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Everything posted by flapland

  1. J5434 looks like something the Great Central Railway might do on a gala weekend. A very mixed rake of wagons it has to be said. Also fairly timeless as the 47 could be replaced with a 8f and would look right. As usual more great photos.
  2. You could of gone literally nuts for souvenirs in the Heavy Maintenance shed as there was a whole wall of various sizes of bolts etc. I hope of course that didn't happen.
  3. Suspect Hornby will do a 43093, suspect announce around the time Old Oak Common closes and available when the HS2 station opens.
  4. Crappy phone photos but provides a broad idea. IMG_0351 IMG_0351 IMG_0351 IMG_0351
  5. First open day for me for over 30 years and I have to commend GWR for the excellent event they have put on. Lots of interesting stuff to see and also lots to spend money on. Only slight issue was the very limited number of food outlets. Highlights for me the were the line up of 6 50's, the King through to Class 800 line up and the 43098 livery.
  6. Most of them sailed from the UK on the Bell Ringer. This is my case for the urgent introduction of the Groan button.
  7. Love the open loads on the Freightliner especially what looks like a beer barrels. Didn't realise they used to do that.
  8. Awoke in the night to go to the loo and saw the awful news from North Kensington. Just hope that many of the residents managed to escape but fear the worst.
  9. Liverpool St to Dinting seems a hell of a long tour for a S15. Did it work it throughout and would I be correct in assuming it went over Woodhead.
  10. I had to see my parents in Manchester this morning and the way up I could see the back of a rake of Mk1's on the platform and assumed something had happened with today CME. Was pleasantly surprised to catch sight of 88002 and the 68 as we left Crewe. On the way back I also caught site of 86259 at the head of the return CME. All in all a nice view of the first(ok nearly) and last of UK AC's locos and of course the APT in the heritage centre. That also looked better than I remember but I may be mistaken. Anyway sorry to take this slightly off topic.
  11. Wonder if J2986 was ever behind D0260 or was previously a fish or meat van.
  12. Well done Dave for 400 overs and nearly 10000 runs although I suspect thats not possible.
  13. Hope everything is OK ;-) as there is a fire close to the real South Hampstead. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-39641058
  14. The 8f in J120 is happy to see someone. Suspect much happier than in Jan 69 when she was scrapped.
  15. Received the composite corridor 34-411 this morning and I have to say its a lovely model although its a shame it took so many years to arrive.
  16. Not sure if its doing close to the ton in the first half of the video but its certainly a loaded run which makes it even more impressive.
  17. I see Jeremy Hoskins, owner of many mainline locomotives and part owner of Crystal Palace has bought the old Margate factory. I wonder if he has any interest in buying the company, he is a experienced investment banker after all.
  18. I also got to Reddish and Guide Bridge a good few times but never over the Woodhead route. Also got too Tinsley a couple of times around 1980/1. Sadly with paper round and Saturday job commitments never really did rail tours.
  19. Mmm, a couple of my posts have dissapered related to the journey from St Pancras to the Kingsbury scrap yard. Ignore as they are over on the questions forum
  20. Just learnt I couldn't add a email attachment 25 years ago.

  21. Just learnt I couldn't add a email attachment 25 years ago.

  22. Just learnt I couldn't add a email attachment 25 years ago. Mind you even today I often forget to attach doc.

  23. Just learnt I couldn't add a email attachment 25 years ago. Mind you even today I often forget to attach documents.

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