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Everything posted by brianusa

  1. Bunnings doesn't have the edge on dodgy wood. Over here, Home Depot, Lowes, etc, have the same problem and it takes a lot of sorting to find anything decent. Brian
  2. Somehow 'grouting the joints with mastic' seems a little trivial compared with what may assail them next time! Hope it works!! Brian.
  3. Thanks for the info on L & H. I used to avidly peruse their ads, picking cars as I went! I was always an American car nut ever since after the war when my mother took me down to Millbay docks where Americans brought their cars over on the liners. Eventually I was able to satisfy my yearnings over the years with a Plymouth Belvedere, Olds 98 convertible as well as sundry imports but still have my Lincoln Mk8 which is getting on for twenty years old! My wife seems to get the new ones; an Acura TL saloon, another import! Brian.
  4. Sometimes the B/W photos make the model seem more realistic. Brian.
  5. Clutter is a dilemma for most similar projects. One mans clutter is another man's treasure and tourist railways recognise this as they have to appeal to the family and we all know how the ladies like everything neat and tidy. They like flowers and new paint and no dust and dirt especially if they have to sit down in carriages. Grass and weeds must be kept down and everything must just be like home. Enthusiasts may have a different take on this but Mother know best! Brian.
  6. You're lucky, where we live the timing is not so good! Brian.
  7. Talking of posh car dealers, years ago when I read The Autocar and such in the 1950s, there were always ads from a dealer in central London who seemed to specialise in new American cars. In those days, American cars were likened to the luxury cars available from the UK and were regarded with awe! I have forgotten the name so if someone could help me out it would be appreciated. Brian.
  8. Gosh, you guys are finicky! When I first bought the Airfix 14xxT and the autocoach,I thought they were the cats whisker! Brian.
  9. Hornby Junction, where both main lines converge. Bit quiet today, but it looks like a train will be coming shortly Brian
  10. When trains were extended down to Liskeard, didn't this mean a gap in the regular service timings? Or is that a daft question? Brian.
  11. Trevor, glad to see you figured it out. Thanks for the pictures. Brian.
  12. I admire your enthusiasm! The prospect of lugging a layout by air in this day and age is too daunting for me to imagine. Airlines and I don't get along much these days at the best of times, if there are any these days. Hope all goes well. Brian.
  13. Thanks Rick for your comment and all those lovely Cornish names on this St Pirans Day. The Helford River by its famous church was as close as I could come Brian.
  14. 'Train station' was mentioned on the BBC news site today. If the BBC says so it must be OK! Brian.
  15. Can't go wrong with Thomas and Hogwarts! Brian.
  16. Now perhaps they will paint that poor Pannier back into 'proper' colours. Brian.
  17. Agree with your comments on the postal services. Be lucky you dabble in OO as O can be really outrageous! Incoming purchases shouldn't be subject to duty. I have never paid any except when my wife went shopping at Selfridges! Brian.
  18. Must say you're brave. As a rule I've found Americans aren't interested in "foreign" trains and certainly don't understand or appreciate the British railway scene. Anybody should consider your layout interesting but I wonder if you get much of a crowd? Brian.
  19. Thanks Rich, for moving this. It will be a shame if thus branch gets lost for good. Brian.
  20. Good news for Andy's extension for Buckfast! Brian.
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