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Everything posted by adb968008

  1. Yes class 17’s came, flickr url/ not mine looks like this 17 is about to burst, and I bet truth was it was struggling to keep up with the 50, rather than helping it. fortunately so did class 40/47/50’s so there was nothing needing a push.. steam was being replaced wholesale, the 4mts only lasted 6 months at Tebay… of these 8, 5 were withdrawn from Tebay by Jan 1968, the other 3 went to Carnforth .. of those one lasted til Feb 1968, and 75019/27 went (with others) until August 3rd 1968 (last day of regular uk steam) , including 75027 which went on to preservation at the Bluebell railway. evidence suggests 2-6-4Ts were most successful on Shap banking.. they had 28 of them over the years, the 4mts look like a just in case, certainly the internet has a lot of pictures of the 4mts on shed, if they were on shed they werent busy.
  2. By summer 1967 tank engines were a very endangered species north of the southern… Specifically, 15 LMS 2-6-4ts started 1967, 2 made it past June. Theres a choice of Ivatt 2-6-0 or Std 4-6-0 really… otherwise its black 5’s/8f/9f/wd… The Midland concentrated its 4MTs on Carnforth and Tebay.. so they were all in proximity, with the 76xxxs in Wigan, the Ivatts on the coast. Brdatabase snapshot shows the Midland only had 4 tank engines left in June 1967… 3 jintys and a j94.
  3. If they werent on strike no one would care, or even know.
  4. This is just like the real world that the rest of us live in. Linkedin is full of jobs nicking skilled folks from competitors, usually using conditions, rates and incentives to work for them…. Then for the adhoc stuff use contractors or overtime. Rail industry is emerging from its protective bubble, Avanti is just managing costs. In the real world unions dont dictate pay, market conditions do, and looking at the rail industry, given the skills shortages, more like this would up pay faster for employees willing to vote with their feet for the “package” rather than having the union do it for them might see wage inflation accelerate faster, and employers would need to be more competitive in attracting staff…. Since covid much of the UK has enjoyed significant pay rises, especially IT up north.. 40% rises is not unheard of since precovid… take a look at a major recruiters own words… https://www.michaelpage.co.uk/advice/management-advice/attraction-and-recruitment/great-resignation-whats-really-happening-uk the rail industry has been stuck in a cycle of conflict, which as an outsider I only see the unions and management structure as being the cause of the rail industry missing out on the boom the rest of the UK professional sector has enjoyed. remember the hgv drivers… https://www.zoomrecruitment.co.uk/lorry-driver-jobs-offering-wages-60000-amid-shortage/ Those guys taking £600 a day, all power to them… thats the route to money, make hay whilst the sun shines.
  5. Rocos made some great stuff from Vietnam no complaints You do need to look at the box though to find whats made where, as some comes from other places… you wouldnt know any other way. Which brings me around to QA… Ive quite a HO collection, alongside my OO collection, yet in 30 years plus, Ive only ever had 1 HO item (inc wagons and rolling stock) with a fault.. that was a Piko EU07 with a glazing piece missing.. they overnighted it to me from Germany. Ive nothing in OO that meets that standard, typically ive 2-4 a year with an issue. Then of course you have multiple HO manufacturers, making in factories scattered to the four winds.. but when it comes to livery they all seem to agree and match. OO has come a long way, and in price its starting to overtake, but theres still room for much improvement, HO engineering and quality is very high.
  6. Ive been stuck in a horrible tax bracket for sometime. Whilst its punitive, the thing to remember is dont look down , look up.. you eventually get past it. In the meantime, push what you can to the pension… the % lost ends up in your hands eventually.
