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Bernard Lamb

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Everything posted by Bernard Lamb

  1. Especially when, according to mine, they were told by Hornby that the new system allowed Hornby to tell them exactly what product would be delivered within two weeks. Or that is what they told me when they were in touch about two and a half weeks ago when Hornby told them that the locomotives should be with them by the end of the week. It sems that Hornby are not improving in the area of customer service, trade and retail. Bernard
  2. Naughty naughty. Politics is banned.😀 I do find it funny that for the cost of the ULEZ charge for one day a week for a year you can buy a compliant car. I do wonder where these millions of people who are too poor to do that are hiding. Bernard
  3. Nasty, tiny things that no proper railway would tolerate. I will stick with 20t plus hoppers with proper bottom doors. They are far more efficient and much better to use on coal drops.😀 Bernard
  4. It also says Est Price. So hardly upto date. Other sources are more detailed and suggest earlier delivery and a better price. Bernard
  5. The bank now sends me emails informing me that I have not read X number of communications that they have sent to me. I look at the balance and I know within a small margin if it is correct or not. so why should I bother to read the full statement? I just run through the list ticking off the items. That seems to keep them happy. Bernard
  6. Going back even further there is MRJ No 8, which has an excellent article by Ian Pusey, using what at that time was a new system being produced by/for Alan Gibson. This might be better known these days as C & L. It was the first finescale track that I built, after moving on from copper clad soldered construction. With various choices of rtl track available today I still find the chairs and sleepers handy for the odd situation. Bostick rather than solvent anybody? Bernard
  7. If an 'open access' service provider was allowed to operate, then using Ashford or Stratford as a base might actually be a better idea than adding further congestion at St Pancras. While a big bomb on 'God's own county' might be a good idea, I have nothing against Wolverhampton and its citizens.😃 Bernard
  8. I never came across a football club special. I do remember company outings by train. Coopers in Berkhamsted certainly had special trains on a regular basis for staff outings in the early 1960s. I have no idea how long they continued. Bernard
  9. Anyone taking up the challenge of the Beattie well tank should get hold of the copy of MRJ where Ian Rice built one. From memory this kit falls into the 'Curate's Egg' category. Bernard
  10. Re crafts being taught at school. We had both wood and metal work classes included in the weekly timetable. There was a list of items and you worked your way through them from rable lamps to foot stools to tea trays. You then progressed into metal work and when you could cut, bend and join metal you were let loose on something like this. I made this sledge around 1958 when I was 15. It could do with a repaint, but it is not in bad nick for 65 years old. When you were 16 you could choose a subject. That was how I came to make my first model railway baseboard. Hertfordshire was mentioned in a previous post. There was a time when the county council had a very progressive education policy and material was provided for projects like this. Bernard
  11. Understatement of the century.😀 Upstairs, as you put it, is rather more than fine. There is an eating place that goes by the name of Le Train Bleu. An ideal spot for lunch to set you up for the journey. Bastille Day. Terrible for getting about, with many Metro staions closed and controlled areas, But a great day out if you plan where you want to go and don't book a restaurant that is in or near a restricted zone. The evening concert near the Eiffel Tower is a super eperience, but getting out to any form of public transport is a nightmare, even with local knowledge. Bernard
  12. Quite so. The company I worked for had a factory in Holland and another in Germany. In Germany they even named a local street after the firm, such was our standing. That way you were on the inside. We tended to ignore the French, as historically they were more trouble that the business was worth. The way around EU procurement was to be on very good terms with certain government agencies, so that the tender was written in such detail that you would be the only supplier who could do the job at a reasonable cost. Sadly some people never cottoned on as to how the system worked and how the rules were applied in other countries. Bernard
  13. Sorry. I don't follow your argument. Hornby have the top of the plate below the lowest part of the chimney. The prototype photos have it exteding a good way above this point. Clearer shots needed, but that seems to be the case on the evidence shown. I agree with Woodcock Bernard
  14. Neither did I. I shall follow up by looking into Worsley as they do a thrird and a brake 3rd that seem to be the right type. Bernard
  15. That reminds me. Are there any 4mm kits available for ex GER carriages such as this? Something similar, even in a similar colour scheme, ran on the Maldon branch in the 1950s. Bernard
  16. Or continue across under London to emerge at Ebbsfleet to join HS1.😃 Totally OT. Why must we continue to use the name Euston? A vanity project of a long forgotten landowner. Milton Keynes Gateway has a much better ring to it.😀 I have a lot of sympathy for local residents and in particular local small businesses, who will be subject to another two years plus of inconveinience. Not to mention us poor punters who will have to put up with the current situation for goodness knows how long. Bernard
  17. We have been down that road on a previous occassion. One person threw his toys out of his pram. so to speak, when he thought he should have been able to purchase an item that was bought by another person. Tony is doing people a big favour by making models available that would otherwise be sold of in bulk, or even worse, end up in a skip. This raises money for the owner and for cancer relief. It should be of no concern to others as to how Tony conducts this task. I am just pleased that I can get hold of the odd item that would otherwise not come my way. If other people benefit then good luck to them. If I miss something, then that is how it goes. The world would be a worse place without the charitable action of people like Tony and the members on here who support his efforts. May it long continue. Bernard
  18. The last time I was in Paris, April 2022, we were based near Place de Clichy. The best way from Gare du Nord was to walk up to La Chappelle and take the metro from there. We visited people who lived very close to the Gare du Nord so did this trip several times, We never experienced any problem even late at night. However pre covid we were staying near St Denis and there was a large camp under the ring road. The residents would not cause any trouble, as if they did so the authorities would soon smash a few heads, and they all knew that. However just in case the odd person was high and out of control a trusty would usually be on hand to walk you through the underpass. Not a good area. but far less dodgy than back in the 60s. Bernard
  19. Just had an email re paymen details from my supplier. It is supposed to be coming to them at the end of the week. Benard
  20. .......... and there are still plenty of people working on the site at Euston to welcome them when they arrive. 😃 Bernard
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