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Everything posted by stewartingram

  1. Not mentioned so far is the use of steel track., which rusts quickly in a bad environment. Once rusted throw it away.
  2. Just a couple of points? Out of interest only, do we know where the cars were rebuilt? (I have my suspicions but I'm not wanting to spread any rumours!). People saying no-one is asking about the state of people involve. Well, we;'ve had reports about that, nothing else to be said. As for the rolling stock, we've had plenty of media hype, but little factual engineering statement, that is why questions are asked.
  3. Absolutely brilliant! Many thanks for this, somehow I missed that one. Now downloaded and installed, with a copy saved ion my dedicated 'G' drive that I keep these downloads on. RWWeb scores again!
  4. I've had this issue on my desktop for a few weeks. But it occurred randomly, across whatever site I was visiting. I did initially think an odd RMWeb issue - I'm probably more on here than anywhere else; I tried many avenues to fix it and was even visited by BT (their call) about an issue with the landline! Yesterday, trying some more things via Control Panel, I came across a new test that showed recent faults (I can't remember the test but could probably find it again). This showed the C drive disk had paused on a number of recent occasions. I fitted a new drive yesterday and have been rebuilding the PC, all seems well and very much faster! Coincidence probably, who knows?
  5. Bit of a long story. I've been using Claris Works for many a year. I've kept up with the newer versions over the years, as I've used it for a particular (rail related) project database. (It has certain options that I like in my project). This week I've had to change my C drive as it was beginning to fail - caught it in time!. I've now got the new drive 99% up and running, but can't find my copy of AppleWorks (I possibly downloaded it rather than a hard copy). AppleWorks was the later version of Claris after being taken over by Apple. I've managed to download an update to v6.2, which claims to update v6.0 to the final(? version, but that won't do anything without the main program (v6.0) installed. And that of course, seems to be unavailable on the web.... Doesn't anyone know where I can download it, or even have a copy they could forward to me? I've tried ebay, some Mac versions available (apparently it was well liked in the publishing trade), but nothing for windows that I can find. Reasonable costs paid.
  6. That can't be real, it must be a new Accurascale model in 1:1 scale! Preservation at its best, I take back all I said and thought about the NRM decision to give it away. It may not be GER, but it is beautiful.
  7. Back to the topic of coreless: Could it become a standard spec that manufactures label their models (catalogue of packaging) so as to specify when coreless is used? In the same way as they specify DCC.
  8. ebay, CDC models, also known as Street Level Models (haven't seen it on the latter website). It was mentioned onRMWeb 2-3 weeks ago, I went straight to Ebay.
  9. Kitmaster coaches - or to be pedantic, the Peco interiors - had detailed toilets which couldn't be seen behind frosted windows. Now that must have been late 50s?
  10. As received in RTR condition. All I've done is attach the handrails, and use a Bachmann dmu (?) coupling to the loco, thus moving the Hornby Ward coupler to the outer end of the tender. I've also painted the shoebeams white,
  11. Not wanting to tread on anyones toes, but CDC have done a 3d print and I bought one off ebay last week. If you want a pic, I'll post it here.
  12. Or even contact the GE Society. There is a list produced showing items available to GER modellers. Mine is not to hand otherwise I would look.
  13. To keep my records straight, can we please confirm whether the motor is a coreless or not?
  14. I've always thought the B12 boiler was modelled on actual diameter WITHOUT the cladding. Just compare it to the latest Hornby model. The chimney is too tall, way back when it was the done thing to slice it off with a junior hacksaw blade, then stick it back on. Yes it suffers from the normal Triang ride height being too tall. It also has the standard X04 motor (itself not a problem to me) and the wrong gear ratio. Again, an old trick was to swop gears from a TT motor. I think this changed the ratio fro 20:1 to 40:1. Strangely enough, I kept my old B12 (for sentimental reasons - my 1st loco), and I've also bought a late Chinese one in blue livery - why? Well, 1) it was a cheap reject, new from a trainset as faulty, I got it at a Warley show for less than £10. The axle gearwheel was stripped; I had a spare in stock. 2) I like the colour though totally unprototypical. 3) When I got it home and examined it, I was astounded at the improvement in finish. Beautiful paintwork, wire handrails etc. Although still a 'poor' rendition of a B12, I treat it as a 'Shedmaster's Pet', semi preserved, so it gets very occasional use. But I still regard the old B12 models as mere toys. Not very accurate nor worth trying to update them
  15. They should have put lots of nails into the wood, then the nails could have been welded together....
  16. I only skimmed through around the Oxford Rail bit, I later went quickly through the rest, they spotted the error and reversed the image!
  17. Received in the post this morning, a couple of quick phone pics as received (almost). I've glued on the handrails, and coupled the loco & tender with a 'hard' coupling (from a Bachmann dmu?). A few small mods still to do; the Hornby inner Ward coupler to be moved to the outer tender end, the shoe beams to be painted white, and an oil taillamp to be added. Also a bit of weathering. I feel it is a nice addition to the loc.
  18. Hardly unique - a number of stations have been 'renamed' in recent times.
  19. Wow! I never actually expected an answer to that! At least mine can now go into the 'ECML' collection, thanks.
  20. I bought some of that the other day, never used it yet. How secure is it, as I shan't need to remove the headboard.
  21. I'd better add that my 1504 was fine. On the rolling road there was a trace of wobble, which I put down to the wheels moving about on the rollers. On the only yard or so of test track (so far) no trace at all. One front step was knocked off by me, soon glued that back on. Superb model (and that is from someone who is anti GW!). I just had to get the 94xx and USA tank out to compare, all lovely chunky tanks.
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