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Everything posted by br2975

  1. The Cl.66 from Dr.Who looks like Waungron Park ? . But my view was obstructed by the back of our sofa !
  2. The Cl.56 is at the end of the line, Barry Docks - part of a chemical works (whose name shall not be uttered on this forum) appears above the train.
  3. About where the "The Oystercatcher" / Tesco roundabout now stands ? . (Site of the former TVR Penarth Dock shed, closed about 1927 - a memorable year). Don't you just love me ?
  4. Cardiff - Ely Tidal Harbour; better known as the Ferry Road Branch............ limit of BR working, the sidings in front were worked by the South Wales Warehouses loco, one time a Peckett, later a Planet 4wDM. . On the horizon we "The Billybanks" ................... you'd need to be from the area to get that one. . Come on Brother, whistle up a hard one !
  5. Nope. . Chris F will get it straight away tho' . Brian R
  6. Chris. . Your doctor could prescribe something if you are having trouble sleeping. . Brian PS I started a spreadsheet / have many of my BR(WR) DMU sightings stored electronically if you ever need anything. PPS watched a BBC Wales documentary about Wales in the 1970s last evening; started with rugby (what else) and ended with some chap from Glyn Neath who started out in the pit, moved to Metal Box and then did a gig at Treorchy Rugby Club and never looked back................... and guess who was accompanying him ?
  7. The Cl.121 DMBS was one of several retained at Canton at that time, semi-permananetly coupled to Class 120 (Buffet)Swindon Cross Country units. . Also used were two Cl.116 power cars 50090 and 50132. . They were diagrammed for use on the 2M67 and 2V67 North & West Route services between Cardiff and Crewe in order to increase the power to weight ratio of the cross country units. . The Cl.116 /121 cars were locked out of use, with related notices stuck to the passenger compartment doors. . Examples being:- 22/02/1971 - (55023)+(50705+59265+50647)+(50662+59260+50699) 12/03/1971 - (50647+59265+50705)+(55026), 20/03/1971 - (50132)+(50648+59296+50706), (50660+59266+50729)+(55023) 05/04/1971 - (55026)+(50729+59266+50660), 12/04/1971 - (50679+59291+50723)+(55023), 13/04/1971 - (50683+59294+50735)+(50132), 14/04/1971 - (50693+59299+50738)+(55026), 24/04/1971 - (50683+59294+50735)+(55024), (50647+59265+50705)+(50738+59299+50693)+(55025), 01/05/1971 - (55025)+50705+59265+50647)+(50132), (55026)+(50660+59266+50729), 08/05/1971 - (55023)+(50705+59265+50647)+(55022)+(50723+59278+50674), (55024)+(50693+59299+50738), 02/06/1971 - (50686+50733)+(50683+59294+50735)+(55022) 24/06/1971 - (55022)+(50729+59266+50660), (55025)+(50674+59278+50723), . Brian R
  8. Possibly relevant to the Gene Hunt ( Ashes to ashes) era, but police officers are currently policing in 2015.
  9. Glad to see you have been active in my absence.......................
  10. There will be many who (understandably) find the 'black comedy' or 'sick humour' used by some emergency services staff in the aftermath of tragedies as distasteful, but it is a coping mechanism, and not intended to be irreverent or disrespectful - some may disagree, but many of those who have dealt with tragedy will know what I mean. . TRIM and other forms of counselling are still relatively new to some emergency services. . Brian R
  11. Morning Chris. Personal experience dictates the real thing is even more fun than sometimes portrayed 'New Tricks' Now, get on with the soldering. . Brian R
  12. Constructive comment alert. . Have you considered painting the two (?) supports for the lighting pelmet a more neutral colour than black ? . Also, when can I play ?
  13. In the shop earlier this week and picked up a brace of unmade K's Palbricks, currently sat on the workbench whilst the castings are cleaned up and I decide what to do with them (any or all ideas welcome !) . Nice to stand back and listen to punters admiring "Ranelagh Bridge" now used by L&B to display 4mm products. . Didn't have the heart to say "'yes, it is good, my brother built it" and / but "it's tried my patience at a few shows"....................... . This proves that there is also an enjoyable social aspect to visiting L&B. . Brian R
  14. Would this be the culprit ? https://www.flickr.com/photos/68861278@N03/8366302177/ Brian R
  15. Your experience obviously outweighs mine gained over 35yrs
  16. I'd love to see the statistics you base this hypothesis upon. . Not the experience of actually being a police officer, I'd wager. Brian R
  17. So, when the officer(s) in the second vehicle stopped and 'booked' your friend, I would expect there to have been some interaction, after all, you can't 'book' someone without speaking to them. . When asked for an explanation as to why your friend passed the red traffic signal, what did he tell the officer(s) ? . When cautioned ( briefly:- "you do not hav to say anything, but it may harm your defence if you fail to mention something you later rely on in court ) what did your friend say ? . If your friend was 'booked' I would take that as being reported for summons - which means the officer's file would need to pass the scrutiny of a 'decision maker'. . Or, was your friend dealt with by means of a fixed penalty notice - and if so, and they felt aggrieved, why did they accept that course of action ? . If the police vehicles involved were 'traffic patrol' vehicles en-route to an immediate response call ( hence the blues and twos ) then I would expect their dashboard cameras to be recording, the footage from which could be mitigation for your friend in a court case. . There would be no reason why your friend could not attempt to call the officers from the first police vehicle as defence witnesses. . In this day and age, with technology as it is, the officers could be easily identified. . Forgive my scepticism (30+ years turned me that way), but there appear to be as many unanswered questions here as in the Chilcott enquiry. . Brian R
  18. The man's a t*t ! . He talks twaddle . His only saving grace is he's a pretty good manager - but then with Abramovich's money, I could be a good manager as well................
  19. Derby Works, Saturday 26th. August 1972. . Still in BFYE . Brian R
  20. How thoughtless Neil !!! . The only one I never saw . Last chance was by taking a Cardiff - Swindon 'footex' (4th. April 1972 ) as it was allegedly on 'the dump' . It was, off it's bogies, and not visible from the mainline and passing trains. . Brian R. . P.S. For those interested in such things, we also lost 3-1.
  21. Probably because there wasn't one............................................. . The GWR steam shed became somewhat care-worn, and was replaced by a ( BR built ? ) single road structure before closing about 1964. . The shed remained as a stabling point for a while. . Brian R
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