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Everything posted by Paul_sterling

  1. It is possible the Jubilee had only been there visiting briefly. I can't help as to which one it would have been. All of the Jubs bar Galatea (that was still in bits then) have been in LMS Crimson in preservation. Edit Bahamas - LMS Crimson from 1968 to 1973 (ticket ended, and I don't know how long it was before the overhaul started - which ended in 1988, and returned in BR Green) Leander was saved in 1972 and restoration started then, I'm not clued up on her history other than the last 20 years. Kolhapur was saved then subject to restoration, not being completed to the 1980's into LMS Crimson. SO at a guess, if it was a Jub, it was probably Bahamas. Paul.
  2. Yes Pete, the change from single to double reduces the pressure over a given area, resulting in a softer exhaust, and this is usually what drives the need for deflectors. I think the single chimney Duchesses/Coronations didn't require deflectors until that point they were changed.
  3. Looks like i will be (hopefully) getting my pre-order for Christmas, just not the Christmas it was planned for......
  4. Ah sorry I was too impatient to reply and didn’t take note of your location. id bought some for the two photon S’s, before this all kicked off, and though RS is expensive normally, it’s now not too bad as the market demand has gone nuts. frankly at current prices on eBay and such like, you may as well buy a bottle of vodka to use.........
  5. RS stock IPA, and at present is cheaper than Ebay, circa £7 a litre,
  6. I'd hazard a guess that the underside of the boiler that is missing is part of the chassis section rather than the boiler section, a-la 56XX and others. Paul.
  7. Thanks Mike, Very much appreciated, in some respects not having a straight answer is a good thing, as it means you support the parts on a case-by-case situation, which also means it's fairly tolerant to different support patterns, I think............ This mornings test was a success, the 50x10x5 bar pieces all came out at 50.06-50.16mm x 10.1-10.15, which is absolutely fine taking into account light bleed on an 8.25s exposure (the S can probably have another 1-2 seconds shaved off on this alone. Cheers, Paul.
  8. Thanks Mike, I would be very interested to get your insights into support structure and angles etc, please, as I've not found a completely happy medium as yet. Thanks, Paul.
  9. Thanks Mike, They are very similar the Photon to the Photon S, but the latter has a different light source which needs less exposure time, and a twin rail system by default. I've now printed 3 50x10x5mm bars, straight onto the bed (i..e no supports) to get some dimensional comparison. Anycubic notes in the manual that sometimes (rare) the bed size needs to be tuned, so printed them for X and Y direction comparison, and a 45 degree one (I'll host a pic shortly a the pic will be a better explanation. Once the 0.1mm edge expansion measurement was removed from each end, it worked out that X and Y were both 5.5% out, so I adjusted the bed size on Chitubox, and retried. Unfortunately I adjusted the wrong way (it isn't all that intuitive) and they were hence 10% longer, so I've now corrected my error, and its printing the new parts now. Once X and Y are good, I'll set up Z. Much like my FDM printer I believe the rules are that you must get X and Y right for calibration before setting Z axis. I'll report back after that, but hopefully this will at least remove one issue. Cheers. Paul.
  10. Hi Folks, I wasn't going to bother people on here, but I'm after some advice with this printer. I've recently got the Photon S, and after two weeks of printing, I still don't have what I would call a satisfactory print. I've followed guidance from one of the Photon Groups on Facebook (being careful to distil the info between those posting about the Photon and the Photon S), and i'm still finding relatively dissapointing prints, where I cannot get clear detail, as reducing the exposure is increasing warp, and increasing exposure is causing the parts to be oversize. Its literally down to a window of a second or two, and at either end of the window I seem to be getting extremes of the effects. I noted the comments in this thread about the parts growing by around 0.1mm on the ends of surfaces, but the S anti-aliasing software is supposed to resolve for that (?), and its not 0.1mm, its more like 1mm. Specs, Anycubic Photon S Elegoo Mars ABS-like Grey Resin. Slicer- Chitubox (medium supports, using the auto function, with some removed/replaced with better cantilvers Layer height 0.02mm Bottom layer count 10mm Exposure time 8.25s (m/c rounds to 8.3) Bottom Exposure 50s Light-off delay 6.5s Bottom light-off delay 0s I've run an exposure test, and although rather subjective, it indicated an exposure time of around 6s. The last two prints were as follows. The diesel shunter (see attached pics), 6.5s exposure printed at an angle (nose end up) at 30 degrees, the surfaces and detail were pretty good, but it was parallelogram-ed, leaning back towards the cab. The following print, I put two of the shunters on, one flat in its "normal" orientation, and the other with it stood up on the back of the cab, 8.25s exposure, see IMG_1005 (specs as above, as they were from a directly comparable printer and material. As you can see from 1002 and 1004, the two engines are very different dimension-ally, and weren't meant to be. Each is out in a variety of directions/dimensions, but anywhere from 1 to 2mm, in either length, width or height. So I'm just wondering if anyone has any guidance, as to where I'm going wrong, as these prints and the printer itself aren't of any use to me if they can't print anywhere near remotely accurately. Thanks. Paul.
