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Everything posted by brianusa

  1. Hi Nick, hopefully you're a bit better nowadays. I was particularly interested in your remarks concerning the quarry traffic on the PT line, these quarries and their workings always were of interest to me and your comments were most useful. Also for years I was under the impression that the turntables were only used to turn snow ploughs having read so in some articles. However, I do have pictures of a 44xx heading a mixed to PT and another picture of the same loco and carriage, minus wagons, descending toward Yelverton head first; something I thought was forbidden. So it must have turned on the one by the engine shed. Unless someone has a better idea! Brian. PS. You don't know anything about the quarry traffic on the Caradon line in GW days by any chance?
  2. While legitimate protest is OK, the sheer number of them is overkill. Which in a lot of people makes an instant dislike of whatever its about to the point that nobody cares about the protesters or the protest so little is achieved except alienation the their cause. Brian
  3. Sure beats being run over by a car going 70mph! Brian
  4. When first arrived on these shores, I wore more formal attire but after a few years decided it wasn't really necessary as not many others did so all those sharp creased pants went to Goodwill! Brian
  5. Ironing jeans? Must be an English thing! Brian.
  6. Now why would you drive around to find the cheapest fuel to save money when you are using it up doing so? Brian
  7. Does this mean an en masse move from ER? Brian.
  8. Multisizing has always been the realm of tinplate trains. Lionel were past masters of the art until they were bitten by the scale bug a few years ago. Hornby and others had their versions but they were too toylike if thats possible Brian.
  9. Very mindful of my Dad who always kept a notebook up to date with every fill up. Over the many years of my cars fuel consumption, it has always averaged about 18.5 mpusg according to its computer. Doesn't seem to vary so I just buy at the best sale price - don't bother shopping around. Brian.
  10. Sadly still too far for me to visit, Alex Take some pictures? Brian.
  11. It didn't take long for even one of the most loyal to give up on the virtual avalanche of ads now encountered on these pages; it was possibly only a matter of time for this to happen. TBH, I would miss RMW if it wasn't here and I would hope that there are no more such intrusions planned for others may have similar thoughts! As others have noted, some ads play havoc with the site making it even more arduous to open certain content. Surely a more satisfactory balance can be achieved between the content and the ads before others feel as GWIWER does. Brian
  12. The price of postage plus the rising cost of US train related products has applied the brakes on future buys. Which means that I can now concentrate on UK items which I still need to get, although similar increases in price and postage are rising all too frequently. I have enough American stuff anyway, most bought when affordable - any you know how long ago that was! Brian.
  13. A lot depended on where one did the spotting whether it was stinker or flyer. In those days, most relied on the North Rd lane where they could sit\stand on the wall and watch the trains. By extension, Mutley and Laira were in easy cycling distance but there were the outliers at Tavistock Junct. etc, where at that time there was always a lot of shunting going on as well as fresh 'cops' coming off Hemerdon. Brian.
  14. The cars have fared better than the clothes Brian.
  15. If one lived on the upland sides of Plymouth, it was called the Saltash Flyer and when really busy had two carriages each side of the engine. Brian.
  16. N Korea has got itself a operating Missile Car which Lionel thought of many years ago. If its anything like mine, the missile doesn't go very far but the operation is similar. Brian.
  17. You can't escape ads in this day and age, they're everywhere. So why all the ado about ads herein? I can read the interesting bits and ignore ads and other intrusions; after all how long does it take to peruse RM Web? Brian.
  18. As much as it would be satisfying to all those motorists held up by their folly, such remarks are not exactly practical nor useful. Only a few years ago protesters, think votes for women variety; were thrown unceremoniously in jail and feeding tubes stuck up their noses or down their throats, a far worse fate and apparently legal. Protesting such as this is never OK as who knows who's in the back up; an ambulance, a mother on the way to the delivery room, people who don't need such nonsense to delay them at times like these. Brian.
  19. I dislike any PW especially those those that insist that it be done too frequently. I have a problem remembering them all. In this day and age there must be a simpler way. Brian
  20. Remember Railway Station? Another name change, from points this time; next it might be ties, then we'll all be able to converse in American! Cabooses anyone? Brian.
  21. Best to ignore them altogether, I chanced on this topic today and their nonsense will only make your day worse. If you can believe any of it if in sound mind, you've got to be a little nutty as well! OTOH, if such rubbish appeals to you, you are in good company from an ex prez of the US on down - he is a past master and has a similarly inclined following! Brian.
  22. Hearing Aids. My wife tells me I need them but of course I don't really!! Any suggestions on this subject? Brian.
  23. I seem to recollect that this was the name of an ice cream concoction found in British ice cream parlours usually at the seaside. Tall glass, lots of fruit and ice cream with a straw? Brian.
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