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Everything posted by drduncan

  1. Glad to see you back on Queensbridge wharf! Excellent info on how you did the building. D
  2. Looking forward to seeing this at Railex. Beautiful modelling and very atmospheric. Duncan
  3. Just out of interest, but how did you make your signal diagrams? Duncan
  4. Hi Dave, No you hadn’t shown me the 3D of the Brigg. It certainly look better than my attempts with other drawings so far. Is it worth getting it printed/cut or not in your opinion? D
  5. Hi Dave, im going to use copydex for the track to camping mat. Just struggling to work out how I managed to get a non solvent free evostick. I’m thinking of cutting out the damage and either turning the damaged bit upside down and sticking it back to the remaining undamaged bit or constructing a replacement sub base of ply/pvc foamex D
  6. A hopefully minor disaster. Went to stick down some pvc foamex track bed on the second board and watched the knauf sub base surface dissolve into something like a lunar landscape! Seems the new evostick impact adhesive wasn’t the same as the old tin I used up a couple of weeks ago... Im sure I can salvage the baseboard, just not sure of the amount of work it will take or how much further it will put me behind schedule. Duncan
  7. drduncan

    Telegraph Poles

    Dave, Beautifully observed and excellent craftsmanship. Looking forward to Railex... DrDuncan
  8. Charlie, i hope you are able to finish this project soon! DrDuncan
  9. I note he is being held at a safe distance! D
  10. Beautiful workmanship on the Buffalo and I love the illuminated signal box interior. Duncan
  11. Cameras to aid uncoupling? I’d been thinking along those lines for Nampara. Do tell us more! DrDuncan
  12. Mike, This is excellent stuff as always from you! It is also yet another spur for me to learn 3D so I can finally have that 3521 0-4-4t in both 'narrow' and broad gauge versions! Now if only I could find more time.... Duncan
  13. I have finished adding cosmetic chairs to the first baseboard, so I’ve moved on to adding the power supply droppers. It’s my intention to run two separate leads to each piece of rail, however the amount of short rail sections in the common and k crossings in the points and diamond may limit this. On the plus side the common crossing components were all electrically bonded in construction so I hope just two leads will suffice. I also took delivery of the above board servo mounts for the points. And put in position on the left hand baseboard.
  14. I hope this will be fixed soon as it is most off putting to put it politely! drduncan
  15. Hi Dave,

    Amy progress with the River class?


    Hope to see you at Railex in a few weeks.



    1. Mikkel


      Now that sounds interesting!

  16. Do tell more about the Broad Gauge side of things. drduncan
  17. Excellent project Mikkel! I especially like the modular idea and hope you carry it through. Really looking forward to seeing this section develop- love the intended view from the road. DrDuncan
  18. The Wolverton goods is crying out to be modelled I think, just like the GWR 3521 044t....
  19. Well carpet underlay makes very good long grass, so not quite sleeping bags but close (ish)! D
  20. Chaps, Many thanks for the comments and suggestions. I had had thought long and hard about screwing in from the bottom, but using foam insulation as the baseboard and pvc foam board as the track base seem to preclude this - I have doubts about self tapping screws lasting beyond one removal of a coil, hence my thoughts about hanging them from above, which would also allow a bigger area for weight distribution. I completely agree about the importance of stopping the bolt spinning. I had been thinking about either using a lock nut between the coil and the track base, or a lot of expoy adhesive! I confess I hadn’t thought of a tee nut, which is an excellent idea if I can force them home into the foam board. I shall experiment and report back! Regards Duncan
  21. What’s the date/provenance of the photo? The 060 tender loco is very interesting too! DrDuncan
  22. Very impressive! How much does Hercules weigh? DrDuncan
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