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Everything posted by -missy-

  1. Classic Single Point Failure! J.
  2. HI. Ok, here are my thoughts.. 1. Maybe it would be easier to have something simple like a common dropbox account or similar? That way members can upload / download files etc anytime of the day / night without having to email it to get uploaded onto a website? 2. STL files are excellent for printing but rubbish for anything else. I am not a fan of the filetype and just generate a STL file purely to print. Maybe using a more user friendly format like STEP would be better? It it should give people more flexibility to adjust the files to suit a particular printing methodology, or to add it onto another part. Unless the person uploading the file doesn't want people to play with it? Julia.
  3. I have some Aluminised Kapton tape (super thin and super shiny) spare after my stint in the space industry. Julia.
  4. I have a different arrangement of collet chuck. So easy to use and invaluable when high accuracy is needed. Missy
  5. Replacement Farish Gears (0.3MOD 18t) Home brew on the left, original farish on the right. Julia
  6. They are all different filenames? J :p
  7. Hi. It can be quite thought provoking putting something like this together. So many constraints appear once you get something together. This has taken me a few attempts to get this far, I haven't even thought about cutting metal (and plastic) yet. Julia.
  8. Hi. Sometimes I just cant help myself! 30 mins design, about 45 mins in total printing. (If anyone wants the files then let me know) Julia
  9. Hi. That looks fantastic. I'm liking the blue/grey colour too. Can I ask what paint ref that is please? Thanks Missy.
  10. Hi. Like machines to make their own gears....? Missy.
  11. Hi. Another alternative would be to cut your own threads. I use this set and have done for a number of years now. https://www.ebay.co.uk/i/184571380205?chn=ps&mkevt=1&mkcid=28 Combined with the cheap screw sets https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/600pcs-Set-Electronic-Assortment-Kit-M1-M1-2-M1-4-M1-6-Mini-12-Kinds-Screw-Nuts/383522857855?hash=item594bbe637f:g:0lAAAOSwZmpepj8E They both cover pretty much anything in 2mm scale. Julia
  12. Hi. I think thats gear cutting machine v1.4 done. There are a few small tweaks to do but they can wait for now. It cuts gears, I am happy. Julia.
  13. Yeah, Im happy with these..... Helical gears still need a bit of work though.... Julia
  14. Hi Justin. Sadly, my crane never made it onto the back of a wagon. The jib was a challenge though. Julia.
  15. Hi. I have to disagree with that. FDM machines have their place and they can produce things that DLP printers cannot produce as easily. I use both types and generally, my default would be the FDM machine purely because how easily and quickly I can generate something compared to the latter. The machines compliment each other. Like with everything, the real secret lies in using the right tool for the job, 3DP is not the perfect solution for everything. It has its place but usually there are other ways of producing something that results in far better results. J.
  16. Hi. The right gear is Mikroantriebe, the left home brew... (0.2MOD BTW) Julia
  17. Thanks Bob. Yes, you are absolutely correct. I didn't want to overcomplicate it by automating anything else other than the rotation. Its not that hard to set the depth etc. Hi Mike. I am a firm believer in what you say there. Its all about using the right manufacturing method to get the right results. There are far too many people out there who rely on one thing like 3DP to make as much as possible when a different method would produce far better results. Julia
  18. Hi. A few tweaks needed but first test runs using my gear hobbing machine is showing fantastic progress. A HUGE thanks goes to @eldavo for all the help with the coding. Julia
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