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Limpley Stoker

RMweb Gold
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Everything posted by Limpley Stoker

  1. Thank you Edwardian- This 14xx still runs with its original Airfix chassis, but with the driving wheels replaced - it runs surprisingly well. My current project is a Mainline Dean goods for which I am constructing a High Level chassis, which has been difficult. For this it's worth reading Nickwood (of Much Murkle fame) on his project "Dean Goods-High Level Chassis" I started this long before Oxford Rail offered theirs, but I have no regrets. I remember the advice from a German Rail modeller when I worked over there for a year-- never complete the model or the magic wil disappear. I fear I have taken this to the extreme!
  2. It is indeed my attempt ro recreate Limpley Stoke, but having laid all the trackwork some years I am struggling with the buildings and scenery- that's why I am addicted to ANTB, for inspiration. I have developed a displacement activity of fettling my rolling stock and Facerail !
  3. Good Morning I've not been tempted to order a Hatton's replacement for this old Airfix loco, now 35 yrs old- should have spent more time on the scenery!
  4. It's uncanny, you can always tell if a train I coming by looking ar those signals! They do complete the scene which is a bit of a worry- is there anything left to do?
  5. Brian I have learnt so much from Have Your Say by reading those sometimes long winded but very well informed contributions. The 200 word limit did not permit such depth of detail- and if the prose was too impenetrable it was easy to skip to the next. The recent product reviews of tools and gadgets was a recent welcome addition and I don't know how many enjoyable hours I have spent watching your video choices with the mandatory cup of tea - videos not always easily accessible on YouTube. I think I have read every issue since the start and am very grateful to all the team who gave their time to get it right. I looked at all the ads, just because they were there and usually relevant- The proposed e Magazine will only happen if the advertisers know somebody will look at their ads- luckily none of them will be from Payment Protection Compensation or Double Glazing..... I hope Mike
  6. I shall follow MREmag wherever it goes, as had been said before, it has been an essential fixture of like for so many years though sadly the fixes will be less frequent. The problem ahead is how to let everybody know when an issue is available as the website has been dismantled - unless all potential readers are directed to a site like this for information. I assume the domain name can be transferred to the new eMagazine so can an information page be constructed prior to the start-up of the new enterprise? Mike
  7. Agreed- but I have recently been tempted to buy a lot oh Hornby coaches, and only 2 metres of track needs replacing!
  8. I shall be laying some Peco replacements asap for old C&L track in order to loose the annoying clunking of Hornby coach wheels bouncing on the chairs on the curves!
  9. 'And to think that the same paintshop did such a good job for the NRM version- - all shiny and the right shade of green'
  10. Is this what Mr Warburton has been patiently waiting to see ? Will he wait until Christmas to see it again I wonder.
  11. 'Last night a large hole appeared in the station platform at Brent, in the South Hams area of Devon. The police are looking into it.'
  12. I can't help chuckling at the late and much missed Victoria Wood when I see a mention of Woman's Weekly - and she sounded desperate!!
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