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Everything posted by brianusa

  1. While this message has a point, over the years I at least spent many Dollars on high end items, locomotives and rolling stock as well as accessories. So its not for the lack of trying; its just that the 'little guy' has a hard time keeping up with high discounters, rising rents and the ever increasing costs of new stuff. Throw in a poor economy and he's in trouble! Brian.
  2. Its a world wide problem. We live near a large town that once had four or five train related hobby shops where one could always buy bits and pieces, parts, and magazines. One by one they disappeared and now they've all gone. Surely it can't be all due to the influence of the internet, some must be due to natural attrition and those leaving the hobby for other reasons, but the problem remains, where do you now buy all those little things; those you used to stop by and pick up. Now they'll cost you twice as much due to postage and packing, etc, with the inevitable wait. Brian.
  3. A long running topic but to the point. However the prospect of me ever building another is daunting as mine was constructed over twenty years ago and crawling around under a layout is not on these days. Brian.
  4. You are not alone. Same things happen over here only we have to pay for it! In spite of private insurance, Medicare and co-pays but all is not lost, yet; my wife recently went through three operations with three weeks in hospital but what will happen in the future with the attitude of this government and this president. Brian.
  5. Directors of films rarely concentrate on details. Except for a critical group like some posters, the average audience does not know any better or cares less. It doesn't affect the outcome of the movies whereas who gets the girl does! Brian.
  6. We can get Ambrosia at our local supermarket - does this count? Brian
  7. But where on the main line is the tightest for express passenger trains? Brian.
  8. Now at last even I can see what's going on. From pictures, I am reasonably familiar with the layout but now it can be seen in {almost} all its glory. Lookin' good! Brian
  9. And why should it? We all have different attitudes to life, different financial abilities so if we want to flaunt it, why not? There will always be the 'little guy' but that does not mean that others shouldn't achieve more in life. Brian.
  10. And there are those who wonder why I went third rail! And was much younger! Brian.
  11. A bit like air travel. Business -v- Economy. Business is worth every penny (First is a little extravagant but good for Upgrades!) and remembering air travel as it once was, wouldn't settle for less. Train travel could be reduced to Easyjet level or worse still, Ryanair, if this trend continues to the discomfort of long distance train travellers. Airlines seem to have a good idea of allocating space for First or Econ Class. Except when they have to toss passengers off for overbooking! Brian.
  12. Anything from the SDR is all right with me. It looks as though the 'weathering' is getting a bit overdone though; time for some attention!
  13. http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-wales-politics-40665659 Perhaps its time to rethink the whole electrification process in view of this latest example and the general woes of the GW main line. Diesel power is a proven example and you don't need all the associated overhead, wires and whatever else is needed. Due to expense, it was never likely to encompass the whole rail network, the south west is a prime example which fortunately will be spared the electrical eyesores across the countryside. Brian.
  14. You think the UK has problems? You should be here in the US where everyone knows guns are all over. This is a nice quiet little town but the other day there was this guy, in a pharmacy open carrying, which means he had a gun in a holster, a la Western movie. Mind you, he had all the trappings, tattoos, beard, cowboy hat and boots so he stood out from the normal customers. If he had a concealed weapons permit, he wouldn't have stood out so much. And America wonders why it has so much gun violence! Brian.
  15. This is a world wide problem with no real solution. Too many get away with it and the penalties are not severe enough to deter anyone. As just about everybody indulges at one time or another, this is passed on to the children who consequently see no problem, especially as their parents show no restraint and so it goes.................... Brian.
  16. Kev, you could almost be referring to the GW in Cornwall with your description, even down to the palm trees. You'd just have to pretend that the Channel was the Med! Brian.
  17. Wasn't David and Charles in the old Newton wagon works? Brian.
  18. << 1) A Bobigny to Binns Road special, which must have come across on the train ferry. All French Hornby wagons from c1960 ....... the French might be good at wine, cheese, poster-art etc, but by goodness were they rubbish at consistent scale! The van nearest the camera, for instance, is probably nearer S than 0. >> Having no French stock, I had no idea that some Bobigny trains were off scale. Brian
  19. Phil, they say, whomever they are, money can't buy happiness! Well I just bought some train stuff and I'm very happy, so splurge every now and again. Soothes the furrowed brow! Brian.
  20. Hi John, looks a busy little place with lots of action and things to take in. Its a layout us tinplaters can appreciate!! Brian.
  21. A lot of conflicting remarks to this thread. Some take it in their stride while others are determined to dig deeper until it grows out of all proportion. Such are the problems of social media. Brian.
  22. If I can remember all those years ago and being of an age if I found such a situation, it would have caused intense excitement; a WOW moment! Railfans are notorious risk takers; even now its difficult to keep them off the tracks. While perhaps not a railfan now, this kid might become one, if his mother lets him. Brian.
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