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Everything posted by 25901

  1. I love the fact that here in York a merry stink is caused by a 68 while in the old days you had a shed full of Deltics with their merry tune round the corner lol
  2. DRS have already said they will lease back some 37s as part of the sales deal to cover the 37 RA issue. If not the new owners of the 37/4s , I can think of the few 37/6s that are mainline and have the paperwork DRS would want
  3. Something like these https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/303952804333?chn=ps&norover=1&mkevt=1&mkrid=710-134428-41853-0&mkcid=2&mkscid=101&itemid=303952804333&targetid=1404115579173&device=c&mktype=pla&googleloc=9046662&poi=&campaignid=17218284410&mkgroupid=142217514411&rlsatarget=pla-1404115579173&abcId=9300867&merchantid=420528017&gclid=Cj0KCQjwpompBhDZARIsAFD_Fp-YvKH_1lUHsURgI6vrr1aYjatoAz4Lbtmiekcvj_dJBw05JUBliN4aAmMjEALw_wcB
  4. I can think of one person who may now be thinning his stockpile of 20s
  5. Wonder if they will get the livery right for the inside of the green 25 cabs as gray was not used
  6. So true, my other half (some say better half) used to run for several yrs the buffet cars on the same railway myself and adb968008 worked on and has said after seeing these posts that simply screwing or bolting equipment in place seems OK but it's all in the ability to withstand shock. Would be interesting to see more pics of other inside fittings that may have come off.
  7. Funny that, York ROC couldn't control a point in plain view of their windows on Sunday lol Back on track, if HS2 to Mannchester is killed who pays contractors who have invested in equipment and in one case I know of locos
  8. So which one will be picked for Crewe's Heritage Centre
  9. If they could do a NBL then it would fit nicely with the new coal wagons theme they have
  10. The only preserved BR NBLs are D2767 and D2774 which would be a test for anyone to do due to their small size.
  11. Has D9009 had a fault /failure free run. total failure, engine shut down and massive electrical blow up are ones I can think of over the last few years
  12. I had to sort sum tickets and passes at the LNER ticket office at York yesterday and asked what they would be doing after closing of the ticket office, He's answer was " we're staying open as a info point but will still be able sell tickets" I wonder if operators will do this at main station as they have to keep a presence and to stick two fingers up to Network Rail til they finally go.
  13. Your not being selfish and I like how you say a version of either 24, how many people know their both different
  14. Never fill a diesel loco's cooling system with tap water, one 24 that swill know pheaton froze solid one winter at Southport and did a hell of a lot of damage. Repairs done at Bury which included good old cold stitch welding, new heat exchanger and a lot of pipe work. We gave it a free 2 day paint job too lol
  15. The mix can also act as a preservative for the block. A diesel engine that freezes can blow it's crankcase wall out and write the power unit off (I've seen it) On diesels now the main thing to keep an eye on is oil sampling, gives you a pre warning of whats wearing. As you have said scheduled maintenance is the key.
  16. Just like to point out that it's not concrete between the HST rails (1st pic), it's spill absorbent padding
  17. Myself and Mr Needles loved our Mk3 escorts lol
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