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Everything posted by jon_1066

  1. eg You can hide one set of lines behind your MPD and have the other set in front. Access to the MPD is from Waverley itself. Four lines come into the fiddle yard (to save having points on your lift out section).
  2. Are you dead set on modelling Galashiels as well? If not your Fiddle Yard could go where Galashiels is and your existing MPD could go where you currently have the fiddle yard. This would give you the advantage of being able to run directly between the fiddle yard and Waverley without running around the relief roads behind the station. With a one man build even without Galashiels this should keep you going for a long time.
  3. Those two diamonds will kill one of your ideas - to let two trains off and potter about with a third. They will have to cross each other and so one will have to stop for the other at the diamond - thus will not be "fire and forget". More forget then there's a fire (well crash anyway)
  4. If as was suggested you combined the station engine shed with the fiddleyard you could solve most of your problems. So you use the engine shed as a view blocker and have the fiddleyard in behind it. The view as you come up the stairs would be the of the West End of the station with Princes Street gardens directly in front of you. Trains would pass into the station and then directly into the fiddleyard. This would give you space to put in the MPD you currently have and also model Galashields on the bend as in your original plan without any gradients.
  5. How deep will that baseboard have to be to get four running loops and Waverley station in?
  6. One other idea: Go into the middle of the room with the model of Waverley. Put the fiddle yard on the bottom wall and the MPD over the through tracks. This lets you have the maximum width possible for Waverley to do it justice. You have through running for Waverley but the fiddle yard is open and easily accessed as is Waverley.
  7. What about putting the fiddleyard where you have the Waverley Shed then put the Waverley shed above the running lines on the Right hand side somewhere. This would mean the gradient up to the shed would be less of an issue since you won't be pulling long rakes of coaches up and down it - just light engine moves.
  8. What about something like this (please excuse terrible drawing) You have a continuous run on the right hand side and a terminus on the left. A triangular junction allows you to have a return loop to run traffic to and from your terminus. You can also watch trains go by. It preserves access to the stairs, dormers and loo. It could be expanded by going over the stairs to give an end to end run. 11ft is not bad for a roundy - most people don't have that much space so you could start with that then expand into the terminus.
  9. A penny a can, thirty years , that makes ... 36 infidelities per hour. Even Russel Brand would struggle to keep that up!
  10. I would say don't use pure black for the soot. Try a lighter touch with a slightly lighter tone. This should bring the whole thing together better. Looks great though! A gunky wash on the sides would help as well if you look at the dirt on those faces on that photo
  11. The rolling stock are on the original Scarm blog (coaches and wagons) and the locos I made using the 3D figures.
  12. I thought one of the points of Minories was it didn't have reverse curves through the points. You have one to access the bottom road on all three plans.
  13. If it is set track then the plastic expansion of the webbing/sleepers will be far in excess of the rails so could be the cause.
  14. For the videos you need to improve the lighting. You also need to slow down the train - it shot off like a scolded cat! I think if you want more views try and embed them in your post rather than post a link to a page with another link to a video. Most people simply don't bother clicking on external links like that. The castle is looking great and you must be thrilled about finally being able to run something.
  15. Like this very much. Just a quick observation. If this is a sea cliff you may consider adding some much darker colours (almost black) at the base up to where the high tide mark would be. The various things that grow where the waves splash tends to give a dark line along the base of hard rock cliffs.
  16. "If you can see what i can see when i'm cleaning windows repairing the sea wall at Dawlish" Doesn't scan quite so well unfortunately.
  17. Could you mark on your platforms and level crossing(s)? It is difficult to visualise what runs where and why on those diagrams.
  18. Can I recommend getting some better lighting - both for the videos and stills? The cutting is quite deep and your current room lights aren't sufficient to illuminate it's depths.
  19. I think your base coat is too dark and the highlights too white so you have too much contrast. Look at the picture on the last page of the actual cliffs and the rock appears much more homogeneous.
  20. Just a thought. Those top two shots in post 383 show the backscene behind visible with the front scene. This looks a little incongruous with land, sky, sea, land then sky. Would there be any mileage in making the intermediate breaks just hills with no sky on? ie cut them to an undulating shape and paint them up as hills. They would still mask the close to parts in the same way but if the backscene is visible behind them they will look more natural. Kind of like intermediate scenery on a stage.
  21. The knife gives more definition. I would therefore suggest knife on the sections closer to the viewer and brush on those furthest back. This will give the impression of haze in the distance as the transitions get softer. ie keep the knife work on the scenic dividers as they will be seen at the closest distance.
  22. That's the problem with set track curves - they look far too tight!
  23. I don't know why you are diercting that at me. The OP was asking for a source for the pony truck and the response he got was that building it would be a waste of his time when he could buy a better model RTR. I simply was pointing out that this was not that helpful a reply. TheWeathingMan's later reply was obviously much more helpful compared to his first which came across to me as very off-puting.
  24. How does this help him? If you don't have the info he needs then why butt in just to say - "Ha, ha, you've wasted your money" What are you the Nelson Muntz of RMWeb?
  25. I think you know yourself which is best - just explaining the differences is often enough to arrive at the right answer - Lower.
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