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Everything posted by KeithHC

  1. Like anything rule one applies. I have been working on a proposed model of eventually both Rowfant and Grange road on the East Grinstead Three Bridges line. As part of the models I want to be able to operate roughly to the original schedule. I have over the years amassed various bits of information. It started off with a bit of the WWT and has grown since. One of the last bits of information has come from the book The District Controllers view no15. This book is a mine of information for the Oxted lines. Loco duties are fascinating. You may have a loco off Three Bridges that might end up as far away as Brighton, Eastbourne or even London working a mix of goods and passenger. So just using one loco to go backwards and forwards may not work for me. Keith
  2. Sorry mods should have been in the „handbuilt trackwork and Templot „ thread. Keith
  3. That’s what I am thinking just wanted all the experts out there to confirm. Thanks Keith
  4. What weight per yard does 4mm code 75 rail represent. Keith
  5. I recon he started building these a couple of years ago… Darius just drops them in ever couple of days just to give the impression that it’s all happening now. Sorry bit of cheek from me….. Your ability is fantastic and all your models look excellent I just wish I could achieve the same. Keith
  6. Great job on the signal box. I will have to see if I can revise my 4mm models of Rowfant and Grange road boxes to show a couple of windows in the open position. Keith ps done on a FDM printer windows may well be done in resin.
  7. These look like great prints. I am using an Ender 3pro but have noticed as slicing software updates the prints are getting better. Currently I am still using a 0.4 nozzle but am tempted to try a 0.2. Even withthe .4 i can see some useable prints that would work very well at the 3ft viewing distance. Keith
  8. Thanks Neil that’s just what I wanted much appreciated. Hopefully I will get a sheet or two at the Bristol exhibition. Keith.
  9. Daft question of the day. I want to use the Flemish bond sheet to clad a building carcass that I can produce on my 3D printer. I want to reduce the wall thickness to accommodate the building sheet. Does anyone know the how thick the sheets are so that I can allow for the addition of the cladding. Many thanks Keith
  10. Sorry it will be a Clark’s pie for me. Keith
  11. Wonderful video all looks great. I noticed there seams to be a slight misalignment on one of the goods yard points. One of the sidings looks as though the point has risen above the siding. Also in my mind’s eye I thought the orientation was round the other way with Hemsley being off to right but I now stand corrected. Still a marvellous layout. Keith
  12. Just tried accessing the digest but the www says the website has been disabled. Is it just a temporary situation. Keith
  13. I always use my failed 3D prints just for a laugh but know one has even noticed…….. Keith
  14. Also Cardiff central. https://earth.app.goo.gl/?apn=com.google.earth&isi=293622097&ius=googleearth&link=https%3a%2f%2fearth.google.com%2fweb%2f%4051.47532114,-3.1773624,8.72481654a,0d,60y,11.99992131h,89.53838355t,0r%2fdata%3dIhoKFlZWdk5TWU5JRnV2WnhNdU9acVotdmcQAg Keith
  15. Ah this reminds me of an incident that happened to me. I was working for a Belgian airline in there operations department. The airline was based on the north side of the airport and was considered to be a Flemish company. Sabena based on the south of the airport where a French company. So I was called in as there was problem with an aircraft gone tech in Malaga. The Ops officer on duty had only been in the job a few months and was running around a bit like a rabbit in the headlights. Also one of the joint MDs was in and he suffered no fools gladly. There was the boss barking out instructions in Flemish as I came in. Now he wanted a number for another charter airline to sub in for our tech aircraft. The ops officer was trying to find the number and was going through the local directory but could not find it. Now in most airline ops at the time there was always a black book that had all the handy numbers etc in it. So I walked over to the desk opened the book and pointed to the number needed. The MD then in perfect English said to the other guy „Keith found the number and he doesn’t even speak Flemish“. Huge brownie points to me……. Keith
  16. I did similar in design spark. I used dimensions from the Parkin book of the Mk1. Firstly I drew the top radius then setting the cant rail used my judgement to do a radius to join the two curves. Keith
  17. Ah but if you do a single track blt…… There is the terminus and maybe a passing loop so by default we have double track again. Back to the drawing board. Now how much room do I need for Stourbridge Town…… Keith
  18. Is just me but it looks more European that Scotland. Could even be Italian. off for my hat and coat again. Keith
  19. There a no pit canal or railway in Newdigate. Ops sorry it’s not in Surrey my fault. In Surrey there is more chance of oil shales for fracking. Keith
  20. If you have a look on thingverse and look up Iron mink. Keith
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