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Everything posted by KeithHC

  1. Hi John yes I have a jig downloaded and printed out. However I have not got round to using it yet! Currently I am working on 4mm thumpers in 3D which is a vast learning curve. May be later this year I will get some rail and have a go. Sorry Paul to allow thread drift. Your track work is fantastic and have liked you various version of ELJ. Keep up the good work. Keith
  2. Hi John, I drew this 1 in 5 to see if it was possible. It could do with a few tweaks but it’s a start. Keith
  3. Thanks for the info looking forward to the next update. Keith
  4. Now Andy, you have a 6B you just need a 6L and two power cars from a 6S and you could have the little long drag………. Keith
  5. In the early 60s there was a Cliffe Kent to Uddingston cement train. It was operated up the WCML by 33s. I believe these where changed at York. Keith
  6. Just 10 dollars that in no way in my mind does that recompense the designer. Ok I am very much in the early stages of learning 3D design. But it has taken me some four months just to get to a reasonable level on a model. Ok that may be just an hour or two for three or four days a week. I dread to think how many hours you have worked on your vast list of models. The thought of an individual buying an .stl and printing in minutes does seem a bit crazy. Keith
  7. Surely the pannier is there to rescue the train didn’t the class 14 have quite a few mechanical problems. Keith
  8. So another trial print today…… In a line I have a fuel tank, the compressor cover and finally a battery box. This again is just to see what they look like together. Keith
  9. I will stick my head over the parapet. I think PLA filament would be better than resin. I presume the locking would not be too scale. It is something I would like to do if I could get my head around locking design and operation. Keith
  10. Well I have had another go at the fuel tank. This time I have used a photo found on fb and dimensions from the etch I have from my DC kits model that I have never used. Sorry for the white filament. Keith
  11. Just found a clear photo of the fuel tank. So tomorrow version 2 will be started. Keith
  12. A couple of photos of my latest efforts one is a fuel tank for info it’s only 20mm in length. The other photo shows early progress with the underframes including step boards. Keith
  13. Hi Christian, my process is different. I do each side as a 2mm thick piece and draw each window door etc. I create each door opening by first putting in one line and then each side drawing a .13mm rectangle each side of that line. Once I have pulled the design up 2mm overall and each door edge by .75mm. I then highlight one end and draw a circle of 112mm R/224mm Diameter I then use the pull tool to cut out the required surface. I do similar for the ends. Then I open up a new design and import each piece and build the carriage. Might be longwinded but it works for me. Also I am NOT an expert so am probably getting it wrong. I have done the start of the underframes including the multiple step boards. And printing at moment the first draft of a fuel tank just see what it looks like. Hope that helps. Keith
  14. Thanks for the kind comments. In a way it was following a couple of your threads that gave me the confidence to have a go. I tried bender but just could not get on with it. It has taken me two years to get to my current level and setting on Designspark Mechanical as my preferred software. However even now this software throws a curved ball every now and again. There is the old saying that you learn something new every day well with 3D that happens all the time. Keith
  15. So I have had a bit of a printer update with thanks to my Son-in-law. A new PEI plate and a CR touch that resolves bed levelling. I have still been been drawing and improving my skill set and have managed to produce a 3D in 3D sorry for the pun…. I know there are people out there that don’t like 3D but for me it’s a game changer. I have for years dreamed of being able to turn metal or plastic into fantastic models. I have tried to go the scratch build route but I am too ham fisted. So 3D is the answer to my prayers. Now at the moment my models are not up to the rivet counters levels but considering the latest prints I feel they could work well at the three feet viewing distance. I have a lot more to do including underframes and roofs. I am considering motorising using Hornby 101 power unit yes I know the wheel base is out by 1mm but I can live with that. Next on my list is either a tadpole/Hastings or a Berkshire unit. Keith
  16. Looking very good Andy keep it coming. It’s nice to compare my 3D with your photos. Keith
  17. Im working on the next question…………….. he he he he Keith
  18. Use a sewing threader you might get a few looks when you buy one though. Keith
  19. Yes it’s me again with more questions…….. I am currently slowly producing CAD designs of various BR(S) DEMUs Oxteds, Berkshires and Hastings. As I get deeper into the design I am adding more and more detail this leads me onto the following questions. What are the dimensions of the door stops diameter and the length of the stop protruding above the surface. What are the dimensions of the position of the door stops. Also what are the dimensions of the hinges again what is the length that they protrude above the surface and what are the dimensions of the relevant positions over the three hinges. and finally, what are the dimensions of the standard “T” door handle and again the dimensions of the relevant position. Many thanks Keith
  20. Yep thats what i am asking about. Keith
  21. In particular both the 2/3H and 3D DEMUs these show up on pictures on Google. Just checked and it appears on most other BR(S) mu so probably from post 1951. Keith
  22. Just a quick question for all you experts. I notice from pictures that located above the drivers window there is a cut out about 3ins square located under the gutter. On some pictures the background in the cut out is body colour and some times red. Do I presume this is an indicator for handbrake on or off. Keith
  23. A couple of questions for the DEMU experts. The 2H when original built was based on the 2HAPs being built at the same at Eastleigh. As both types are basically similar could the DEMUs be built as dual mode. Could also the 6L and 6B have been built to restriction 4 and as Electro Diesel MU as further units for the western section. These units if possible could have been on the juice to Basingstoke for Salisbury and Exeter and to Bournemouth for Weymouth. Keith
  24. Another day another trial. I took the Oxted MBSO front and tried a reduction by 52% to produce an approximate N gauge version to see if it worked. Seams to have come out ok. Keith
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