  7. Did anyone notice anything relating to the 2-10-0 at Ally Pally ? ive got to admit I didnt look.
  8. The internet is a big place, no ones yet reached the end of it and returned to tell the tale. So for now helping fellow travellers with links is the only way to navigate it. 😀
  9. No thats not whats I said. You wouldnt be using a DC controller at all in a DCC system, but i suspect you know this already. but we are OT of DCC Sound on DC. but if wanting a budget DCC set up,.. with a DCC controller and harness… You can place the chip and harness wherever you like, under the board, in a station building but I put it next to my controller when i did it. but with regard to… So be sure of your track. Some discussion here on this.. https://www.slotforum.com/threads/short-circuit-protection-for-track.209983/ But if youve got doubts, then dont do it obviously. its not much different to buying and using one of these… https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32961034006.html?gatewayAdapt=4itemAdapt and subbing the motor in that cradle, to being wires to the track. (And dont throw that motor away, its the same motor as used in many major brands models). ultimately what outputs from your chip to the motor is the dc power the motor needs to work… on a normal DC operated layout its DC from controller to motor without the DCC chip. In a DCC operated layout its AC to the chip which is converting to DC for that final output to the motor… but ultimately your DC or DCC fitted loco has the same DC motor inside… its about where it gets its DC from… Should note that any shorts can damage your chips, DCC or DC.. chips are very finicky things Ive found, hence I dont use DCC but a couple of chips for hundreds of locos is better than hundreds of chips for hundreds of locos. Ultimately I believe the clock is ticking on DCC and standard wifi will replace it giving unlimited flexibility rather than tv remote control tech, which brings us back to topic… and why you might want to stay DC but get sound without DCC.. admittedly the excitement of DCc sound wore off so I dont use it now, I went to the bluetooth speaker system instead using my own sound using DC whenever I feel the urge and thats basically free…. i was going to write an app for this, but saw Hornby did txs, though i think they missed it.
  10. Double sided tape is usually ok to hold the body. not too much to make it hard to separate, but enough to hold it. trial and error but you’ll be surprised you. Wont need as much as you initially think.
  11. A couple of minor obs… unusually 47712 managed not to have its builders plate stolen until 1988, but only on the drivers side, radiator end. flickr url not mine no builders plate side (manchester victoria on a Transpenine working), flickr url not mine at this time, its data panel was next to the cab door in the grey at standing height on one side but none on the other. in 1989 it had another repaint, which covered that patch from the builders plate, but the data panel was moved to the bottom of the drivers cab by the kick plate, but on the yellow side. Flickr url not mine.
  12. April 1st is coming, i wonder if they will paint a blue stripe over that red one 😀
  13. I’m gonna sound weird but i’d like sound for these wagons. They are like nothing else, a very solid, well compressed thud over rail joints, even when empty… almost like theyve got shock absorbers in them… a non metallic sound.
  14. They do because Lima initially did the reverse error and their 1st release 101 came out in Green with whiskers and the aerial pod. (Yes Lima made whoppers too, but at £39.99 we were more forgiving in those days). https://www.hampshiremodels.co.uk/products/lima-149895-oo-gauge-br-green-class-101-2-car-dmu
  15. Yes but i’m Looking at it from an outsiders viewpoint. (I dont work in the industry, so allow me some latitude of ignorance). wcrc is what you say, but to the man on the street they are not selling tickets to Blackpool, London or anywhere else…. Virtually Every other operator (inc OA) are selling travel tickets from A to B…. They are train companies, running as a business. They are constrained to that purpose (even if parent companies have other businesses). They cannot cancel a train on the basis of passenger numbers that day alone. And most get paid regardless if they run, cancel or dont care how many or how few are on board… theres no obvious business economics applied to it (though OA may may pay more attention to it). WCRC are a Tourism and Leisure business, that just happens to run trains, or hire them to others to do the same (plus whatever else they do). Nothing stops WCRC tomorrow running buses or planes (except regulators of course). They are also free to schedule and cancel as they please based on business demand for that specific plan. Wcrc simply run a business as any other “real world” business.. based on profit, loss, demand and supply without the protective bubble that most of the rail industry lives off. For example WCRC could simply retreat from railtours, and become a loco and rolling stock hire company to preserved railways.. they aren't compelled to run railtours… SWR couldnt just unilaterally decide to close and stop Waterloo Exeter services I think some here are blinkered that wcrc must conform to the industry and must operate trains… they dont*.. they can simply give it up and walk away and do something else… just because something was profitable, doesnt mean it will remain so in the future..any good business would do these maths, and in wcrcs are making a stand to fight for it, but equally it could mean ultimate defeat… the saying in sales is “you can be right, and you can be dead, right.”.…Basically theres a point where you cant make a deal even if it all makes sense, and you simply have to walk away from it. Thats what I mean. * they do if they want to continue the current business model, but they arent compelled to stick to that business model
  16. 101 pages of it… https://www.orr.gov.uk/sites/default/files/om/s18-wcrc-directed-contract.pdf page 57, Schedule 6 “Events of default” is the page some will find of interest. is this stock fitted with CET already ? As its mentioned within (para 10, p55) as a requirement from April 1st 2023.
