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Everything posted by brianusa

  1. No problem, Bill. Anywhere down in GOC is OK with me! Brian.
  2. Nice to see some pictures from the Cornish side of the Tamar! Brian.
  3. Being only four, there's not a lot I remember except that I was in Greenbank hospital for appendicitis, and eating Farley's Rusks. Funny what sticks in one hard drive! Brian.
  4. Just had an occasion to return an item in spite of a No Return policy by the seller. In this case, it was a Hornby loco that didn't even run. But the seller accepted it and returned the cost. No big deal. However, how would you rate the seller in Feedback? Want to give a good rating although the thing didn't work, the seller was professional and was cooperative in a satisfactory resolution to this matter. Brian.
  5. Does Belize have or did they have any railways? Brian
  6. There will always be critics of war films but there isn't much alternative than to use substitute vehicles, aircraft or ships if there has to be any film at all well so long after the fact. Brian.
  7. It must be an age thing! By now as all must know, I am not a fan of black engines; if they were painted black to begin with - OK, but not after whatever railway company prime colours were painted black just because BR decided it was the thing to do. It only added to the gloomy post war depression! However, most herein seem to be ambivalent, some even love it which must mean that those who grew up in that era were conditioned by it to love black engines! Brian
  8. Imerys are debating the future of rail -V- road transport. It would be sad to see rail freight operations disappear altogether from Cornwall and more lorries on narrow Cornish roads. Brian.
  9. A lot of concern seems to occur about matching carriages. I seem to remember them in all shades and fades although ostensibly from the same company apart from interlopers from the opposition. From a model POV, it does look nice to have a matched set but I doubt the railway would worry about it. Brian.
  10. Not only Waterloo but now Euston as an E Cig explodes and causes a mild panic. Police presence and delays ensue. Time to get rid of them before one goes off in an aeroplane - then there really would be panic with a capital P. Brian.
  11. It doesn't get any worse than that! Brian
  12. No sooner had they built these as shown, they were spoiled by subtle changes, perhaps warranted but the look was changed somewhat. Only to be completely shattered when the 'streamlining' was removed. Brian.
  13. Better make sure you've got the right one. Some lines are too keen to swap names/ numbers on these engines for some reason so hopefully they don't get mixed up! Brian.
  14. Trago Mills still going strong? Perhaps we missed something but our only visit was a muddy disaster! Brian
  15. Sadly if you want a shop that sells model trains, books or souvenirs when visiting preserved lines, then this is the price you have to pay to make it viable for them to be there. For those of us who come home on holiday, sometimes these are the only opportunities to acquire anything train related. Brian.
  16. Somebody been to Swindon then? Love it but its always a shame to think these will never run again out in the fresh air, white smoke drifting back on the breeze and that GW whistle echoing before Marley tunnel. Or wherever! Brian.
  17. Usually space is the buffers for unbridled expansion. Mine is in a three car garage area and after enough room was allowed for a couple of cars, the rest of the area was for the trains. So a party wall was erected, heat and air installed, carpet laid; add a door and that was that. No further room for expansion though but I have enough trains already and having reached a discretionary age(!), am content with what I have available both in stock and space to run them. Brian.
  18. Capt'n, if its any consolation we get identical holes especially this time of year and definitely squirrels, the grey variety in our case.. They probably dig right through and come out over here! Unless of course, you have moles, voles or other burrowing small creatures but they would leave earth mounds, similar to the Cornish Alps on a smaller scale. Brian.
  19. If t'were up to me, Bodmin Road exchange sidings to the SR main line including the Ruthern branch. That way fiddle yards at each end could supply a variety of stock and trains.
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