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Iron Horse

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Everything posted by Iron Horse

  1. Why thank you indeed If you're enjoying the 50 action, 50032 turned up on another trip working..........
  2. So a brief update with hopefully more to add as the week progresses. So firstly for Christmas from my daughter I got a fishmonger But that needed the roads permanently glued down. Now I liked the method I used to make them (found it on here somewhere) but I know they could probably be better....yes kerbs are still to be added Then it was time for a little play, 45036 enters the docks on a trip working. And 50031 enters with a local service from Plymouth Finally as a taster for further updates this week my daughter also got me this mess room for the rear corner. It's a tight fit and I know it's not scratchbuilt (promise on my next layout much more will be), but there is an overall depot plan.......it's a shame for starters that the corner there is made up of 2 layout extensions that aren't flat!!!!!! Thanks for looking.......I will try and get some more pics up tomorrow
  3. Looks great Phil........but they always do bud.............well done
  4. I removed some PVA bonded ballast at the weekend just gone.......couple of teaspoons of boiling water and it lifted a treat ;-)
  5. Yeah come Phil, I'm sure Mick is dying to see the rest of your hoovers..........lol!!!! So any pics of the 58 yet? BTW 37558 has been sat on Gresty all weekend
  6. Think I end up spending more time worrying about doing something than actually doing it.......it's a habit I must break!!!!!!
  7. Looks fabulous bud and your speed of progress with such quality seems awesome. Keep it up!
  8. That looks ace........well more than ace How did you do the inside if you don't mind me asking?
  9. Hi Jim, am I right in saying that the Baglan Logs don't run anymore? I guess the factory either has enough coming down from the north or they have run out of trees in Wales!!!!!! Thanks for the continued updates
  10. Mick....that is the most depressing post I've ever read.........lol. You are so knowledgeable with this part of our hobby you put myself to shame.......God I would love to understand all that you are saying there. Think I shall end up just admiring from a distance Keep up the good work and I look forward to seeing this layout soon
  11. Thanks Phil and also a big thanks to Stephen (ayrmrg) for his help with regards to the lights on my 33, all is perfect on it again now
  12. It's a mis-match I reckon.........side window filled in refurbished......sand boxes original.........lol!!!!!
  13. There's no electrification flashes and it looks like there are sand boxes so I'm assuming 1967 but were the axle boxes painted like that then?
  14. Hiya Phil, sorry I'd forgotten, how did you fade that paintwork again bud? Cracking example
  15. I've got Ajax still in it's box from it's release last year, now what a machine she was in the final years Got to up my weathering game before I have ago at that though Any Gala's planned this year and the same to your family too.......
  16. So as we embark on 2017 I'd just like to wish all of you that have either browsed, commented or even followed my humble Teignquay layout thread a very happy and healthy New Year
  17. Hope you're having a good Christmas Marcus, any idea where 59003 is these days I keep missing it......lol.
  18. It's should do.......you weathered it for me before I started to have a go
  19. Sorry Phil but "priorities" ...............that one is way down my list My collection is a far cry from yours........................
  20. Merry Christmas Mike, you have an excellent layout developing there..........that's why you have 60 followers
  21. Thanks ess1uk (and I had wondered about those ideas) but at the moment I think I am going to hold fire and do some research and practice In the meantime however, having fettled the edge of the platform by the point to enable running round and having got the wall in position it was time to tackle the last major bit of ballasting, here is the scale of the job....not that big really in the scheme of things That's enough for one night Back on it again the following evening And at last more of the dreaded plywood has disappeared Obviously it was then time for the best 50 ever to take centre stage, just ignore the container and Evoque!!! I will probably add some extra surface textures in some of the wider areas but I have deliberately left them slightly lower so I have some options at a later date. Then, I really wanted to get round to some serious testing but somehow Christmas and a requirement to decorate the kitchen seem to have got in the way, however I did like these few sneaky pics, a little night time ambience on the depot And a lovely South West sunrise Anybody out there had problems with Heljan 33 lights? The loco suddenly stopped working, research told me a higher rated (amps) decoder was probably more the order of the day. I briefly put a cheap decoder in to check it was working, it was with lights as well so I got a Lens decoder put that in and the movement is fine but the lights have stopped. I briefly put the cheap decoder back in, loco still moves but no lights. I've put the Lens one back in now and the control is ace but I've got no lights and can't find any loose wires and so any suggestions would be very welcome. Also a this point in time, many thanks to all of you that popped by over the last few months and I would just like to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
  22. I like them too........no way to justify them on my West Country layout though Why is it when a good layout comes along like Marcus's you end up wanting to change your own layout and location!!!!!!!
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