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Everything posted by Linesideohotos

  1. Well there is a prototype for everything !! Those of us with a green 2H Hampshire unit with small yellow panels can run this 2014 train . Air brakes being the requirement . Met 1 approaches Ropley Mid Hants Railway
  2. An up to date comparison between the Farish and EFE Longmoor Military Railway Austerities. As Kernow are doing some deals on them I couldnt say no !! Bet the old Farish one hauls more !
  3. A slight change on the loco thoughts. Why dont Hornby produce the T9 in its original Drummond form before the superheater mods etc. They have the tender and chassis already in their current production capacity . Just needs a new loco body ?? . An ideal match to all these LSWR liveried coaches both the EFE bogie and Hattons Hornby generic 4 and 6 wheelers. !!
  4. A few more detail shots of the stunning model . Cab doors in the detail pack fill the two holes in the tender and also you can see the cranked Con rod due to tight radius model curves. Unlike those that ordered theirs this week and got them mine has been on order since they were announced !! Same as the excellent Kernow Bulleid diesels.
  5. I cant help you with any sound files sorry im a DC man . I just thought I would pass on the sound error as I work with her every day.
  6. That flickr picture is in Eastleigh works at the back of the diesel test house . Once withdrawn she hasn't been far at all and was never a Tops registered loco although that is down to its owner. It only carried 2991 in BR ownership.
  7. She looks a bit better now and works 7 days a week at Eastleigh Works. Vac braked only.
  8. Well sorry to disappoint you but sound fitted it may be... Its not an 07 !! I work with an 07 at Eastleigh Works every day and well this is some Hydraulic sounding thing !!
  9. I don't think the Eastleigh Paint shop would agree on all those different liveries lol....
  10. For those interested here are the two most recent repaints fresh out the shops.
  11. Interesting picture to illustrate both these models and its a 2.6.2 converted into a 2.6.0 .....
  12. An incorrect chimney is wrong white plastic crossheads are black paint and easy to fix.
  13. Well it seems that Dapol have managed to pull out all the stops with a superb model and then cock it up with an incorrect diameter chimney. The so called face of an engine is what makes a model look right (weather it is or not in model form is another matter) The model with the latter non stovepipe chimney has a distinctly weedy chimney maybe Dapol can fix this before the models are fully manufactured. I hope this is not yet another case of so near and yet so far !! Here is a picture of 30096 at the Bluebell. You can see the model in its current guise is badly flawed.
  14. I would say they have the livery pretty spot on . Here is a shot of mine taken near Andover.
  15. As Dapol produced 30921 in its limited BR Lined black livery I opted for 30926 Repton . Very impressed so far it will get a run out today.
  16. With regard the Dutch livery carried on Cromptons it is a matter of angle of light when looking at photographs as you can see here there are different tones from different angles. However Dapol seem to have a nack of choosing any of the tone versions that are actually correct!! https://www.flickr.com/photos/linesidephotos/albums/72157653849840298/with/24261739894 There are some other Dutch and plain grey versions in my gallery. David
  17. I have been reading through the comments regarding the Executive livery / Gatwick livery debate. I think you will find that although the Gatwick sets and locos started off in the original Executive livery at the end of their service there had been a subtle change in the livery and colours used. Dapol seem to have fallen foul of this. The latter years Gatwick locos had a lighter lower beige panel for starters and the brown grey upper stripe had also changed to a black grey. This is evident in latter pictures and also some of the preserved EDLs that were former Gatwick locos. I don't know where Dapol did their hands on loco research but maybe this answers most of the comments over the last few pages. The latter 73/2 Gatwick loco may well be correct for latter service but the 73/1 isn't.
  18. With the talk of the correct shade of Grey in Executive livery in reality its a shade of Grey/Brown. The ex works colour has a background of a dark chocolate with grey in it.. Having gone through some of my pics and my close encounters of these when driving them at Eastleigh. I have also tried to paste a link to my Flickr site where there are quite a few shots of these but it wont have it for some reason.
  19. 33101 clearly showing the full fibre glass roof section.. All 33s are the same from that point of view. Its just the exhaust position that changed from when built to as they are now without the exhaust coming out the silencer box which is still fitted to the locos but not used. Regards David
  20. Light Pacifics WC/BoB running with Merchant tenders in Preservation is down to a lack of tenders at Barry Island as a batch of locos down there lost their tenders to the local Welsh Steel works as they were converted to carry molten steel rather than ending up as steel again ! So there are quite a few Bulleids preserved of all types with no tender a home made version or a Merchant . There were still some Light Pacific tenders left but I think most were rebuilt ones.
  21. This tender is off 34046 Braunton, Its 34007s third tender on the MHR. It started with a borrowed one from 35025 then had the larger tender from 35005 when that was withdrawn and then that was swapped with the smaller tender from Braunton . Its own new build tender is currently being finished off .. I hope you now are fully up to date. (Also hence why the paint is different !!) 34046 is also two shades of green.
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