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Everything posted by fishytrains

  1. I would go DCC it does run more like a real railway, especially nosing one loco up to another. As for systems, too many to choose from, would recommend going to a specialist DCC retailer to try out a few systems and see which one suits you best. Digitrains are a good one to try a selection of systems. Mike
  2. The rail sides are looking very good. That footbridge does like it has been there forever. Mike
  3. Lovely backscene, but the layout photos are also very good. Mike
  4. This is the problem when you have too much time to think about the layout instead of building it. I know I have the same issue. All the best for this version. Mike
  5. I'll bear it in mind Neil. Mike
  6. Decision made! I am going to be moving to BR Blue era. The section of the layout modelled already will need some reworking, initially of the track, particularly around Lilac Grove station.The initial change is to put in points on the mainline section as I intend having OHLE for this end of the layout so I can run electric engines, like the Class 85 that Bachmann do.They will run from the station into the return loop. which is hidden as a tunnel, but which I will hopefully change to a fiddle yard arrangement, so that three or four trains can be stored at anyone time. Diesels will then take over the train to run on to Park Road station or the return loop at the other end of the layout. If Park Road station ever gets built! The finer details will be worked out when I am next home at Christmas so that I can see how much space is actually available! Part of the reason for this reworking is that this was the initial wiring I did and trains do not run smoothly here, so I was going to have to improve the wiring and track here anyway. Part of the goods yard area will act as storage for locos waiting their next turn - a mini MPD, with the goods shed still in place and use. At some point I will be respraying the diesels I currently have into corporate blue. The steam stock I will keep and sometimes I will run steam only, sometimes I will run steam specials. All of this is longer term, as I spend nine months of the year dreaming about what I am going to do, and three months finding excuses not to do anything, especially as it involves wiring and soldering, but until I get that right, the rest of the work is pointless. Ahh well, guess I had better make some time to draw some back scenes! Mike
  7. Just spent an enjoyable time catching up on your layout, lovely progress so far, I am now looking forward to seeing the scenery. Mike
  8. That middle photo in your last post looks very realistic. Great progress. Mike
  9. The general impression is good, but maybe another couple of trees ,n or some greenery on the backscene behind them. Mike
  10. Thoroughly enjoyed catching up on this. Hope the move goes smoothly, whenever it finally happens. Mike
  11. I can feel the cold from here! Great atmosphere. Mike
  12. Just finished catching up on your video updates. The progress you have made is great. I like all of the extra details you are adding. Mike
  13. Enjoyed to the two videos and the last selection of photos are also very pleasing on the eye! Mike
  14. Hope you enjoyed it and got some inspiration. When I am in the UK my house overlooks the railway at Rushden - great to see them running up and down there. Mike
  15. It has been a while since I checked in. The progress is looking very good. Mike
  16. Not much progress since the last update. I am now away for 3 months with work, so no progress on the layout at all, although I hope to make some progress with the backscenes! I am still working on the one viaduct, but still need to fix the tortoise point motor and complete the lower level wiring before I can complete this upper level of the mainline. Consequently I feel I have hit a bit of a brick wall, but then being away for most of the year does make progress slow and sporadic, as I also have to spend time with the family! Maybe there will be some progress at Christmas - if I am lucky! Mike
  17. Latest update photo. This shows the current state of play. No progress for a while due to family holiday. Mike
  18. Latest update on the viaduct. This is beginning to take the shape I had envisaged. Still a fair amount of work to do on this. Mike
  19. Enjoyed the videos, shows the station area very well. Mike
  20. As promised a couple of photos. The first shows an aerial view of the vegetation done a couple of weeks ago. The far left has yet to be treated in the same way, but provides a good contrast and shows the improvement. The second photo shows the work I have been doing on the viaduct. There is still a long way to go, I am currently debating how to continue the left hand side, where it goes over the top of the branchline. I am toying with the idea of continuing the viaduct, but leaving the middle for the single track branch to pass underneath. It maybe that this will be the impression of the viaduct, depending how it works out. The base of this part of the viaduct will be in a river or canal, still trying to decide which. There will be a second viaduct in front of this one, but I need to complete this first. Which means I had better get back to it! Mike
  21. Brian, I agree with you. Not a lot of progress on the layout as I have had to redecorate the lounge. I have been working on one of the viaducts and will take a photo of progress when I get a chance. I now have a tortoise slow action point motor to install and try out and still a load of soldering and track cleaning to do. However, I also have a family holiday coming up, so progress will again be limited. Mike
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