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Everything posted by Erichill16

  1. Tony Sorry but should have wished you good look with the Princess sale. If it was something Eastern Region........ Anyway have a good weekend, regards Robert
  2. I’ve used the djh boxes in an 04 and J50, both relatively large locos. My next few projects are really upgrades to models I’ve built years ago and now show their age either cosmetically or running wise. Most of my models that look ok run badly and the ones that run ok look terrible! I’ve just about got a J72 chassis kit to run ok under an original Palitoy body, but a bit of work needed on that. Next into works is likely to be a Millhome N5 I built 35 years ago. It runs quite well, with a MCCR 5 pole XO4 type motor and it’s the first loco kit I ever finished so deserves a bit of tlc. I’m not going to change the motor as it does work quite well and I don’t want to go backwards on that front! regards Robert
  3. In the past I've used djh gearboxes and have always been happy. More recently I've be buying industrials where space is an issue and the kit includes a box and motor recommendation. When it was announced that mashima motors were being discontinued i bought enough of the correct types to complete my stash. When i get round to buying larger locos where motor/gearbox combinations are left to the builder I'll certainly give them a try. Ive a couple of locos with portescap motors and whilst they run a treat the noise is very annoying and sounds like something is under stress. hope everyone gets Some modelling done over the weekend. regards robert
  4. When I bought my first white metal kit, I’d be in about 11 or 12 years old and my parents probably didn’t trust me with a soldering iron. I got it from Beatties and I would imagine they sold araldite etc but not low melt solder and flux. I think I’ve still got it somewhere ................ happy modelling regards Robert
  5. Must have earned some brownie points as we went up to Kandersteg. Top picture show Re465 on a local train at Spietz. (Seams a waste on pony power to me) and the other shows Re4/4 waiting to take over car transporter duties. Regards Robert
  6. Sorry, hadn’t read other, later posts regarding blood pressure meds and decongestants but what I said is correct. keep well everyone regards Robert
  7. Paracetamol is not the issue here. Paracetamol will not have any effect on blood pressure or blood pressure medication. The issue is that a great number of ‘cold and flu’ products contain decongestants and these can increase your blood pressure. I think if you read in the small print inthe flu medication it will say something to the effect ‘don’t take with blood pressure meds’. regards Robert
  8. In the ‘many-worlds interpretation ’ the 58 bus goes everywhere! Regards Robert
  9. Sorry about quality of pictures, taken with iPad but I think you can see what I mean, especially the complex’ piece of work. regards Robert
  10. I’m on holiday with my wife and we came here via a model railway exhibition in Holland so need to be on my best behaviour. As a side note, there was an N gauge Belgian layout at the exhibition which had beautiful hand made track. regards Robert
  11. Do it! It’s nice to park a train up and allow people to take a closer look as well as adding operational interest. Regards Robert (on holiday in Interlaken at this very minute!)
  12. The name of my layout, a German one, was ‘Dragondorf’’, the name of some type of reagent I used to use at university. The place never existed but thought the name was ok as ‘dorf’ in German means village. regardsRobert
  13. To tell you the truth I was going to suggest something like that but thought that’s too weird. At the time I was a student at university and got two of my mates from home to help operate it with me. Unfortunately it was the first time they’d been away from home and they’d had too much to drink and were out of their heads. Apparently everybody that day were playing with my head!
  14. On a similar note I once had a bloke tell me at an exhibition that he’d been actually visited the station I’d modelled. I told him it was a figment of my imagination but he insisted he’d been there! regards Robert
  15. Tony, Regarding your comments regarding new models not representing a mechanical step forward I’d like to mention the following. I have some old Minitrix models in my collection which run fine with brass gear wheels but the newer models have plastic ones. Recently the plastic ones have started cracking so I sent off for replacements and guess what I received, yes brass ones. So much for progress! regards Robert
  16. I’ve a Stanier 4mt tank which didn’t run very well so I thought a dose of running in would do the trick. Motor became disengaged and on inspection one of the gears had split. After removing some of the gubbins I realised how pronounced a tight spot was. I should have investigated the tight spot first and then perhaps the gear wouldn’t have failed. I’ve a Britannia with a similar tight spot but the drive train is still intact so I’ll sort the tight spot out first. Hopefully I can save the Brit. regards Robert
  17. I’ve just completed this for a club layout I’m involved with.it will be used to move coal to the power station and to haul the PW train. regards Robert
  18. Dear Jeremy, Looks like my kind of project so I’ll be keeping a close eye on developments. My only comment and I’m not sure but the sidings look very closely spaced. Happy modelleing regards Robert
  19. Never used Dullcote as always been happy with all Tamiya sprays. My first choice if they have the appropriate colour. happy spraying, Robert
  20. Sorry to interrupt, but think you mean Q4 in the bottom pic, Q1 was the rebuild into a tank engine. regards Robert ps enjoying the thread.
  21. Thanks to both Jonathan and Trusrtykev for their informative replies. I think I’ve seen some nice pictures of chained containers on conflats, Clems I think. Something to aspire to. regards Robert
  22. Thanks for the info. I was wondering if this type of trailer was used for something else other that sheet material. I’ll get on with the load if I can find some chain fine enough. I’ve seen hooks down the side of lorries and trailers but wonder how the loads would be chained lengthways. Remeber an incident as you described happening near where I lived when I was a child. Mum wouldn’t let me out of house until the incident had been ‘cleaned up’. regards Robert
  23. Dear All, i find the most vexing, stressful and tedious aspects of the hobby are usually associated with exhibition time. Whether as an exhibitor trying to meet a deadline or as a member of the organising comittee rejigging the Hall layout at the last minute. Regards Robert (ex treasurer and deputy exhibition manager)
  24. Afternoon Andrew, you are so right in what you say. I often get bogged down as I work mostly on my own. I like a challenge but I still aim to have fun and I don’t really mind the tedious jobs if I can be distracted by the radio or some music. The Hunslet is my most prized model as it was the most challenging (but not difficult) to build. That’s why I was so happy when Tony breathed on it. It was over Christmas that I first started reading this thread and it has given me inspiration to crack on. so thanks to you all. regards robert
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