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Limpley Stoker

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Everything posted by Limpley Stoker

  1. It's lovely to see Dr Creasy out and about. He is dreading the arrival of the NHS next year although he will be bribed to accept it. He was hoping to call in on the Stationmaster to reassure him about the volatile girl in the booking office, Unfortunately he was unable to find his house.
  2. Actually Will got hammered last night and the horse did a little hoofing. It was Saturday night so not much happening today! Hay ho...
  3. What a lot of gorgeous detail - even the greenhouse is full of plants width a vine growing up the wall. I'm feeling guilty that we a keeping you from your modelling- you could e digging foundations raher than reading this!
  4. I'm still looking at your garden and I'm fascinated by the layers of shrubs and trees laid out so realistically. After handling all that foliage texture with adhesive you must have green fingers! It shows.
  5. That's amazing! Did you knit that garden bench too?
  6. Are these gentlemen in the same lodge?
  7. You're incredibly brave letting us watch this fascinating project as it develops. I've witnessed what happens when somebody designs a locomotive firebox the wrong shape! Having seen what you are capable of making I'm really enjoying this journey, especially as you have overcome all the planning objections!
  8. Has anybody bought the bullhead rail connectors yet?
  9. I've noticed how easy it is to clip the rail back into the chairs if they get displaced when handling the track- much easier than threading them on! I suspect this makes manufacturing easier.
  10. Thank you John, apologies for not keeping up at the back- must do better, Mike
  11. It's official! Little Muddle has been declared An Area Of Outsranding Natural Beauty---AONB. Well deserved I'd say.
  12. Actually it is for the occupants of the yet-to-be-built cottages to object to the arrival of the Railway, reading back to your background notes. Nothing to fear from planners in the 19th century! If they could have seen how wonderfully the railway would blend into this area of outstanding natural beauty they would have had no fears!
  13. Chairman, My concerns are 1 The need for 10 new dwellings in Little Muddle has not been demonstrated. 2 Highways Department are concerned that safe vehicular access has not been provided 3. No off-street parking is available 4. The development detracts from rather than enhances it's surroundings 5. The high roof profile will deprive the ladies lavatories in the station building of light However I am pleased to see small business units. These will be able to employ agricultural workers displaced by the introduction of powerful tractors powered by internal combustion engines.
  14. I think the entire readership ( planning committee) would like a site visit.........
  15. I think Little Muddle needs a Press Officer so it's Maker can get on with the Making! A whole page has whizzed by while I was out!
  16. I love the close coupled coaches complete with hoses- could you give us a glimpse of the coupling arrangements? Armchair loco spotting here, ANTB and Little Muddle is a full time occupation now! More please!
  17. Just think that in eighty years time Michael Portillo will waft by Little Muddle on the train. He will explain that it wouldn't have a village community without the arrival of the railway, and point out your yet-you-be-planned village development that was a little too late for Bradshaw's guide!
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