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Everything posted by Mike

  1. I now have received permission from Bernard Cornwell to use the name Hookton and the Lipp. I thought that as it is in his novels that it was the correct thing to do. I have had trains running albeit with a jury rig wiring arrangement but at least I know it works as it should. I'll post some photos and video soon. I'm also thinking about scene 2 on the nxt board which will be the Lipp and a small station but, that's for the new year
  2. All the track is now laid but requires the check rails fitting and sleepers to be gapped. Point motors already fitted so hopefully wiring can be completed by the weekend. Track infill will then be fitted and ground levels established. Buildings just plonked.
  3. Thanks Barnaby,for your supoort. Just a couple or so of photos of the last two days in the workshop. The Baldwin is a WrightLines kit fitted with a potescape RG4. You can see the canalside factories for Harts Hill in the background.
  4. Hi Jordan, after what had become a very frustrating time, with 7 hospital appointments cancelled I had lost all interest in the layout. Harts Hill is now in the loft and will be gathering dust for a while. I have started a much smaller model (0N-30) Hookton and the Lipp Vale. This is a small fishing village on the Dorset coast with a narrow gauge railway. In my usual style I have created the story first before commening the modelling. Baseboard 4ft x 3ft has been built mainly from recycling New Level Mill and I have constructed the 2 lefthand turnouts for the inglenook. The name Hookton and the Lipp have been lifted from Halequin the first book of the Grail series by Benard Cornwell. History. Hookton is a small village on the South Coast of England in the County of Dorset. The Lipp is a stream that is almost a river which enters the sea across a shingle beach creating a hook shaped shingle bar from which the village gets its name. During the Great Plague of 1665, Hookton could have easily become one of what we now call Plague Villages, just grass covered mounds where once there was life, but Hookton was lucky and refused to die. There were limited opportunities for the folk of Hookton, you were either a fisherman, worked in the salt pits or if you were lucky worked on the Lords Estate. (*The Gasquet family came just after the Norman invasion of 1066 and where granted lands by William of which Hookton was part of). After the Hurricane and storm surge of 1824, when the sea roared over the hook destroying several small boats, the need for a safe harbour became a priority, although in typical Hookton fashion it was a long time coming. Hookton has, and I am sure that most will express surprise, a railway albeit a narrow gauge one. Started in 1875 and completed in 1877 by Sir Thomas Gasquet* who financed and promoted the line to put Hookton on the map and of course to turn a profit. The line follows the Lipp stream along its shallow valley, so construction was relatively easy with no major obstacles to overcome other than the need for a bridge over the Lipp. From the harbour, a small collection of inshore boats fish for mackerel, crab, lobster, and shellfish and all is right with the world. Now in a better place mentally. Mike
  5. Just creating the scene on board 1 . Figures, gate and posts just placed for effect.
  6. Just creating the scene on board 1 . Figures, gate and posts just placed for effect.
  7. Another bostin building. DadOfJohn
  8. Harts Hill update. Positioning a couple of buildings just to check everything fits. The roadway will be surfaced with Chincilla sand/grit leaving the inset sets exposed to give it well worn appearance. The Cock Inn will have a wall and gates. The goods shed etc are not yet set in place.
  9. Harts Hill update. Positioning a couple of buildings just to check everything fits. The roadway will be surfaced with Chincilla sand/grit leaving the inset sets exposed to give it well worn appearance. The Cock Inn will have a wall and gates. The goods shed etc are not yet set in place. note not able to get photos to load correctly.
  10. Raw video footage of Harts Hill my under construction 0 gauge layout. Just to show it works. Unfinished buildings plonked on just for effect.
  11. Raw video footage of Harts Hill my under construction 0 gauge layout. Just to show it works. Unfinished buildings plonked on just for effect.
