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Everything posted by bazjones1711

  1. Was at the Cardiff model show on Saturday , talked briefly to Wayne Hopkins the builder of the arial ropeway and colliery layout , he now has another project on the go which includes a longer arial ropeway apparently 18 ft long !, will post any more information as and when I know
  2. Fatty Lewis: This glue is for sticking my model aeroplanes together, not sticking up your noses! Buy your own. glue!
  3. 20023 and 20090 shunt a SSA scrap wagon at Crossley scrapyard
  4. Putting some of the finer details in , like weeds , grass etc, still lots more to do
  5. This is the bay platform at Stoke Cockshute sidngs as far as i can remember these were taken on the same day in the early 1980's Both my pictures copyright Barrie Jones
  6. hello Paul , let me know the sizes as i'm not a 7mm man ! so i'm guessing at about 140mm long (20ft) 55mm wide (7ft 9") and varying heights ? or there abouts . Look forward to Shangi Laa in January , keep in touch Baz
  7. Will have to become a member , something I've been meaning to do for a while now, thanks for the information
  8. I have used the drawings for the early Sheerness Steel wagon from the DEMU magazine , but have not got the issue for the later ones , there are drawings in a recent book 'Railway Wagon Plans ' by John Fox I think ,will have to check the book out at some of the shows .
  9. Should have done the BBA bogie steel wagon not duplicate something already available
  10. This was built about 20 years ago , started a rake of 8, but never finished them , so fast forward to 2017 and have another go ! These will be in scrap traffic so will be suitably weathered , Cambrian bogies , SKits buffers and MSE etched ferry tie down lugs , then possibly Precision labels Tiphook logos
  11. Made a start on a Sheerness Steel JXA , will build one of these and one / two of the later , longer versions when i can get some drawing of them , for use on the Crossley scrap layout
  12. Made this Tiphook JRA many years ago ,now going to build 3 more using Cambrian one piece bogies, for use on the Crossley scrapyard layout
  13. Made a start on a Sheerness Steel JXA scrap wagon, will build one of these and one or two of the later , longer style type , when I can find some drawings ,
  14. i will try and put some more pics on the next few days for you
  15. Made a start on the Sheerness Steel JXA Will use s kits bogies not quite correct but close enough , could use bogies off Bachmann TEA if they were available?
  16. Crossley scrap will be making its first outing at the Cardiff show, its a joint effort , my son will operate it and i will help and be on hand to answer any questions or advice The layout is inspired by the real location of Crossley and Evans at Shipley , the layout is 4ft long by 18" wide with a 4ft fiddle yard set in the late 80's to mid 90's. Locos and stock are , Crossley 0-4-0 sentinel Hornby Petroleum class 31 Hornby Metals class 47 Bachmann Metals class 37 Bachmann Bachmann SSA/POA scrap wagons Bachmann HSA scrap wagons Handbuilt ASW POA scrap wagons Handbuilt Tiphook JRA scrap wagons Hopefully will start two Sheerness Steel JXA scrap wagons soon !
  17. The layout now needs the fine details added in , the lighting tower needs CCTV cameras and led lights , scrap handlers weathered , signage etc... On a small layout you can really go to town on the detailing which i love doing > Nearly everything on the layout is handbuilt , like the scrap skips , bridge. First pic is of the planning stage
  18. Wagons for the layout will be Bachmann SSA , HSA , handbuilt Tiphook JRA and a couple of Sheerness JXA , also have some ASW POA Blackadder's I built many years ago . The Hornby sentinel in Crossley colours , class 31, 37 ,47,56, 60
  19. This is our micro layout , based on the scrapyard of Crossley and Evans in Shipley , 4ft long and 18" wide with 4 ft fiddle yard . Hopefully will have it ready for the Small Cardiff show in January 2018
  20. https://m.facebook.com/RCTSSW/photos/pcb.1620485628248975/1620485418248996/?type=3
  21. The owner of these layouts as far as I'm aware has not posted anything on the internet , forums or Facebook , he makes virtually everything from scratch from everyday objects and bits of what everyone else would call junk ! The colleiry layout features a rotary coal tippler which tips onto a conveyor belt system, at shows people stand there for ages just watching ! Will see if I can find more pics of his work , it's of the quality that should be preserved in a museum for prosperity
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