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Everything posted by DOCJACOB

  1. Seems to have had red tail lamp added during journey. Real-time trains website had no passing times from Bridlington so took a real punt at Beverley. Anything to get out of shopping
  2. Wagon details as requested. This is early 2022 season in Grimsby
  3. Yes today, 13:52. Well happy as dodged some serious shopping
  4. Not my usual haunt but day off in Beverley. Excellent timing as wife shopping in Flemingate
  5. Already posted but headed towards to the coast earlier today. Grimsby Town with enough stop over time for fish & chips
  6. Pretty sure this was first outing of the season to Grimsby Town this AM by the numbers of people present. 66:847 leading with 66:849 trailing
  7. Another pair at Grimsby Town this AM 66:847 leading & 66:849 trailing
  8. In response to my earlier comment re chimneys. Part of visit to SRPS today and treated exceptionally well with grateful thanks to all escorting and letting me see inside the NBR Saloon too.
  9. Never heard "scotcher" in context of placing scotches. In Scotland they were almost positively discouraged and spoked wheels on many private owners were plated over due to potential damage. Scotches could fracture/damage spokes apart from the risk to life and limb placing one in situ?
  10. Unfortunately real job has kept me from volunteering at Lincolnshire Wold Railway but a recent Saturday meant clearing an old gate at Pear Tree Lane in anticipation of extending further South towards Louth. Fair to say the railhead has moved significantly too and is approaching the other side of the lane. A recent clearance means a view impossible for many years is back.
  11. Still training runs. 4th different class member though. Suspect others too? Seems runs quickly to outside Grimsby then stuck/delay behind a Cleethorpes working.
  12. Not sure about length of individual coaches but train pretty much filled Platform 1 this AM 6 definitely fills the station, from this older image. From speaking to friend at station suspect the noise complaints won’t be far off
  13. Still not sold on colour scheme for Garden St Usual training working this AM, stood on platform they 1) pretty much fill it 2) quite loud on departure
  14. Ex M&NB stock covered extensively in early NBR Study Group Journals, message me if interested. Oddly an ex M&NB coach was grounded and ended up as Tote office in Hull at Hull KR Craven Park. When redeveloped it was rescued as pile of bits and went to Butterley though when I last asked they had no idea of its existence The other coach at same site was ex GCR and ended up in Ruddington.
  15. Went trying for light locomotive ex Cleethorpes and instead got an early running working. 5A22 1/4 of hour early.
  16. If I recall correctly (assuming the Y9 at SRPS) apart from fictitious livery has a j72 chimney??
  17. Also local listed signal box getting major work. Just visible in background of earlier images of Felix working light locomotive Not 100% sold on colour scheme??
  18. Training runs still in our area. Felix at Grimsby Town this AM
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