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Everything posted by freebs

  1. Wish you all the best Gordon. I'm sure we all know exactly what you mean I can nowhere near compare myself to you, but I started building my layout back in 2011 and it's nowhere further forward than from that first day I pinned the pieces of set track to a small layout board
  2. Good to see your models - always a joy to see. A little belated, but Happy New Year!
  3. *Gasps for breath* I've finally caught up.. Wow! That's absolutely brilliant Andy! I'm absolutely gobsmacked! Seeing this layout being built has inspired me no end to get off my lazy rear end and get cracking on mine again (I've already built 2 scratch built tunnel portal entrances) I love the point rodding - what have you used?
  4. Andy, would you say that it's just the rods that are out of scale in the kit then?
  5. I've just speed-read this thread and I have to say that there is some really awe-inspiring and impressive modelling going on here. I love the attention to detail.
  6. Jamie, your modelling is just simply amazing and your attention to detail is second to none. It's just truly fantastic. Also, thanks for the link to Powell Street. I shall enjoy reading that!
  7. IanLister - that looks absolutely amazing. Scribed foamex?
  8. Looking good that so far Adrian! My son loves his fidget spinners, but wouldn't take calmly to me hacking one to bits... I'm looking forward to seeing an engine rotating at a scale 250mph on the resulting turntable....
  9. That just goes to show that all those site visits paid off. That was most generous of him indeed
  10. There are also lots of us who just absolutely love watching others scratch build stuff and seeing it progress, no matter how slow that might be
  11. I think it's been worth persevering with here Jeff. The plastic stone work is looking excellent - and your treatment of the quoins and lintels is superb.
  12. Bridge looks brilliant David. Is that going to be hand brushed or airbrushed?
  13. I'll look forward to that Jeff. Not had much time for modelling recently, but the family are away Camping for a few days, so I took the opportunity to go into the garage last night and have another look at the layout. I managed to get some battens screwed to the wall and extend the layout by another 9 inches (the board was free-standing, due to garage clutter that I was too idle to move out of the way - now it's gone I can go wall to wall) As a result, I will now be pulling up one of the lines and stretching out the curve into the station... Only another 5 years and trains will be running...
  14. I think I had - but it was nice to revisit it. I agonise for hours over stone colouring, but you just splash it on and it looks great! I'm itching to build something again
  15. Your stonework is utterly sublime. I love it so much. So quick to produce too!
  16. Worth persevering with Jeff. It's looking great.
  17. Absolutely superb modelling Jamie. Thanks for sharing this build. I love it!
  18. I spoke to Iain a few weeks ago - it's sad news he's given the modelling game up (but after hearing why, I can understand) We definitely don't want you to give up too, so please - keep us informed of your impossibly brilliant building projects!
  19. What happened to the front finial on the Box?
  20. Looking brilliant Scott. I personally struggle with colouring brickwork - as you said it's very easy to make it look too uniform and model-like I'm really looking forward to seeing the mortar and weathering. It's all really coming together now!
  21. That Beryl loves rail travel. Perhaps she's wondering where her ticket is?
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