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6892 Oakhill Grange

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Everything posted by 6892 Oakhill Grange

  1. Hi Please keep us informed about the rebuild. I have thought about this and the query about wheelbase was part of my realisation that it would be quite hard. Cheers Oakhill
  2. There is picture in Russell showing express lamps captioned to be from 1930s and another I have seen somewhere showing one at Cowley Bridge with a summer express also dated in the 30s. I imagine that these were always popular for summer Saturday's when loads increased and schedules relaxed. Probably as the 30s continued the multiplication of Halls, Granges and particularly Castles would have reduced the use until the 50s explosion of services. I have nothing to support this assertion though. Oakhill
  3. More likely a German battle cruiser after the Beatty.
  4. Castle Nice pannier. I have the bits to do the same. Any chance of a shot of the top of the tanks to see how the rivets line up. I Intend to use the Cab and running plate of the Bachmann pannier and just the tanks from Ks. Grange
  5. The Great Western Railway 150 Glorious Years page 42/43. Castle and a Star at Reading 1937 in colour. Hopefully the emulsion had faded otherwise I am going to have to find a much darker shade than precision paints post 29 green. Fireman on the Castle is a bit too enthusiastic judging by the safety valve.
  6. Looks good and I am glad it turned out right. Still not sure about the 1015 and high revs though. This was mentioned by a contributor on your post in motors and drives. From the data on the hollywoodfoundry site the 1015 and 1020 appear to have similar speed / power characteristics but the 1020 is twice the power / torque of its little brother. The 1024 is not quite the same, as it achieves top power at a little higher speed than it's brothers. It is still a lot more powerful and has more torque than the 1020. With a 38:1 gearbox both the 1015 and 1020 are at peak power at 42 scale mph. The 1024 achieves top power at roughly 46 mph. A slightly higher ratio would probably be good for the 1015 / 1020. At 54:1 the top power speed is reduced to 30 mph. I can't see how gearing the 1015 to screaming point will really help. It will still produce no power. The weak motor comment on th hollywoodfoundry site seems to sum it up. Oakhill PS can we see a photo of the tool that did the impossible. I have progressed from cutting disk ( v hot shaft) to diamond file (hot shaft) and would like to progress further.
  7. Wife has just returned from a business trip to the UK with a selection of train bits, 500 nespresso capsules and 8 kg of pork. I shall eat well, not sleep for a while and have plenty to do while unable to sleep and there will be no more motor gearbox combos for a Dean goods.

  8. Wife has just returned from a business trip to the UK with a selection of train bits, 500 nespresso capsules and 8 kg of pork. I shall eat well, not sleep for a while and have plenty to do while unable to sleep and there will be no more motor gearbox combos for a Dean goods.

  9. Wife has just returned from a business trip to the UK with a bag of goodies for the

  10. Wife has just returned from a business trip to the UK with a bag of goodies for the

  11. Wife has just returned from a business trip to the UK with a bag of goodies for the

  12. Wife has just returned from a business trip to the UK with a bag of goodies for the

  13. If you bend masokits bunker / tender lampirons with all the bends the wrong way you get the handed type for a Siphon H, F, C and the 6 wheelers. If they survive soldering I will be a happy boy.

  14. If you bend masokits bunker / tender lampirons with all ten bends the wrong way

  15. Mr Jones If you are watching, please can we have an axle diameter and cog size that Ultrascale already produce so that they have no excuse to wring their hands over development costs. So 3mm driving axle with the same cog as a Collet Goods or 1/8 axle with same cog as the existing Hornby model please. Thanks Oakhill
  16. My Comet chassis has a roadrunner driving the rear axle with a1420 vertical in the firebox. Just fits and provides loads of power. It will eventually get so hot that the body melts though. If I was doing another plastic Dean Goods I would not do the same.
  17. The drive from home to work is between 7 and 15 minutes. So I always go home for lunch. Since the youngest started school I get the house to myself. Today I decided I should use the spare time to do a bit of modelling. After a few minutes prodding a Siphon H underframe with a razor saw and dividers I dropped it. The castings flew off and the truss rods, like my skin lost some of their springiness through age, cracked in two new places. My 5 minutes extra modelling time has put me back a...

    1. cheesysmith


      Yup, mine all at school now. Time to do some modelling, err no, time to tidy up and find out you have more things in your to finish pile than you realised.

  18. The drive from home to work is between 7 and 15 minutes. So I always go home for lunch. Since the youngest started school I get the house to myself. Today I decided I should use the spare time to do a bit of modelling. After a few minutes prodding a Siphon H underframe with a razor saw and dividers I dropped it. The castings flew off and the truss rods, like my skin lost some of their springiness through ag, cracked in two new places. My 5 minutes extra modelling time has put me back a...

  19. I may prefer Great Western, but my father was born in Staindrop and my mother and a cousin live in Barnard Castle, others in Staindrop, Darlington and around. I rediscovered my interest in 2007 also and I am also trying to embrace P4. I may even get around to posting. Good luck and don't let the posts dry up.
  20. They just copied this from Lima where it was a rip roaring success - not.
  21. Oakhill Grange is in the desert at Kauther Gas Plant.

  22. 13 holes with one .35mm drill is this a world record. Deffo personal best!

    1. 3 link

      3 link

      Depends if it was hand held or a pillar drill... : )

  23. 13 holes with one .35mm drill is this a world record. Deffo personal best!

  24. 13 holes with one .35mm drill is this a world record. Defoe persona

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