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Everything posted by Erichill16

  1. Went for a walk this morning with a flask and chocolate bar. Ended up at the garden centre and had coffee and cake. ‘So what’ you may ask, well, no ultra processed food consumed. Well it’s a start I suppose. Now what else can I do? (Rhetorical question)
  2. Evening All, In the end no dinner or tea, went straight to supper.pah! Spent most of the day visiting fil and mil and taking Hovis and Sydney for walks. Another day closer to retirement even though I don’t have a date yet. Can’t come soon enough. goodnight.
  3. Just for your information I’ve had it as well but it’s not stopping me enjoying the thread.
  4. 7:20. still no dinner(lunch)
  5. Or influenced with something that can lit and then smoked?
  6. Hovis topping up her tan.
  7. Ah, but you would say that wouldn't you!
  8. Had to Google bak kwa but sounds tasty. (4:20 and still not had dinner(lunch))
  9. Back in the night. Dr Feelgood
  10. Fields of fire. Big Country
  11. Evening, Carp day, My team lost and that’s not the worst of it. Early night.
  12. Morning All, Sun woke me up early and the disappeared. Just taken van for new clutch and now the dogs need attention but first a coffee up at mils. Going to see MY team this afternoon but Mum called yesterday to say she wouldn't be coming up due to her knee acting up. Onwards!
  13. Unless you’re a vegan!
  14. Wow, thats getting into @iL Dottore territory!
  15. And be careful not to split the bin open!
  16. Or ‘look out it’s a mystery shopper from head office. Better do things by the book’ Got caught out by a mystery shopper once, only trying to help a customer AND add money to the company coffers. Moral of the story, ‘follow company policy and f*** the customer’s needs’ Think that might be a rant.
  17. James Bond lives down our Street. Toy Dolls
  18. Hope Street. Stiff Little Fingers
  19. You better you bet. The Who
  20. Nobody’s Hero. Stiff Little Fingers
  21. Back on the Chain Gang. Pretenders
  22. Looking for Lewis and Clark. The Long Ryders
  23. Evening All, A relatively busy day here as we left Hovis at mils and went down to Newark to visit Mum and look at motor caravans. Wallet sighed with relief as no purchase was made. Other than phone calls and messages from work nothing else to report. Goodnight
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