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Everything posted by bazjones1711

  1. Working arial ropeway has been done in O gauge to perfection https://scontent.fbrs1-2.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t31.0-8/1399066_576042389116108_1657768248_o.jpg?oh=c5aab6a60f9f79536648d22b79d049c2&oe=5A883260 this was at the Cardiff show many years ago , the same person has done a layout also in O gauge featuring just the working ropeway , all handbuilt , i have a video on my phone will try and upload it soon . The layouts do not appear in public very often , only then in the South Wales areahttp://www.cardiffmodelrailwayshow.co.uk/
  2. Joined a Facebook group last night , within 10 mins , deleted my post / pictures , why you may ask ? Put a pic of a vintage bulldozer (for that's what the group was about) as my first post , the said bulldozer was a shade of green and rust , so I referred to it as a rust bucket for which it was , only to then have the moderator replying that ' language and statement's ' like that would not be tolerated with an emoji of an angry face , well I was an instant goodbye from me !
  3. The photo was described as the scrap bay , but if anyone knows otherwise please post, may have been a materials handling bay for other materials , but in the photo you can see ladles either side of the tippler. If it was for coal , lime etc I would imagine that this would have been unloaded and stockpiled not as the pic shows , directly into ladles ? Any information appreciated
  4. BSC Tinsley Park scrap bay wagon tippler , inspiration for a micro layout, photo taken during the works upgrade i think , official picture of the then English Steels Corporation works , bought of EBAY . copyright reserved English Steel Corporation Ltd Heres a pic of my tippler on BSC Shepcote Lane Tippler Sidings
  5. Ruston ,thought this may interest you with your passion for industrial railways , its the scrap bay tippler at BSC Tinsley Park in Sheffield (English Steel Corporation originally ) photo is an official picture taken during the upgrade of the plant , bought of EBAY , copyright English Steel Corporation ltd
  6. Just to prove this is a model ! Piece of plasticard painted to replicate rusty sheet metal
  7. hopefuuly so , wiill run a threaded bar between the girders for the longitudinal movement , something similar for the hoist cross movement and a geared motor for the winch and hook . Was thinking of making a slab tongs or using a electro magnet to pick up the slab , will see as i progress , May use 0.7mm lengths of nickel silver square rod for a buzz bar to pick up the contact for some of the motors as in real life , the nickel silver rod is actually cheaper than using plastic rod !
  8. Seems it's nearly a year since I thought of building this layout, I've made a start
  9. You could try bending the wire with the use of a small round rod held between your thumb and forefinger and drawings the wire form the curve , also you could anneal the wire by heating it to make it easier to bend
  10. https://www.flickr.com/photos/74121005@N07/albums/72157671261680946 You may find some of the pics on here of interest to you
  11. Interesting little layout, the only information I can add for now is the barrier wagons were in pool 6303 NBM (coal) Trawsfynydd Branch barriers , this is from approx 1989 wagons were 400173 460001 prototype SPA http://paulbartlett.zenfolio.com/brspa/h38fd8fff B 786883 RRX Also the flask traffic occasionally used BDA bogie steel wagons http://www.6g.nwrail.org.uk/alanhaywardpage10.html
  12. https://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=video&cd=8&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwj_9fCNn9fUAhXrLMAKHUNVDsEQuAIIPjAH&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DN_2wHhBKZlM&usg=AFQjCNFtnucPxHihtvsVEptcHtRErUYLAQ
  13. we should be exhibiting with the first showing of Crossley scrap a 4ft model based on the scrapyard at Shipley, so yes some small layouts and it is a small show , having exhibited twice once with BSC Shepcote Lane tippler siding and Penny lane depot also doing a demonstration this year, maybe it is quality over quantity BSC Shepcote Lane tippler sidings Penny Lane depot Crossley scrap hope to see you all there , probably my son will be operating the scrap layout and i may do a demonstration again ?
  14. Both of these are kibri liebherr HO kits ,first is reference No 11286 ( magnet replacing the bucket) and 11282 a standard model
  15. https://www.flickr.com/photos/tractionart/7279059430 Sure if the TEA BOC wagon is made then people will model this classic
  16. Just happened to find this issue with lochside in today , even went as far as to build a replica of this when I was about 15 ! That was 37 years ago ! This type of layout was a total inspiration for me back in the day, simple but effective design thanks Mr Ian futers
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