hellloooo! Does anyone know where the Mayan's are? Hellloooo! Anyone? Oh ######....

  4. I can see for miles and miles and miles and miles.......
  5. Will the End of the World be on TV do you think? It's pouring down here and I don't fancy getting soaked if I can watch it here!

    1. Worsdell forever

      Worsdell forever

      I'm wondering if it will be leaked out beforehand...

    2. N15class


      They have already programed the repeats

  6. Hello! Hello! Is there anybody in there....
  7. he lost the game through his indifference...
  8. Pictures of Lily make me feel so wonderful...
  9. Tramps like us, baby we were born to run...
  10. She's got legs, she's gonna use them...
  11. Be it ever so humble, there's no place like home...
  12. down on the corner, out in the street...
  13. ...Why don't you come dancing, it's only natural...
  14. The Northerner’s Commandments As brought down from the heights of Pendle by the prophet Ecky Thump scribed on the back of a betting slip Thou shalt honour thy mam and dad lest thou be left out of the will. Thou shalt never leave a pint undrained, yea even if thou hast to pour it down thy vest. For five days shalt thou labour in vain. The rest thou shalt spend on the allotment. Thou shalt never use the letters G, W and R one with the other nor shalt thou ever make a graven image of it. Thou shalt always wear socks with thy sandals and a knotted hankie on thy head on holiday. If any man smites thee on the cheek thou shalt clog him most grievously. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s goods, but his wife’s fair game if she be gradely. If thy pigeons winneth not thou shalt maketh of them a right tasty pie. If thou drinketh thy beer flat like unto a namby, pamby southerner, thou shalt surely burn in the deepest pits of hell. Thou shalt never drink any cocktail but milk stout with a pickled onion on a stick.
  15. Hi Jeff The simplest (and cheapest) solution to view trains in the fiddle yard is a couple of mirror tiles placed as appropriate. Mark your clearance points with white paint and stop the trains when they reach them. A more comfortable solution than continuously crawling under the baseboards methinks. Regards Bill
  16. ...see the faces of the people and the places that surround me now...
  17. No problem! I sure he'll produce his usual first-rate job. But, you do realise, when we get Jason back he may be required to take the 'Pendon Test' and build a STONE PRIVY, just to prove he hasn't been traumatised by the experience! One with a crescent-moon shaped cutout in the door would be nice! Regards Bill
  18. ...Ain't got no style, I'm strictly rude...
  19. Oh please no! Not the motorised Corgi's! Hasn't the Queen got some of them? As far as modelling goes Jeff, we've all been sitting here twiddling our thumbs waiting for you to waken up. Good to see the first stage recovery is underway but please, take it easy for a bit yet. Well, I did build a mock-up of the goods shed today. It's quite nice really. I printed the drawings out and stuck them onto mounting card. To be honest it's probably better than the one I'll eventually build so I might just paint it too! Regards Bill
  20. Hi Jeff Hope you are back on your feet soon! After reading the last few posts I think the first thing on recovery is get busy and fit that door. Preferably made from of 2 inch armour steel! Stay cool (and bar the windows) Bill
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