  11. The tractors are something of a mash between a fordson/ford 4000/5000 (and their predecessor the super major) and a Massy Ferguson 500 series. Paul
  12. Hi Tom, it is one of those unfortunate things, that in order to make a hobby like ours appeal to non-railway enthusiasts, a lot of stuff is changed (the footage of the NYMR, The great model railway challenge etc), and it usually renders it unwatchable to real enthusiasts. Nevertheless, the Thomas and friends tv series has probably done more good than harm to our fraternity, and preserved railways alike. A definite low low point in the tv series for me was the line “firey Flynn has to rescue Thomas, thomas’ Firebox was on fire”, you know at that point the writers, producers, narrator and anyone else involved know sod all about steam engines.....
  13. Thanks Corbs, I would probably cut down the Thomas shell to fit if I go down this road. Cheers, Paul.
  14. Brilliant, Thanks Tom. I had my suspicions that it would be a Jinty Chassis. My Sons Thomas, despite being brand new, runs like a bag of balls over set-track points, and changing to a Bachmann Chassis did occur to me as well. Is the bodyshell a replacement as well or just a Hornby shell primed please? cheers, Paul.
  15. Lovely work Tom, Can I ask, what chassis are you using on Thomas please? Thanks, Paul.
  16. Handy to know, thanks! Could I be a trouble and ask what brand it is you use please? Paul.
  17. Hi Michael, The metal putty you have used doesn't contain iron filings does it? just wondering in case it is conductive. Thanks, Paul.
  18. Hi, If you are using grinding type cutting tools, the mazac is likely too soft and clogging the pores, a toothed-type cutting tool should be more successful, but you need to keep the surface temperature down. Thanks, Paul.
  19. Looks fab. Did they give any indication of when the production ones will be arriving/available please? Thanks. Paul
  20. Gents, I've now received the controllers, I've replied in this thread attached, as it was directly related to Morley controllers, so more appropriate, and answered Mike's question about if anyone had received a Zero 3 crawler controller yet. I'll post up on that thread henceforth, but I'd just like to convey my thanks to all who have provided help and info on this thread, to help me arrive at the purchase. Thanks. Paul
  21. Hi Mike, I've now taken delivery of two Vector Zero3 Crawler units. first impressions are good. tried it on a Bachmann K3, and it was totally silent, with great slow speed control, up to a respectable top speed. My Hornby Class 50 was less co-operative, but I think this is because the loco needs a decent wheel clean (drat those traction tyres!). I bought them with 5m handheld units, and on reflection, with switch-gear, I could probably operate the whole layout on just one Vector unit, but the intention is that one room "Grosmont" can be worked independently of the other room "Goathland and Ruswarp". Having the handheld units is a revelation, and I'm so pleased I went with the Morley units. I will write a more detailed review in due course, though in the case of model railway electronics, i am merely an operator! Thanks, Paul.
  22. One of those two is non corridor, the brake coach however has something resembling a corridor connection. Both are RTR and I took them out of the packaging for the first time. Delightful little coaches for what they are. Cheers. Paul.
  23. Hi Tom, I've been reading through the thread (in addition to posting), Re. Annie and Clarabel, I'm working on a layout for my son, and I've used a couple of the Farish OO LNER teaks for the coaches. The bogies may need to be changed to something more running friendly (or even just the wheels), but they do mostly capture the look of the two coaches. IMG_20191102_133435[1] by Paul Sterling, on Flickr Cheers, Paul.
  24. My pleasure Tom, as I recall, dimension-ally, it was almost spot on for the real thing, whilst being a convincing look for Mavis. Paul.
  25. Good news..........! The Dacia Sander.............................. Nevermind! Good news! Two Morley Vector 3 Crawlers are ordered! Paul.
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