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Everything posted by brianusa

  1. Harrumph! Always liked that remark - don't know if that's how its spelt even but sums it up. Sounds good though! Brian.
  2. A very good prospect for model railways. All too often we tend to model well used lines and features such as this are often overlooked as are weeds in our immaculately groomed main line track. One has only to look at the real thing in a lot of places for inspiration, Brian.
  3. Why did BR insist on painting so many locos in black, not even lined black? These look so much better in GW green so was there a better deal on black paint at the time or was it the Henry Ford credo about black paint. Saves painting in the other groupings colours but presumably it was thought utile as most engines turned a dirty black anyway and you might as well have them all looking the same. Boring, as they would say today! Brian.
  4. Back seat leg room hasn't improved much in some of todays cars! Brian./
  5. Returning to this epic, was there a dedicated branch platform for Turnchapel as most times as I remember the train left from Platform 1 and terminated at Platform 4. Did the GW follow suit with the Yealmpton train after WWII? Brian
  6. All I can say is that I have the feeling that I've actually been there and seen these places. Brian.
  7. Refers to anywhere far from where you are - unless you are there also! Brian.
  8. The good Capt'n had an eclipse only a few years ago when his crew rushed into Cornwall and created havoc not seen since Poldark's days. You couldn't even get a room at Jamaica Inn! Brian.
  9. Likewise John, but thanks to local hype I was expecting more. We're not that much North of the eclipse path but news suggested more but I did have to turn the light on to read the daily paper!. Perhaps this is what as known as 'fake news' these days. Earthquakes; now there's a natural phenomenon to be reckoned with although we haven't had a bad one in ages fortunately. Brian.
  10. As an expat of many years, I can remember gypsies every so often but nothing like I read about 'travellers'. Like a lot of things, this situation has got out of hand or is it non PC to criticise such actions these days. As its been a problem for some considerable time now, why can't something be done about it or doesn't common sense play a part anymore? Brian.
  11. Why not just paint it malachite green and be done with it and perhaps put L& before SWR! Brian.
  12. "A high degree of realism"? No doubt some would question that remark but for any tinplater the picture represents an earlier age of what we are still trying to emulate. The classic look that only can happen with three rails, oversize flanges and what appears to be home made/hand laid track. Even what appears to be point control from a signal box! I wonder who made it and who made the locos and rolling stock? Brian.
  13. Fascinating indeed. This is the stuff of such branch lines which seem innocuous enough but even this Southern one had a busy industry, a siding at Oreston, a swing bridge and even a tunnel and Quays as a terminus. Not forgetting a junction station with the GW at Plymstock, all within a few miles.!
  14. There's not much to it, so why are little branch lines like this so interesting? 'Main' line to Looe which connects to the real main line or perhaps associated historically with the Looe and Caradon Ry? Brian.
  15. Which of the above is most relevant and representative of ANTB and its correspondents? Brian
  16. Ever since SWT disappeared west of Exeter, hardly South West; more South Southern! Brian.
  17. Phil, I run 'one engine in steam' the old fashioned way with a transformer/controller which runs two circuits, Up line to the left, Down to the right. There is invariably another train either in the station or in the goods yard plus the odd light engine waiting to perform. Several permutations can be run but invariably most time there is an UP passenger and a Down good running in the opposite direction as I like to sit and watch the trains go round. Operations are not my line! Brian
  18. But what about the rarities? I really only really know GW or SR, so instead of locking away a unique Star or a Dean goods, even the City which after a lot of work, just seemed to give up upon, why not try and get them running? Can't be any more expensive than the amounts quoted to rehab other locos and cheaper than new builds. Brian.
  19. Sadly when it comes to pastys. I will eat anything that resembles one, Over here there are claimants to the name but invariably have little to recommend them, minced meat to start with, carrots? Carrots!! Usually the pastys are funny misshapen things with the crinkle on the top, no natural juices but commercial gravy served on the side. How bad is that!. If you are lucky and live in an area where Cornish miners emigrated years ago, you may find pasty shops with pastys that are quite good; not by Mothers standard, but usually quite edible. I keep looking on Amazon Prime for someone to export some. Brian.
  20. Tell that to Canadians! Brian.
  21. Only been to Wells once while back home on holiday. No train show but agree with other comments, though we were lucky to be there during a choir rehearsal after driving around and round in circles! Brian.
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