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RMweb Gold
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Everything posted by Colin_McLeod

  1. But he did not name the restaurant so no publicity for them.
  2. Please explain the difference and how to tell which is which?
  3. There is no need to publish pictures of these reject locos. It would have been different had they been released into the market, but they were quite correctly rejected by the supplier and the commissioning model shop. I look forward to getting a correct one in due course.
  4. There are original twin arch bridges over double track where the Belfast Central Railway is crossed by the Ormeau Road and by the Donegal Road.
  5. I suppose merely going through a red light is becoming a bit tame for today's cyclists.
  6. LOL Perfect example of my point BTW 2 x 9mm would be 1.05mm thinner than the 3/4"!
  7. There are also people who for some reason just wont answer the question. For example: Q. Where can I purchase 3/4" ply. A. Why not use 1/2"?
  8. SUPER Andy. You have really captured the atmosphere of the Murray's backdrop building. PS I've not forgotten your platform 1 backdrop request but a house move in April means it may be a while until my photographs can escape from their packing boxes.
  9. When I first heard that joke it was Fanny Craddock.
  10. When I first heard the story it involved the late Rev Ian Paisley who could not understand the document because it was all in Irish.
  11. That looks like how I remember No. 49. Excellent weathering. Can I ask how so that I too can get rid of those cream boiler bands.
  12. When I looked 6 item down is used for telling the time. http://m.ebay.co.uk/itm/GOLD-/172639388698?nav=SEARCH
  13. Don't worry. Every time this happens perhaps another £50 less to pay later. Or perhaps you have inadvertently ordered a five coach dynamometer train.
  14. A challenge for Rapido to raise and lower using a DCC controlled servo!
  15. That may be the case Clive but does not negate Steve's point. He just picked a debateable example. How about "there are lots of tree's in the forest" where "tree's" should be "trees" ? .
  16. Text speak. Use of the word mate or m8 by people who are not my mate. Oh Fenman not to forget cancer and genocide although they are OT as the thread is about English language usage.
  17. I thought that pate was part of the pet food tasting programme.
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