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Donington Road

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Everything posted by Donington Road

  1. I got exactly the same results in Photoshop 9 and ACDsee pro. It is the ability to lighten shadows and darken highlights that seems difficult to do in free software, even the Gimp which is near enough a Photoshop clone does not make it easy. I have got a copy of Serif Photoplus X5, but could not be bothered installing it. Very much like Photoshop Elements which will do the same thing. If you are interested Gilbert, you can download a free starter version here http://www.serif.com/free-photo-editing-software/ I have used most of Serif's software for years. its good stuff, but never pay the full price, you have to haggle with them over the phone for the best price.
  2. Some cracking photos of imaginary locos on your Flickr page Chris
  3. You've got a lot to answer for Marcus. I spent an hour this morning watching the eclipse, came on here and clicked your Youtube link, then saw The Train (1964) link and spent 2 hours watching that and I have been trying to catch up on todays jobs ever since.
  4. Hi Andy, I have been absent for a while and it has taken a bit of time catching up again. Hope everything went well this afternoon. Good to see you are going to do something with all that space you have rather than just using it for storage. I have attached a rough idea of how I would probably go about it. In addition to your new fiddle yard/goods depot I have a more radical idea, what about modernising Bitton itself. Keep the platforms and station building but give it the refurbished look with modern awnings, seating, lighting, painting, etc. Demolish the goods shed. Take up all the track in the yard and then relay it to make an Engineers Yard/Railway Recycling Centre with plenty of ballast and track panels and fittings about. Only downside is that Big Bertha would propably have to go.
  5. After watching the video I'm sure Andy will be safe inside his shed Ray. With the "hands of God" appearing that many times in two minutes he'll be protected from bad things forever.
  6. My kids always said I live in the dark ages
  7. That looks very good, but I think you need it growing up and around the chimney stack. Ivy grows up brickwork from the ground, therefore it would have gone up the stack then flopped over onto the roof, perhaps even drape some over the front of the goods shed. The roof slates maybe want covering with moss to give that feeling of dampness which has perhaps attracted the ivy in the first place. You could always model someone starting to cut it down if you thought it was too much. http://www.fotolibra.com/gallery/701349/middleton-arch-essex-overgrown-ivy/like/ https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=ivy+on+shed+roof&rls=ig&biw=1920&bih=877&site=webhp&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=Njj3VInQDKaP7AauwoGgCw&ved=0CCAQsAQ#rls=ig&tbm=isch&q=moss+on+roof+slates&imgdii=_
  8. Won't be long now before you're hammering in the golden spike. Just mind your fingers, we don't want another modeller laid up like Jeff.
  9. That must have been one almighty whack to put you out of action for so long. Hope it soon heals up, nowt worse than pain.
  10. How many times have you said to yourself, be careful or I will hit my finger only to go and actually do it with the next hammer blow
  11. Improved? That's a bold statement, especially having seen the work that went into the KL Fells.
  12. It is afterall a model railway room, you're not living in it. Oh, on second thoughts...............
  13. They used to, you could hear them miles away before you saw them. Sadly the field between us and the railway is now an industial estate with one of the largest Post Office sorting depots in the country blocking all sight and most sounds.
  14. I'm begining to wonder if it shouldn't be renamed Kirkby Lumberside
  15. Your image of the clock did not scale down very well as it was a bit eliptical because the photo was not taken on the centre line of the clock, there was also quite different lighting effects which when reducing the size made for poor pixelation and a fuzzy image. I found another image on the good old internet and have reduced that. For photos that you want to reduce in size, image quality is a must, the more pixels the better Dent clock at 8mm diameter. This was the reduction from you original image (do not use) P.S. It is interesting how the clock is recessed into the stonework. 8mm diameter is over the outside of the wooden surround, if you want it a different size let me know.
  16. Good choice IMO. You can cut down to Factor 50 then.
  17. Just been back to the index page Andy, you've come a long way since those guys came and dismantled the old garage. Those photos of that nice sunny day back in August makes this cold weather seem even worse than it is. Anyway, all this jigging about of Bitton and the addition of a branch to somewhere, what about a revised track plan so we can see what you are thinking, back of a fag packet will do.
  18. And thats before you paint it white, better order the sunscreen now
  19. Pre war I guess http://www.peterboroughtoday.co.uk/news/features/nostalgia/hobson-s-choice-great-eastern-railway-memories-1-5578713 65420 was recorded as being at March shed in 1957 and New England 1961
  20. Don't tell him that Jason otherwise he'll be going out and buying a warehouse full of bubble wrap to stop him bouncing around
  21. It looks to me as though you have done plenty today. At least you have got the fiddle yard boards cleared and can now see a rough idea of how that will go. Don't forget to leave enough room for the little project, even if means losing one of the storage roads. I do like the new track, it really does look better than the Peco when you see it side by side.
  22. http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/96138-cuddles-the-duck/
  23. He certainly is. Thanks for jogging my memory with the photos on KL, that was a long time ago. I have trouble remembering what happened ten minutes ago
  24. I slightly disagree with you Jason. The buttons maybe a bit simplistic way of responding to someone's post. If there were no buttons then I think you would find yourself getting more replies to posts, probably saying I like or agree with a detailed narrative. Would you then feel obliged to respond to some of those posts out of politeness, therefore spending valueable time that you could otherwise be putting to better use. Personally I think the balance is about right. Those that really want to say something will post or reply, those who just want to support someone's dialog without impingeing on them will press the button. BTW, I don't look or care how many ratings people get, I can make my own mind up about someone's ability or personality. You Jason certainly don't need ratings to confirm either. Now back to Mill with you so I can press a few buttons
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