  17. It begins.. https://www.railadvent.co.uk/2024/03/petition-launched-to-get-the-jacobite-steam-train-back-on-tracks.html https://www.change.org/p/get-the-jacobite-steam-train-back-on-tracks
  18. Another article here, with additional pictures.. got to admit it looks pretty fragile here… just paint left on the sand. https://www.railadvent.co.uk/2024/03/wooden-lner-container-wagon-unearthed-in-belgium.html
  19. I wonder if that unit will sink down a hole never to be seen again ?
  20. I have my doubts on Frasers ability for all of that. I’m just trying to figure in my mind how they could persuade Phoenix to sell a large stake, without offering a large bundle of cash..and why for a company whom Phoenix has burned up millions into with not much progress, plus that company also with a large amount of loans and if they did could Frasers still make money out of it by selling the parts separately… and if that was a lucrative option why wouldnt Phoenix do it without them ? But as it is, unless Hornby is sitting on an innovation of the century thats going to take the market by storm, I only see fiddling around the edges as a way forwards and more of the same if its kept whole, and i’m not sure why Frasers would want that ? At the same time, if this wasnt hostile, why not approach Phoenix directly and buy in, they just bought a minority stake off a minority shareholder without a path to majority that doesnt involve Phoenix. Frasers might have the power in China but its still 2 years to do a tooling, the demand is still finite and the models are fashion accessories which means the desire to buy fades with time, but with the added baggage the models dont decay to waste over winter, they hang around for decades. last time phoenix had a small stake was the battle with Pistoia and i’m not sure they want that again... but is that what this is….? Could the strategy be much simpler…. buy a shareholding, become unruly and beligerant, risk the whole business and seek a share buy back premium payout from Hornby or Phoenix or let it sink… afterall this is chump change to Frasers, but a bigger risk to Phoenix which forces them into an even larger stake in Hornby ?
  21. Sorry yes, I was reading regulation 4. if no one has yet done a vb cdl with the required electrics, then I assume someone has to authorise it for rail use first. in thats case everyone is screwed come year end, and wcrc has imo no chance of doing that much stock in a year. it is game over once the egg timer runs out and for wcrc it already has. oh well, its quiet this year, its going to be quieter still next year, unless someone can rustle up more mk2 / mk3 air cons… not that much with AB in steam is around in operation to run them. WHL is a dead kipper without an exemption.
  22. Could it have been saved ? maybe inserting plywood into the inside, excavate inside and let the sides lean onto the ply ? could have made for an interesting backdrop. As it was its a man with a shovel, hes not doing much alone… i love the last line… Honest intent until the end. Keep digging he might find the rest of the train, Perhaps with a Jinty and a firemans kettle still warm. 🙂
  23. Buy a Washing machine get an 8f free.. might be the only way to get rid of the moulded smokebox dart 8fs Ive still got my free Christmas tree from Hornby for buying a few coaches, big pot, got roots might do next year too. AO lets go.
  24. got to admit i quite like it too.
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