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Everything posted by Colin_McLeod

  1. Hi Phil. Do you feel the same about Facebook as you do about Facrtbook and Fartbook? I can never understand why those who don't like Facebook can't bring themselves to use its proper name.
  2. Well perhaps they should as this case demonstrates that sometimes the design does not work. My strongly held view is if the building you are in is on fire then get the hell out of there into the open air. Never mind any standing instruction or contemporary advice to stay put.
  3. What I find particularly sad is that there appears to have been time to get everyone out if evacuation had commenced as soon as the fire was discovered. RIP. Get well soon.
  4. http://m.ebay.co.uk/itm/302324868418?varId=601160934970 Price for a 2m length of 45mm is £19.50 Price for a 2m length of 50mm is £33.00 Difference is only £13.50 so why not play safe and get the 50mm?
  5. Mrs Richards: Well it's not good enough. Basil: Well may I ask what you expected to see out of a Torquay hotel Sheringham home bedroom window? Sydney Opera House perhaps? The Hanging Gardens of Babylon? Herds of wildebeest sweeping majestically... Mrs Richards: Don't be silly. I expect to be able to see the sea. Basil: You can see the sea! It's over there between the land and the sky!
  6. Many thanks to the last three posters for the very comprehensive and informative answers to my question. It looks like I will be choosing the Hornby version. Colin
  7. Sure you can leave their mobile phone in the box. Just in case.
  8. Can anyone advise me where I can get Golden Arrow insignia for the Hornby class 71 and does it have the same speed and haulage problems that have been reported on the DJM class 71 thread?
  9. Is "thinking outside the box" acceptable? Apparently not, if you are an undertaker.
  10. This thread is all about the Golden Arrow version so express speed is important. Does anyone here know whether the Hornby version has speed issues and where one can get GA insignia to fit to it?
  11. Why buy an express locomotive and then be happy that it crawls but does not go fast?
  12. This prototype Wolseley could be purchased new for only slightly more than the current model of the train in the background of this advertisement;
  13. Age profile may be a factor of the hobby rather than a symptom of a problem. When the current older modellers die there will be "new" older modellers to take their place. Consider the average age of the people playing a game of bowls on the town's bowling green.
  14. Oh dear! I was expecting Peco bulkhead track. (not)
  15. Maybe I misunderstood but I thought the OP was referring to simply joining together existing layouts with made to measure transition boards. That way no one layout has to be to any particular constraint other than track gauge.
  16. Little Timmy's 7 minute videos have a lot in common with some Youtube videos of someone opening a Hornby box.
  17. A scammer could easily sell a low value item which is received by the buyer who is now lined up for a scam later by the "trusted seller" Let's face it for years people worried about keeping their bank account and sort code number private, yet were quite happy to pay by cheque to a complete stranger. Guess what- printed on the cheque are those very details. We can get paranoid about these things.
  18. Paul that is also true of any seller.
  19. Is "Free at last" your real name? lol
  20. So are worms are a bit like a DMU?
  21. What is a semi conductor? The guard on a train hauled by a former streamlined Duchess. What, coat, gone.
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