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Bernard Lamb

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Everything posted by Bernard Lamb

  1. Looking in the Green Book V4 was RA4. Bernard
  2. Roses are red, Violets are blue. I'm schizophrenic, ......and so am I. Bernard
  3. Why use glue? The usual solvents seem to work quite well. Capillary action allows the solvent to flow to all areas if you just put it on the edges using a fairly small brush. Bernard
  4. A new variation on the Weegie breakfast of a bottle of Buckie and a hard boiled egg. Bernard
  5. My mountain was reduced over the winter to a series of smaller hills. LMS vans were completed as were some bogie bolsters. I was quite pleased with my progress. Then somebody on here mentioned horse boxes.😃 A new hill has appeared, RTR for attention and kits. Bernard
  6. If you have an early model of the Austerity the tender wheels will hit the chairs. On plain track as well as points. Rather than a problem id des provide a very realistic clunk, clunk sound.😀 Anything more recent would seem to be OK. Bernard
  7. I presume that you have never worked on a large commercial project. Let us say we are building a new chain of supermarkets. According to your logic the computer system would have the same margin as the freezer cabinets. Other and better examples are available, but I am not going to go anywhere too sensitive. When they do open would cosmetics have the same margin as cornflakes? The world has changed, and business has become far more compicated. The customer in general is never going to know the mark up, and in the real world usually has no choice. Bernard
  8. They have been here for a month. They usually arrive about May 10th. Numbers declined three years ago but this year there are about the same number as last year with 7-8 pairs. I have only ever once held one. It came in through an open window in the bathroom and fell into the bath. Close up they are a very fine bird and the wings are very powerful. Mention of starlings. They are on the increase with a winter flock of over 40. The last few years they were down to single figures. Bernard
  9. One product is not subsidising another. Both are being sold at a figure derived from what the market will stand and what the customer expects to pay. In any well run business price and cost have no direct relationship. There is no need for the vast majority of employees to ever know the cost of any product. As long as the sales people are instructed to push certain products all will be well. With a factor of X6 between the highest and lowest mark ups a couple of sales of a certain product could make a huge difference to the bottom line when I was working. Bernard
  10. It looks to me to be rather more complicated than how you put it. It is not just a case of replacing the parts with a version with wider apart brake shoes. Part 46 includes the coupling mount, so this can go. Replace it with a modified part 47. So, rather than 46 and 47 you need two modified versions of 47 per bogie. This of course depends on what couplings you intend to use. I presume scale screw versions, otherwise what is the point of making the model closer to scale. Then of course there is a need to make the rigging connect up, and this would involve the use of true scale curves. For the few people wanting to go down this road I expect many would have the required skills, but not so many would have suitable layouts. I would imagine that making a new tool to mould these different parts would be far too costly for Accurascale to do in a viable manner. They did acheive a near miracle in shipping out the siphons as quickly as they did. Add on a few people wanting different parts and the delay in delivery to every body else and I see it as a non-starter. Would you be prepared to pay a sensible, for Accurascale, price for these parts? I have a rough calculation in mind and it does not look good. It seems to me to be more suitable for an after market firm to produce. Bernard
  11. You are writing to Railway Moddellers. Most of them, me included, do not read instructions. Don't expect people to get as far as reading signatures.😃 Bernard
  12. Just to clear up the screw coupling point. UK steam era. UIC and modern UK. The GA A4 appears to me to be wrong. Not the only error it would seem. At the price asked I would expect a lot better. Bernard
  13. SWMBO is not covered by either of those categories. But she does like to drive at 250kmph on the Autobahn between Berlin and Leipzig. Strict speed limits around Berlin but unrestricted further south. Benard
  14. Good afternoon Tony. Not the position but the type. The top link on the model is made up of two straight plates, but in the normal type the top link is an inverted U. I am more used to seeing the two plate version on German locomotives. A quick look through a few books and I cannot find a photograph of an A4 with that type. Bernard
  15. Did Merlin ever run with that type of front screw coupling? Bernard
  16. As Guy Williams once said. Ther are dials right up under the roof in a King. If I did not include them I would know. I find it quite amazing that RTR has reached that level. Bernard
  17. Well, mine arrived. The lierature has to be the best ever, with a very comprehensive history. The underframe with all the brake parts is unbelievable. Though I do note no generator belt. A fairly standard addition when detailing B....... Mk1s so no problem to do. General finish is excellent with a dull non plastic appearance. I usually throw away boxes, other than Fleischmann, but this is a work of art. The sprung buffers are streets ahead of any other model in their action. But why, oh why, do the coulings stick out so far? I use a combination of Roco and Hornby with Modellers Mecca or Dart Castings flexible connections, or a home made version to fill the gap. The siphon, even with two of the shortest couplings, has an exessive gap when coupled tp the two main manufactures products. I know other couplings are provided. but with 40 odd years of stock I find it a bit of a pain to have to reverted to changing them to simple bend up brass hook and bar jobbies to get something that works and looks reasonable. Bernard
  18. Now why could he not have said that in the first place? It would have avoided a lot of aggro. Bernard
  19. Early on a Saturday morning many of the good citizens of Leipzig would take the train to various parts of the local countryside where they had weekend houses. The history of these settlements and their survival through the communist era is well outside the scope of this thread. Many of these developments were setablished in the mid 1930s. The family were there some time before that. Some folk would head for Beucha and a few brave souls would continue on the branch towards Trebsen. They were heading for a little known place 'die Leipziger Alpen'. This area was a well guarded secret with a few people setting up little more than a shanty town in the late c19. Even today many Germans have never heard of the place and regard it as a myth. it is a real place and a few faded photographs survive to tell the tale of the pioneer days. Now the whole area has been developed and has become very gentrified. It is of course not to be confused with the much more well known mountain region 'Sachsische Schweiz' to the south east of Dresden. If you are lucky you might catch a glimpse of a Saxon XI HT later BR 94 waiting to take a train into the mountains. These machines were built as shunting engines from 1908 with a top speed of 45kmph, but later found use on passenger trains on steeply graded branch lines. The locomotive is by Piko and the Pwgs41 van is the new Roco model. The first settlement in die Leipziger Alpen c 1907. A typical ossie family meet for a Sunday walk. That must be 1978. My daughter is in the push chair. She was born with a dislocated hip and her legs are in plaster and held apart with a broom stick. Fashions have changed.😀
  20. No contest if you are allowed to consider these for inclusion in the list.😁 Bernard
  21. Like you say , rather than to flood the local sewers. They seem to be a fairly new idea as far as housing developments go, but have been in use on motor way upgrades for some time. The local junction on the M1 has one as does the M25/M40 junction. Another measure to counter the effects of global warming. Bernard
  22. You should have been on BGT last night. You are certainly a better comedian than the Norwegian fellow. I suggest that you go back to the start of the KR saga and read up on a bit of the history. As for the leave it there comment, that is up to Andy. Bernard
  23. It did get to Sheffield. Now on it's way to me from Rails. Gangway folded up ready to fit and a selection of different length couplings also waiting on the work bench. Bernard
  24. I don't think mine is on that ship. If it is I am wondering how it is going to get to Sheffield.😀 Bernard
  25. ........or you have the knowledge to check that the details match the claim, or if not, the knowledge to calculate the true date range. Bernard
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