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Everything posted by sjrixon

  1. Are you going to start a separate build log. I've 4 of these and very tempted to make them into a project soon! So be good to see how you get on.
  2. You filled in the window? Is it double doors on one side and single on the other then?
  3. Going back over Castle's pictures of 190 at Didcot, I've a couple of questions. Are the white lines in the front of the one outside sun visors? They are very perfect all the way around, so I'm not sure. The shot of it in the shed also looks like there are bars behind the windows? Someone has also pointed out the bell should be square to the window it's above, not square to the middle one.
  4. Looking good... The one under the baseboard works particularly well.
  5. This was one I had to sleep on.. But it just isn't right with that lettering. The other thing that I couldn't escape when I looked in the morning was the fact something didn't line up, I think it's the lining that's slightly wrong, but the Great Western being that big makes it look worse. So, I did the other side in the GWR with the crest. I have to say that looks better. So I'm going to clean off the other side and go this way. While I was hanging around the Collett goods was shunting the yard.. Managed to catch it taking on water after getting the trucks all in place and just waiting for the platform to clear. Then my train left..
  6. I was looking for some inspiration for a build and stumbled on this one.. http://www.coachhousecadgwith.co.uk/gallery.php?name=Henrietta Bit different.. Not what I was looking for though.
  7. John, you really are a prolific layout creator, love it! Looking forward as ever to see the progress.
  8. The three pack of horse boxes strikes me as an odd one. I figured you would not normally have that many horses on one train.
  9. It will.. If it was a normal coach.. See here 178 with the Great Western on it.
  10. I wanted to post this earlier, but got carrier away with the Collet shots. I got this far with the autocoach last night. I went with the full 'Great Western' on the side of the coach, but now I'm worried it's wrong. Looking at pictures on the web the Great Western looks smaller. Have I used the wrong one? Looking at my transfer sheet I can't see the wording any smaller, it's the HMRS sheet. Or I take the words off, leave the crest and put the large GWR letters over the top, like 190 at Didcot.
  11. Thanks, glad you liked it. Your coincidences almost justified my layout in the real world! That's slightly freaky
  12. I'd love to see a completed railcar with the lazer glaze. Might make me dig my Lima one out and convert it to DCC!
  13. Thanks Kevin.. Exactly as I thought! Mine is a little warped too, so the same logic should apply. Managed to get some more paint on the roof and also some lining completed last night. The the posty dropped something through the door. I've have to stop buying locos now, I really do.. I really, really do.. Stop..
  14. Probably a question for Kevin. How did your attach your roof after replacing the glazing? Just glue it on?
  15. Planning to get some more done tonight, so I can start to paint up the controls now. They were in a pile of bits that I wasn't sure about!
  16. You are right.. He is the wrong side! I guess the lever up high is the brake. Found a few people really leaning on it, there is a small handle on the ground too. I've found a new man with his other hand raised, his legs are very much in danger!
  17. I thought I'd have a measure up for a driver. I found a man with his right arm raised, there is a level coming down from the ceiling that he could then reach. Oh.. Everyone is a little too tall!
  18. The cart and wagon are looking amazing. I can't wait to see what's next
  19. Always Kevin.. But, my work bench is still a mess, so no trouble finding things on there.
  20. I had a tidy up in my office/railway room yesterday.. Good for the soul from time to time. I've now made a front fascia for the layout, trimmed down the control panel stand, (It just kept getting in the way when taking pictures) and also made two holders for the goods yard playing cards. The one on the left holds the fiddle yard trains, while the right holds the ones on the layout. Feel much better.. Aaahhhh...
  21. After my battle with the lining transfers, time for the easier job of adding the numbers before I have to do battle with the second line.. 187 is born!
  22. Hi Rich.. I can't claim the credit for that full brake. It's an inherited one. It's actually a B set coach with the middle cut out!
  23. Thanks for the kind words Jim.. It's a fine line between patience and enthusiasm. I think I've saved the lining, but of a wobble in places, but you'll never see it on the layout and a quick bit of weathering covers most sins! It's adding the second line that I'm really not looking forward too! I think I'll need to mark out the gap to keep it consistent.
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