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Limpley Stoker

RMweb Gold
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Everything posted by Limpley Stoker

  1. I had similar thoughts but I was reassured by the side window of the scammell scarab behind the hut.
  2. It looks as if he’s lighting two a once to share with his chum. I wonder why, as less and less people smoke at work, the nation’s productivity hasn’t gone up !
  3. B&W suits this shot - we know what colour the sheep are.
  4. How about some good British engineering.... back on topic. Note the hidden rear suspenders. Image : eBay advertisement Clarke
  5. I didn’t know the 1960 beetle had rear independent suspenders.
  6. Brilliant ! and could I order a signed copy of the eagerly awaited book, which would be great on the coffee table to show grandchildren what is possible !
  7. I thought spotting signals was in the fireman’s job description.
  8. That’s the first mention, I think, of a 517 ! What is your starting point?
  9. But are you sure it’s a proper steam locomotives ….. if so I will have to rearrange the dog walk in the county..
  10. As always a lovely scene - the more I see this I feel an urge to go and stand on the distant foot bridge.
  11. That’s skilful carving - a job for your very long chisel, I suspect !
  12. It’s a balloon - I think the squadron leader was trying to scare it out of his airspace!
  13. Add to your similar attributes : wicked sense of humour , encyclopaedic knowledge of history ( the important bits ) and the ability to quote from ancient obscure texts.
  14. Or: ‘ Could you be so kind as to pass me one of those ‘ - you get much better service!
  15. I’m playing my fretless bass to that!
  16. And ‘ the reality is ‘…… no it isn’t ! - though perhaps in miniature here.
  17. ‘Transfers’ to many these days means grotesque sums of money and football - unheard of in the days of the original Airfix kits with their yellowing backed transfers!
  18. I think he was polite enough to move away to break wind.
  19. Were there similar numbers on buildings not on railway land? I took an interest in Plumpton about nine years ago (my daughter lived there) The signal box, gated level crossing and the station building were all grade Ii listed so the number is now permanent. I didn’t see numbers elsewhere so I assumed it related to the crossing.
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