  12. Harts Hill latest progress: Elec trickery is now completed on all 4 boards and it worked first time with no under the breath mutterings. Well pleased, Okay I know it is only 5 live frog points and standard DC wiring but it’s tidy and working. I will post a video when I can set the whole layout up on the trestles, well 2 folding trestle tables, quick relatively inexpensive strong and easy to store. It has meant not having to build any baseboard legs as I have done in the past. Hey Ho, there is of course a downside in as much that I still have my New Level Mill layout taking space in the man cave. On the plus side It doesn’t need to be ready for any shows this year.
  13. Harts Hill latest progress: Elec trickery is now completed on all 4 boards and it worked first time with no under the breath mutterings. Well pleased, Okay I know it is only 5 live frog points and standard DC wiring but it’s tidy and working. I will post a video when I can set the whole layout up on the trestles, well 2 folding trestle tables, quick relatively inexpensive strong and easy to store. It has meant not having to build any baseboard legs as I have done in the past. Hey Ho, there is of course a downside in as much that I still have my New Level Mill layout taking space in the man cave. On the plus side It doesn’t need to be ready for any shows this year.
  14. Just to stop speculation. The problem is not a simple certificate issue. It is an issue with their web service provider. The Guild IT team is in contact with the tech people at the service provider. There is nothing further the Guild IT team can do until the service provider is able to restore the website.
  15. Hi Jim, thanks for your kind comments. Hope you are keeping safe and still modelling. cheers
  16. The design allows the layout to be split into two inglenooks. Boards 1&2 and 3&4, 3&4 being the easiest option but the hardest to operate. All good fun should I wish not to have the whole layout set up.
  17. The design allows the layout to be split into two inglenooks. Boards 1&2 and 3&4, 3&4 being the easiest option but the hardest to operate. All good fun should I wish not to have the whole layout set up.
  18. Have built the first 3 of 4 boards and started laying track . Board 4 will be the fiddle yard. Boards 1-3 are 900x600 board 4 will be 1200x600. Progress so far: photo 1 is boards 1&2 photo 2 is boards 2&3 the reason they are set up on the garden table is I have not yet built the legs. The wagon was used for testing the joints as the layout has been built as a portable.
  19. Have built the first 3 of 4 boards and started laying track . Board 4 will be the fiddle yard. Boards 1-3 are 900x600 board 4 will be 1200x600. Progress so far: photo 1 is boards 1&2 photo 2 is boards 2&3 the reason they are set up on the garden table is I have not yet built the legs. The wagon was used for testing the joints as the layout has been built as a portable.
  20. When I chose the name of my new layout build Harts Hill, it was suggested by local historian and author Ned Williams that it would have to include the cinema. Immediately I pictured an art deco style structure with a name such as The Danilo or Odeon, but it turns out the Limelight Cinema once in Harts Hill but now rebuilt at the Black Country Museum is not much more than a barn. Now me being me I have tweaked and slightly modified my take on it so that it will fit into the location. I hope that I have managed the essence of the building which still needs finishing. The poster/name board in the background includes Buster Keaton in the General and a small version is on the outside wall of the cinema. I have also almost finished the main foundry structure just the roof and internal detailing to do.
  21. When I chose the name of my new layout build Harts Hill, it was suggested by local historian and author Ned Williams that it would have to include the cinema. Immediately I pictured an art deco style structure with a name such as The Danilo or Odeon, but it turns out the Limelight Cinema once in Harts Hill but now rebuilt at the Black Country Museum is not much more than a barn. Now me being me I have tweaked and slightly modified my take on it so that it will fit into the location. I hope that I have managed the essence of the building which still needs finishing. I have also almost finished the main foundry structure The poster/name board in the background includes Buster Keaton in the General and a small version is on the outside wall of the cinema.
  22. You know me and my not liking making buildings, it’s just that I have started in the middle rather than the beginning which means I have an end. So my beginning is now my middle whilst my middle is now my beginning and my end is still the end,although that could all change
  23. Let there be light and behold there was light and the work area is still a mess.
  24. Let there be light and behold there was light and the work area is still a mess.
  25. More bodging on the office, pattern shop and tempering shop. I should have connected the office lights before taking a photo and tidied the working area.
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