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Everything posted by manna

  1. G'Day Folks Body swops and hacks, right up my street, my latest involves a Dublo/Wrenn R1 chassis, Hornby wheels and a GBL Director, hacked and bashed........ A LNER B8 4-6-0 (a work in progress) Don't know what'll pull yet, haven't got it running yet. Terry (AKA manna)
  2. G'Day Folks Updates coming thick and fast ! Decided on a quiet day to-day, lining and numbers, two and a half hours later. And for cheesysmith, the internals of how I make up the wheels for the tender, I start off with a thick bit of Perspex, then I glue either L, U or square brass to it, then I cut a groove in the brass to fit the axles in, after fitting the axles in I fill in the gaps between the axles with plastic, when all is dry I cover all the underside with a thin piece of plastic to stop the axles from falling out (see pics).
  3. G'day. Unusual to be so cold at that time of day, bet your loving the heat, I know I do. I have tried that, cutting off the static wheels and drilling holes for the axles, didn't turn out that good, so I've gone back to making a sub chassis. I'll put up a pic tomorrow. manna
  4. G'Day Folks Today I swopped over the running gear from the R1, not running yet, haven't soldered any wires back on and the pick ups might need adjusting, a small slot in the underside of the boiler is all that it needs to fit over the chassis. a lousy coat of paint has been applied, no matt black left so Satin will have to do for the moment, I still have some heavily thinned matt black. Been extra cold here to-day, only 4c at Midday. manna
  5. G'Day Folks I can remember back in the 60's modellers, trying to make Black 5's and Jubilee's, from Princess's, and J39's J19's and C1's from B12's, always inspired me to try to make something different. manna
  6. G'Day Folks The Mid West is one of the most stable areas on Earth, but you do have Tornados to contend with. Oregon coastal areas are very dodgy, Tsunami's always present, also the Cascadian Subduction zone ! manna
  7. G'Day Folks Time for an update, more rubbing down to-day, and the Cab cutouts, have been cutout ! Engine and Tender have been painted Grey, allows me and everybody else see all the blemish's. Started to transfer motor and gears from another R1 over to my blank chassis. manna
  8. G'day, I thought it was quite funny, as you have one official saying it's to small, and another saying there to big. Crazy...... Had my Corona shot to-day, didn't know they were so big !!
  9. G'day Folks Those LNER Pacific's do grow on you, expecting to see more shortly. Nice Black 5, I don't have any of those. manna
  10. G'day Folks It also presupposes, that China would let the molds be removed and returned to the UK. They believe, it's in our Country, so it's ours. manna
  11. G'Day Folks Yes I was meaning a GN 4 car set, so you would need two sets. manna
  12. G'Day Folks Thank you for your replies and best wishes on my impending visit to the works for re-tubing and superheating ! But I regret to announce that my visit to the works has been cancelled, due to a outbreak of Covid 19 in South Australia................ Bl**dy typical. I had a phone call from the hospital a couple of hours ago, luckily I'm not to bad (In myself) but who knows! Mike I really don't know a lot about Mr. Stanier's locos, Maybe I'll have to look into some of the other LMS designs, something with a Parallel boiler and not one of those funny shaped ones, Full steam ahead and 'Dreadnought'. So as a consolation prize, here's a pic of a Q1. manna
  13. G'Day Folks I have examples of C12, N1, N2, so a A5 wouldn't go amiss. What I would like to see in RTR, is a Quad Art, for a 100 pounds!! manna
  14. G'Day Folks Taking into account that you already have the Stirling tender, how about either a 0-6-0 or 2-4-0 from the GNR. manna
  15. G'Day Folks Talking of Winston Churchill.....
  16. G'Day Folks This build is coming together quiet quickly on only a couple of hours a day, building the B2 helped, most of the basic body work is almost complete , splashers made up, dome on and a fair bit of filler but only in a couple of places. The tender chassis is almost complete, being held together with pegs and a G clamp, see pic below. manna
  17. G'Day Folks PN, needs to be backdated 10 years, all that Post War grot. Including Atlantic's D2's all the GN 0-6-0's. Awww! manna
  18. G'Day Folks Quite possible to make a GBL C1 mobile, using a early Triang 0-6-0 chassis, I fitted later type wheels to mine, but you have to use the original coupling rods (Doctored), a lot has to be cut off the chassis, and I fitted a smaller motor (xo4 won't fit) manna
  19. G'day Folks True, my J5 cost about 25 quid. manna
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