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Donington Road

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Everything posted by Donington Road

  1. I think your ulterior motive is to build high so you have the excuse to use even more wood to build up a floor
  2. And if you find you have gone too high with the baseboards you can always raise the floor level at a later date but difficult to do the other way round. In Jeff's case he may go high enough to incorporate a basement layout as well
  3. Gilbert, about all this malarky of time consuming photo editing with sky backgrounds. Why not make a portable sky backscene that you can move around for each photo you take. Something flexible that can be put across the tracks, behind the buildings or anywhere. It could be made from paper or cloth, perhaps about 18 inches high and 4ft long as an experiment, a couple of upstands, one each end to support it and perhaps another in the middle for support, even stretch a piece of string between the upstands and drape an old bed sheet across it. This thread might be of some use http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/71294-backscene-cloths/
  4. When I first read that I thought you were drinking it I must say Mr P, from being a bit down earlier in the week you don't 'arf bounce back with style
  5. Its good to hear your thoughts Andy. I emailed George earlier today with a few of my own and a few suggestions regarding your dilema, I'm sure he will pass those on. All I can say is reading your post you must be telepathic
  6. You'll need to "leg it" a bit quicker to catch up Mike
  7. We have this gentle reminder next to the wall phone
  8. You would have thought that 40 plus years on from going metric we would be all sorted now. Why people cannot accept a far superior and easier measuring system is beyond me.
  9. Photo deleted, I'm no good doing gory The other thing apart from the discomfort is the inconvenience and cost of having to mess around with doctors and hospitals taking up your own time through no fault of your own
  10. Great place for your first post Tony, I'm sure Andy will relish the thought of someone with local knowledge appearing through the steam
  11. Good choices Clive, Marmite (and cheese spead sandwiches), sausages and Rockabilly. Country Rock playing here, Bellamy Brothers and DJ Otzi at the moment.
  12. The building industry is still quite quirky as you know. 8ft x 4ft sheets of ply come in millimetre thicknesses. Oh, and sausages are bought by the lb and priced in kilo's
  13. cm Proper engineers use millimetres, 1000 to the metre. Dressmakers and Tailors use centimetres for measuring cloth, like most clothes they have either stretched or shrunk hence your centimetres aren't what they were when you started.
  14. Hope you are ok Mike. Been a bit on the national and local news tonight about dangerous dogs and people getting seriously hurt. Apparently there has been a large increase in cases recently. It is about time something was done to curb the current trend but I guess it will be the responsible owners and their pets that will suffer.
  15. Jeff would have been using 4x2's, half lap joints and dovetails in all that under platform bracing, half a ton of 6 inch nails and a bit of brick and mortar where he could get away with it. Mind you it would probably last longer than the real Bitton did.
  16. You are not alone. The occasional sound of a loco is ok but after awhile I think it becomes a bit monotonous, jarring almost in confined spaces.
  17. I think that trying to fit a Marshall Amp and Tannoy Speakers in to your 47 to get the bass is a little beyond even you Andy
  18. This is the first time these have seen the light of day for 50 years. I bet there is one there that meets the requirements
  19. ...and when you did get a camera your were only allowed to take 3 or 4 photos at a time, a roll of film had to last a month because we were so cash strapped.
  20. I was in the Scouts (motto: Be Prepared), does that count
  21. It's the nuclear bunker code for Armagedon
  22. I think Jason has plans to get you to insulate that mill he's building
  23. Just don't use old christmas cards Tony, that damn glitter gets everywhere
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